Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 289: : Have two children

Lin Zhiyun's heart was still pounding, it was frightening, she looked at the old fox sitting calmly next to her, she asked in a low voice

"What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting, I just don't know how much you know about this Mr. Yi?" At that time, he hadn't thought of the relationship between the two children and him. When the two were together in the past, he respected Tinglan and took care of contraception every time. She was not ready to be a mother, so he did not force her at all. Besides, he and Tinglan's child? Too extravagant, I can't even think about it. The clever life is confused for a while.

So at this moment, I just thought, those two children belonged to Yi Muyang? Does Tinglan know?

"Does Tinglan know about this Mr. Yi has two children?" He is not a villain, but is really worried that Tinglan will be deceived.

Lin Zhiyi's face turned red and white. The mouth opened and closed, closed and opened, and I didn't know what to say for a while, just thinking, there are times when such a shrewd person can be so slow to respond?

"Have you seen those two children?" she asked cautiously.

"I met it by chance at the airport."

"Oh." How should I put it, Lin Zhitong could no longer describe his feelings at this time, just an expression of eating shit, looking at Shu Tinglan who was defending with tongue, gun, lips and sword, speechless.

"So you and Tinglan know that Mr. Yi has a child? And Tinglan is willing to be someone else's stepmother?" Zhuo Yuan asked seriously.

Lin Zhitong thought to himself: If you have a good mind, Mr. Zhuo, wouldn't you ask such idiot questions? Do you know what you missed? Missed tens of billions...

Contemptuous in his heart, he sighed on the surface and replied: Yes, Mr. Lan Aiyi is so in love with him, what is it to be a stepmother.

Succeeded in seeing Zhuo Yu'an's face become ashen.

The whispers here angered the judge again and shouted again:

"Please be quiet in the gallery!"

Lin Zhitong shut up immediately.

Shu Tinglan looked at them in the auditorium. Yi Muyang and Zhuo Yu'an were sitting one after another. Her expression was slightly shocked, and she immediately adjusted her mentality, turning her head to continue the interruption.

Because all the defense materials and testimony were included when submitting the complaint before, and the relevant trial personnel had already read it, she continued to elaborate on the relevant evidence and defense statements and asked the court to acquit Xu Wei.

Just like her speech at the seminar, she put forward the view that there is no suspicion.

First of all, there was serious negligence in the trial 18 years ago, that is, Xu Wei's fingerprints and any strong evidence that could directly prove to be him were not found at the crime scene, and there were no witnesses at the scene.

Only by relying on the Jiefang brand cloth shoes of the same size and the hemp rope that every household has, he can be concluded that he is a murderer, which is a blasphemy against the law.

The injuries on Xu Wei's body can prove that his confession was signed after torture and coercion. When she checked the dossier, she found that the investigators who interrogated Xu Wei had been doing bad things. Five years ago, they had been suspended for torture to extract a confession. These are enough to prove that Xu Wei's confession was not his intention.

Finally and most importantly, the confession of the new suspect, Wang, is fully consistent with the details of the crimes committed with friends in the past and the scene of the crime recorded in the file.

The truth has surfaced, and Xu Wei is the victim of unjust, false, and wrongly filed cases.

Shu Tinglan almost didn't have any pause, the logic was rigorous, and the truth of the case was restored one by one. Each point of view was supported by a complete chain of evidence.

This can be said to be a perfect defense.

Zhuo Yuan, who was in the last row of the auditorium, looked at her radiantly above. In addition to deeper emotions, there was also an indescribable loss in his heart. His girl has grown like a warrior, able to overcome obstacles. , Can ride the wind and waves.

There was little doubt that Judge Liu declared Xu Wei innocent in court.

The audience in the audience cheered. Mother Xu, who was sitting at the front, staggered to the front and cried with Xu Wei. She waited for 18 years, from black hair to white hair, from youth to middle age, suffering in her life. Only mother and son can understand.

Their wailing moved everyone around, and Shu Tinglan bowed his head and silently sorted out the materials on the table, unwilling to reveal the excitement and touch in his heart at this time. Only those slightly trembling hands revealed the waves in her heart.

For the first time, I really felt the value of this job.

Xu's mother took Xu Wei's hand and walked to her. The mother and son knelt in front of her with a thud. Without a word, they just banged their heads at her three times.

How could Shu Tinglan stand this, he hurriedly bent over to support them.

Xu's mother can't afford it, holding her hand tightly with tears in her eyes

"Lawyer Shu, you are the great benefactor of our Xu family and our second-born parents." No words can express the gratitude of Xu's mother at this time. Along the way, Lawyer Shu never left, accompanied her to visit all parties, find evidence, find people, stay up late to read the case files, and not let go of any details, only to have today's victory.

Shu Tinglan was moved and at a loss as to what to do. She was so sincerely grateful in public that she was ashamed. In this case, she is just one of the screws. It is a moving relationship between all parties. There are Director Han, justice like Judge Liu, and the result of the voice of the outside world. There is also the responsibility of the rule of law in the current society, able to face the mistakes of the past. .

Yi Muyang in the auditorium smiled, gave her a thumbs up, and praised her with his mouth: awesome!

On the other side, Xiaoxin cried with snot and tears. She accompanied Lawyer Shu all the way. In her opinion, even though there were external factors in this case, it was the result of Lawyer Shu's persistent efforts.

Zhuo Yuan was very quiet, looked at the shining person in front of him in silence for a while, and then left the court quietly. While in the car, he sent a message to her WeChat, very simple: Listening to Lan, congratulations.

She has always been a girl who works hard. She used to be, and now she is even more sharp-edged. He never doubted her ability, but never thought it would grow so fast.

When Shu Tinglan went to court to change clothes, he drove to Zhuo Yu'an's message. After thinking about it, he deleted it, but didn't reply. Yi Muyang hurried back after the court session. He really took the time to go to Senzhou to see her in court, and he left after watching.

She couldn't wait to return to City H. This time she was out for more than a week and missed the children.

But in the evening, Director Han of the Lawyers Association specially organized a celebration banquet for her and invited several well-known lawyers in the industry, as well as Judge Liu from the court. She couldn’t escape, so she had to take Xiaoxin and stay in Senzhou for another day. Go home tomorrow.

To her surprise, at the celebration banquet, she actually saw Zhuo Yu'an.

Zhuo never believed that he would be so lucky, so he didn't think about it at all...

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