Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 297: : It's all here

Good one has come, how can you come back empty-handed?

Ding Zhi admiredly watched his back free and easy going upstairs. His vision is not wrong. Yi Muyang's optimism, bloodliness, and sense of responsibility are all the people he is looking for. He has been observing him for many years, and he can't be wrong.

Yi Muyang went back to the room and sent a message to Tinglan, an emoticon with a crying face

: "The training has added some items, and I can't go back for the time being."

When Shu Tinglan saw the message early in the morning, he also sent a crying face.

"I don't want to work, I want to go home."

Yi Muyang laughed and sent her a selfie, a close-up of her face sunburned. There was too much sunlight here during the day.

"Why don't you apply sunscreen?" Shu Tinglan asked.

"Remember to paint next time. By the way, let Aunt Liu take the two children home to live with. There are many people in the family, so there is a caregiver." He still couldn't go back for a while, and Tinglan was on a business trip again, and he was not sure when to go back. , And asked Aunt Liu to bring two children alone, not at ease, because she was afraid that she could not cope with it.

"Thank you." Shu Tinglan thanked her sincerely. Without saying a lot of things, Yi Muyang could know her thoughts.


After chatting, Shu Tinglan felt much better. This time she came to Senzhou to pick up the case of Wenjian. She didn't bring Xiaoxin, so she simply lived in her own suburban home again, which saves money on the one hand and makes it easy to get acquainted with.

Last night arrived, and when I got up this morning, Lin Zhiyi brought breakfast again. He still liked to take care of her as much as before, fearing that she would not be able to take care of herself.

The two were eating breakfast, Lin Zhiyi was a little bit grumbling

: "You really accepted Wen Jian's request? Why are you so unpromising, afraid of what she will do."

Based on Lin Zhiyi's understanding of her, this person is very mind-blowing. If he does accept the case, he will definitely handle the case, put aside personal grievances, and go all out to help Wen Jian win the case.

Shu Tinglan turned the subject off, not wanting to talk about work with Lin Zhiyi.

"You come to eat breakfast with me, isn't your husband jealous?"

"Make him jealous more, it is conducive to the relationship between husband and wife."

In Fu Shenyi's heart, Lin Zhiyi is a cloud in the sky, erratic, and always let him chase.

"Shu Shu, there is something, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"what's up?"

"That time in the courtroom, Zhuo Yuan was sitting next to me. He said that he had seen two children."

The spoon in Shu Tinglan's hand fell off the porcelain plate with a bang, and his face instantly turned pale.

"Where did you see it?"

"Don't worry, he didn't recognize it, he thought it was Yi Muyang's child. It seems that at the airport long ago, Yi Muyang came to Senzhou with two children alone."

It turned out that he and the children still had this fate, and had seen it long before she knew it.

Lin Zhitong: "At that time, he was still a complete stranger, and Shu Xiaonian was a lot taller than Shu Xiaohe. He didn't seem to be born at the same time, so he didn't think about anything else, thinking you would be someone else's stepmother. I’m really speechless to him, as long as he is more confident and bold in guessing, he won’t be able to."

Shu Tinglan understood Zhuo Yu'an. When he was not divorced, he always respected her and knew that she didn't want children, so he would be careful to avoid pregnancy every time. She herself knew that when she was pregnant, she couldn't believe it, let alone Zhuo Yuan, who had not seen her for three years.

"Have you ever thought about telling him about the kids? Shu Shu, even if I don’t like Zhuo Yuan, and I don’t agree with you being together, but I think he will be a good father. Let him know, you don’t have to Live this frightening life again."

"It is precisely because I know that he will be a good father, I am even more afraid. I am afraid that he will use any means to grab the custody of the child from me. Phantom, with my current conditions, what can I use to fight for custody with him?"

What's more, there is his mother Cheng Zhimin behind. With Cheng Zhimin's persistence and means, what will she do to the children? She couldn't even think about it.

All the contempt, contempt, and contempt that she had encountered in Cheng Zhimin before, she was not allowed to appear on the children, even one in ten thousand.

Of course Lin Zhitong understood her situation and could not help suggesting:

"If you marry Yi Muyang and give the children a complete family, coupled with his family's financial resources and the relationship with the children, Zhuo Yuan really wants to grab custody rights, can't you take it away?"

Shu Tinglan was taken aback and looked at Lin Zhitong.

"What do you think of Ren Yi Muyang?" She is so guilty of relying on his family to take care of the children. Even if what Lin Zhiyi said was reasonable, she would never do it.

"Shu Shu, it doesn't matter what I think of him, what matters is what you think of him."

"We are male and female friends. If we will discuss marriage in the future, it must be because we want to spend the rest of our life together. This is the only reason." There will be no other factors.

Lin Zhiyi didn't say anything. As an emotional counselor, she can wake up the confusion of the customer in one word when facing customers, but when facing friends, she hopes that she will rarely be confused.

After breakfast, Lin Zhiyi sent her to Wenjian’s company.

It was the first time for Shu Tinglan to come to See Xin Ruijue, and Wen Jian personally came to pick her up at the door. Although the company that was about to close down had filed a lawsuit, there was still a busy scene inside the company, and the employees were very motivated to work. , It seems that they don’t know that the company is in crisis, and they are about to lose their jobs.

I have to say that Wen Jian is very good at drawing blueprints for employees, commonly known as brainwashing. The company maintains normal operations and has the opportunity to reinvest in it. After all, in this market, many people want to come in with money.

Wen Jian explained: "There are still some small businesses in the works."

Shu Tinglan was noncommittal and followed her into her office.

"Ting Lan, thank you very much for coming to help me."

The two of them didn't exchange much greetings, and went directly to the topic. Mainly, Wen Jian sent relevant financial statements and the investment agreement with Hengsheng Capital to Shu Tinglan.

Shu Tinglan had already read about these financial fraudulent accounts from Lawyer Sun before, so at this time, he also briefly read about it.

"From these materials alone, the evidence that you fraudulently defrauded Hengsheng Capital’s investment is very sufficient, and it is difficult to defend."

She looked at the computer coldly, and said lightly.

Wen Jian is also very calm, speaking of:

"This is the behavior of the company, not my personal behavior. There is no reason to only make me bear the responsibility. Second, all the fraudulent materials do not have my signature. At the beginning, the company's financial staff was also the company's financial staff. During the docking, I didn't know it." Wen Jian left a hand early, just to get out of the body when the time comes.

"You are a legal person." Shu Tinglan reminded her coldly.

Continue to say

: "Your case, the only thing we can fight is whether this is a fraud case or an ordinary economic dispute case."

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