Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 300: : Elevator intimacy 2

After the workers of the moving company squeezed the sofa into the elevator, they squeezed in the owner of the sofa.

Shu Tinglan and Zhuo Yu'an were squeezed into the corner of the elevator and firmly pressed against the elevator wall. The sofa successfully distinguished them from the workers outside, forming a hidden space inside.

It was too crowded. Shu Tinglan put his hands back against the elevator wall, trying to separate a certain distance from Zhuo Yuan, but it was useless and the space was too small. The two were facing each other tightly and could smell each other. The taste can even hear each other faster and faster, like the heartbeat of a drum.

Shu Tinglan still wears a pair of high heels today, so at this time her face is facing Zhuo Yuan’s shoulder, er, that is, her breathing is all on his neck, she has to turn her head to the side, but The result of twisting to one side is that the line of sight is directly facing his jaw line and the Adam's apple.

In fact, Shu Tinglan was very nervous. He pressed his body too tightly, and was extremely sensitive to any small movement, just ten seconds, as if it had been several hours.

She felt relieved when she heard the ding of her floor.

However, the two of them were stopped inside the sofa, and the mover outside the sofa shouted at them

: "I'm sorry, please continue upstairs with us, and then go out later."

Because if you want to go out now, it is bound to be necessary for the workers to move out the sofas for them to move in after finishing the road. Shu Tinglan is not an embarrassing character, so he has to continue to be trapped inside, as the elevator continues to move up.

The two of them were stuck together almost closely, Zhuo Yuan's back was the sofa, and he really couldn't take a step back. The two are so familiar with each other, even if they haven't seen each other for a few years, all the memories of the body are still there. Under such an environment, the intimacy of the past suddenly jumped into the brain.

Shu Tinglan only felt that his face was burning badly, especially as far as he could see, when he saw his Adam's apple roll up and down insignificantly.

"I'm sorry, please bear with me!" Zhuo Yuan's hoarse voice came.

He distracted as much as possible. Her body had a smell he was too familiar with, and there was also a faint smell of milk that he didn't have before, and his brain was chaotic at this time. If it were not supported by will, he might not be a gentleman. I just want to bow my head and kiss her fiercely. At such a close distance, one bow is enough.

"Yeah." When she replied in a single word, she realized that her voice didn't look like her own.

Very embarrassed, not only blushed, but also his ears.

The elevator finally arrived, and the people from the moving company moved the sofa out like a gust of wind, and said sorry to them by the way.

As soon as the space was wide, Zhuo Yuan moved aside before her, and was anxious to separate the two people than she was. He was standing side by side in the elevator in embarrassment, pretending to watch the number of words jumping on the elevator floor.

It wasn't until the elevator numbers jumped to the first floor that they suddenly realized that when they went down just now, no one had pressed her floor, so they went straight down to the first floor.

As soon as the door opened, seven or eight people came in hula la, and some came in with a stroller, complaining as they came in

: "Why the elevator next to it broke down again? It's slow."

The elevator was filled with people in an instant, Zhuo Yuan turned around subconsciously, blocking the push of others for Shu Tinglan. This time the different sofas were solid and immobile. Someone squeezed from time to time, and their bodies collided from time to time. Shu Tinglan was wearing high heels, and in order to stand firm, he accidentally held his waist with both hands.

As soon as she put her hand on his waist, Zhuo Yu's body stiffened a bit, and the hands that were originally supported in the elevator could not help tightening.

Stopping floor by floor, the crowded people in the elevator gradually got out. They had no time to press the floor of her house just now, and then followed the elevator up, and then when they came down, Shu Tinglan quickly pressed his hand on the floor of his house.

When she arrived on the floor of her house, as soon as the elevator door opened, she hurried out and was finally able to separate the distance from Zhuo Yuan.

"Ting Lan." His hoarse voice came from behind.

When she turned her head, she fell into his arms.

He was no longer suppressing himself, because he could no longer suppress him, he trapped her in his arms, holding her waist with one hand, and controlling her head with the other, bowed his head and kissed fiercely, not even like a kiss, more like a bite , Can't wait, depressed for a long time. An offensive like a violent storm made Shu Tinglan unable to retreat and escape.

The more she hid, the tighter he chased.

It was so airtight that she wanted to bite him like last time, and there was no room for it.

He was about to suffocate, before he let go of her, but his hands still kept the same movement.

He panted, his voice low: "Ting Lan, you still have feelings for me."

He felt the light trembling she had just now, and even he felt her longing for forbearance. This is not his illusion, let alone the sixth sense, it is experience. They had been so close, their bodies were so fit, and they had done countless things. He could judge a small movement of the other party, or even a confused breath of the other party.

"Ting Lan, why can't you come back? You obviously still have feelings for me, don't you?"

He didn't care who she was with in the past few years, as long as he came back.

Shu Tinglan looked at him with her eyes open. From a very close distance, she came back slowly and became sober. She smiled faintly.

: "I have feelings for people with good stature." These are words learned from Lin Zhiyun, used at this moment, appropriate.

Zhuo Yuan held her waist tightly, and Shu Tinglan thought he would be angry, but he smiled slightly when he saw him.

"So, Tinglan, do you admit that you still feel for me? And admit that I am in good shape?"

? ? ? He went around unexpectedly.

The corridor sensor light went out at the right time, and the two of them fell into darkness instantly. Just as Shu Tinglan spoke out and wanted the sensor light to light up, the ending sound disappeared in Zhuo Yuan's lips.

Suddenly he picked her up and went to the door of her house. When he reached the door and pressed the code, he found out that she had changed the code.

"Let me down first and I will open the door."

Zhuo Yuan put her down, and as soon as she left him, she finally woke up completely, pressed the code, the door clicked open, she went in, blocked the door, and didn't want him to enter.

"Zhuo Yuan, thank you for letting me see what a terrible woman I am."

"Ting Lan, it's not..."

Without waiting for him to go down, she slammed the door shut.

Without turning on the light in the room, she leaned against the door and never walked in. She felt that she was terrible. It was a hundred and ten thousand times worse than her father back then. So she was bleeding from her father's blood, which is in her genes. Inferior people? I hate myself like never before, and even feel that I am not qualified to be the mother of the children.

Zhuo Yu’an’s message came from the cell phone, and he said: Listening to Lan, I’m sorry, I didn’t control myself tonight, it’s my fault, you’re fine, you’ve always been fine. Please also face your own heart, I am willing to wait for you, always.

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