Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 273: : The image of the ex-husband

Shu Tinglan remembered that when he got divorced, he was pretty generous, and this mansion worth hundreds of millions of dollars was given to her.

"This house belongs to you, it has nothing to do with me," she said.

"It's in your name." Zhuo Yuan was serious this time.

He repeatedly emphasized that the house is in her name? Do you want to take it back and need her to sign it? Shu Tinglan understood his meaning instantly and replied one by one

: "When will Mr. Zhuo be free? I will cooperate with you to transfer the account at the Housing Management Bureau at any time." It wasn't hers, she didn't want it.

Zhuo Yuan smiled

"Ting Lan, does my ex-husband have such an image in your heart? There is still reason to return the things sent out?"

He recognized himself as his ex-husband, and Shu Tinglan felt a little uncomfortable, and had nothing to say for a while.

Seeing this, Zhuo Yuan was interested in continuing to talk about it.

"I'm not like some people, who have a few hundred dollars worth of things and want to go back." He was referring to the Hetian jade pendant in his car.

Doesn't that mean who else can she say? The anger in my heart went up, but I couldn’t refute it, so I had to change the subject.

: "Where's my mother's stuff?"

Zhuo Yuan didn't dare to tease her anymore, and opened the box in his hand, which contained a watch.

"This is the gift my mother gave me when we got married. I haven't been willing to take it with me. Now I will give it to you."

Because her mother had passed away, he took out the watch to her, as a thought for her.

When Shu Tinglan saw the watch, she had a little teary eyes. She had the impression that her mother bought it a long time ago and said that she would give it to the future son-in-law, but she didn't know when she would give it to Zhuo Yuan.

"Thank you." Shu Tinglan took the watch, and this time thanked him sincerely. Mother left very few things, and this watch is very precious.

Zhuo Yuan nodded

: "Let's go after dinner."

Shu Tinglan looked up at him and saw that his expression was dull, but the invitation was sincere. For the sake of this watch, she agreed.

Zhuo Yuan didn't greet her again, and turned to the kitchen to heat up the cold food, which was already prepared when he went to pick her up at the hotel.

The kitchen is open, and you can see him busy in front of Nakajima stage at a glance. Just like many years ago, Shu Tinglan turned his face away, and was a little inexplicable about his behavior tonight. He was supposed to be avoided. Why? Are you just sitting here?

Probably because Zhuo Yuan's eyes were too calm when he looked at her, he really regarded her as a friend, which made her relax her vigilance.

Zhuo Yuan has brought three dishes and one soup, and while serving her soup, he said

: "I haven't cooked for many years, do you think the taste is still the same?"

Very natural words and actions.

Shu Tinglan was a bit tasteless, and the two shouldn’t have anything to do with each other. She took a couple of mouthfuls and got up.

: "Thank you for returning my mother's watch."

She is also polite and polite, just begging not to meet again after today.

Zhuo Yuan didn't get up, only said quietly behind her

: "Ting Lan, even though we are divorced, we are still friends."

"And I'm sorry, I wasn't by your side when Mom died."

He restrained all his emotions as much as possible, said these two sentences in a calm manner of expounding the facts, and did not want to give her any emotional pressure. He has missed three years and does not care to wait another three years.

However, he was too calm, so calm that Shu Tinglan thought he was hypocritical.

So this world didn't empathize with it. As long as he knew how she had survived the past few years, he wouldn't be over with such a frivolity of sorry.

But this is fine, at least there is no need to have anything to do with her, she can go home without worrying about him coming to grab the child from herself.

So she looked back at him and smiled

: "It's okay, it's all over."

The irony is full, and it is also polite with a deep demarcation.

Yes, only a stranger will easily say that it doesn't matter.

If you are facing someone you care about, or someone you love, you will have to rush into the other's arms and cry for a bit of grievance.

She did not refuse the hotel Zhuo Yuan sent her back to.

"When to go back?"


"Okay, good voyage."

Shu Tinglan took Xiaoxin to the procuratorate the next day and submitted all the complaint materials and went straight to the airport to go home.

Zhuo Yuan went to work the next day later than usual. When he arrived at the office, he met Lin Zhitong who had come to take Fu Shenyi to work. He nodded to her as a greeting.

However, Lin Zhitong had always been consistent and dismissed him at all, rolled his eyes at him, and then continued to chat with Sister Cui in the secretary room.

She has a lively personality and often comes to send Fu Shenyi to and from work, and she has become friends with sister Cui once and again. Sister Cui has forgotten her rudeness when she ran into Zhuo's head office, and now she likes her very much.

Sister Cui revealed: "We have found Miss Shu, Mr. Zhuo, now she is a bit popular."

Sister Cui knew that Lin Zhiyi knew the Miss Shu, but she didn't know how good their relationship was. As soon as she finished speaking, Lin Zhitong's face suddenly changed, looking at her

"Zuo Yuan found Tinglan?"

Before Sister Cui could answer, Lin Zhitong ran to Zhuo Yu'an's office like a gust of wind, leaving only her faint perfume smell in the air.

She was always rude to Zhuo Yuan and rushed into the office out of breath

"Have you found Tinglan? Give me your contact information!" You are also overbearing!

Zhuo Yuan didn't speak, but lowered his head to operate the mobile phone. With a ding-dong, Lin Zhiyi's mobile phone received the message from him. It's Shu Tinglan's current mobile phone number and work location!

"She has been in H city for the past few years?"

"Yeah!" he replied. When the time is right, he will go to City H himself!

Lin Zhiyi looked at Zhuo Yu'an after looking at the information on the phone, and suddenly realized: "You old fox, did you deliberately let Sister Cui tell me the news about Dinglan?"

Zhuo Yu'an was uncomfortable, and if he wanted to get back to Tinglan, he had to restore his previous state.

"Listen to Lan and ignore you?" She guessed gleefully!

"Want to rely on me to help you?" She asked again!

Ha ha!

"Zhuo Yuan, your wishful thinking is wrong, find Tinglan, I am the first to oppose you being together!"

Zhuo Yuan's face suddenly became gloomy, and Lin Zhiyi Shi Shiran left.

When calling Tinglan’s phone, her heart was lifted, and after two beeps, Shu Tinglan’s cold voice came.


"Shu Shu, it's me!" Lin Zhitong suddenly choked on the tip of his nose when he heard the sound of a long absence.

Shu Tinglan was boarding the plane to go home at this time. Hearing Lin Zhiyi's voice was also a pain in his heart:

"Thank you?" After many years, the first time she talked with her best friend, she was both excited and sad.

"Where are you?" Lin Zhitong asked.

"I'm boarding the plane, will I contact you when I get home?" She stopped to answer the phone.

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