Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 310: : See the child

The inexplicable but true Chun dream last night made her anxious and despised herself even more; Yi Muyang went to Yunnan and was in danger, but she couldn't help at all, so she could only worry about it.

I was very tired, thinking of these things, but couldn't sleep. Only by being close to the soft bodies of the children can her emotions gradually calm down.

Until the next morning, I finally received Yi Muyang's message, which was simple: safe, don't read it.

It didn't look like his style, but when she called again, he stopped answering again.

She didn't dare to keep calling, for fear that it would be inconvenient for him to answer the phone and put him in danger. For the next three days, Yi Muyang would report his safety on time. But the more so, the more worried she became. If he didn't come back, she decided to go to Yunnan to find someone in person. She couldn't rest assured before seeing him.

Zhuo Yuan has been in H City for three days. In these three days, he did keep his promise, did not disturb her, and did not show up. He just parked the car near her law firm every day to watch her go in and out. Busy figure.

In fact, this was a very novel feeling. She lived a completely different life in a city completely unfamiliar to him. It seemed that she could live well without him.

She is very busy. Every morning, she always rushes into the office building of the law firm from the opposite road. Often within half an hour after arriving at the law firm, she will bring her assistant Xiaoxin out, about to see clients, not to carry them. Holding a notebook is holding a pile of documents.

The office building of the law firm is an old building and there is not enough parking space, so her car is always parked across the road. According to his observation, the other side of the road is actually not a serious parking space, that is, everyone stops on the side of the road, and it becomes a parking lot over time.

And she has made great progress in her car skills, so she can basically get in with such a small parking space. One time when she was a little bit off, she reversed the car and tried to move her position. As a result, she just came out, and a small car next to it got out of nowhere, and it took her place.

She seemed a little frustrated, got out of the car, knocked on the window of the driver's seat of the small car, pointed to her car, indicating that this was her location.

Maybe her expression was too scary, or the lawyer card she took out to bluff the other party, and the other party gave her the parking space in a desperate manner.

He couldn't help but feel amused when he looked at it, and it was a lot different from the Tinglan he had in mind. This Tinglan had a little bit of market air, but it was also more lively.

It was a mess. When she got off work that day, his car followed her. After seeing her where she worked in the past few years, he couldn't help but want to see where she lives.

Then she followed her car through a few intersections, and finally saw her car parked near a kindergarten.

She got out of the car and walked to the entrance of the kindergarten. After a while, she took a friend out with one hand and walked into the car with a smile.

It was the two children I saw at the airport, who was still completely unfamiliar with Yi Muyang holding one in one hand. He only remembered that the picture was very beautiful, but he had only a vague impression of the two children, and he had forgotten the specifics. The facial features, goodbye at this time, because it was Tinglan holding one in one hand, and then looking at the children's facial features, some thoughts flashed quickly in his mind. These few thoughts alone made his heart beat faster and almost forgot to breathe.


can you?

There has never been such an extravagant hope before, and there has never been even an illusion.

When he regained his breathing and reacted, Tinglan's car had already been driven without a trace. He has always been a calm person, but he couldn't calm down at this moment. He drove the car and shuttled through the streets of H City, still unable to eliminate the swelling, rushing excitement in his heart. Affection.

He called Lu Kuo. Lu Kuo was arguing about a meal and saw Zhuo Yuan’s call hurriedly answered.

: "What's the matter?"

In front of a friend, Zhuo Yuan suddenly couldn't say a word. Those surging emotions made his throat tighten.

"Let's talk later." Pan Huang hung up the phone.

"??" Lu Kuo scolded him, then returned to the dinner.

Zhuo Yuan’s mood is still difficult to calm down, and it took a lot of effort to restrain himself from looking for Tinglan, nor let the surging emotions overwhelm him. When he returned to the hotel, he used a computer to invade the kindergarten’s. surveillance system.

This matter is effortless for him.

He quickly saw the two children in the surveillance video and found out their class by the way.

Shu Xiaonian?

Shu Xiaohe?


He could see the meaning of these two names at a glance, that she was commemorating her mother.

Looking back at the date of birth, it is estimated that he was pregnant two months before the divorce. The hand on the keyboard stiffened, and the blood in the whole body rushed to the brain, whistling and jumping, with a splitting headache.

Many things are missed like this.

He was heartbroken when he learned that her mother died a month after the divorce. Now he thinks of her at the time, facing the pain of bereavement alone, bearing the hardship of pregnancy and raising twins, and living in a strange city. , His heart was so painful that he didn't feel it.

Where was he back then? He feels self-pity and depression abroad, and tormented himself. What is his pain compared to her?

It was also at this moment that he suddenly understood why Tinglan repelled him so much, and why he did not return to him firmly. Because he is not qualified, in the past few years, he has been willing to look back at her once, even once, even as a friend to help her in life, she doesn't have to work so hard.

That's how she missed it. He never showed up when she needed him the most. Now that she has survived all the difficulties, how can she come back to him again?

From the moment of joy and excitement when he saw the children to the current regret and distress, various emotions were intertwined and complicatedly mixed together, which made him a little breathless. When he returned to the capital and came to H city, he was determined to listen to Lan’s His feelings, so as long as the parents' problems are solved, they can definitely start from scratch.

But when he saw the children, he knew that Tinglan did not pretend to hate him at all. It was he who turned her life upside down and then walked away by himself, leaving her to face all the hardships alone.

She hates him for excuses.

He couldn't help but take a screenshot of the child's information sheet, and then sent it to Lu Kuo. He always found someone to vent the emotion in his heart.

Lu Kuo Shen received this inexplicable information sheet in the middle of the night, and then took a close look at the heads of the two children on the information sheet. As shrewd as him, he suddenly jumped out of the bed and made noises.

"I'm silly, I'm silly..." I want to curse, but only instinctively reacts to these two words, which can most accurately express his explosive feelings at the moment.

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