Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 314: : Don't mean to be aggressive

Yi Muyang wanted to hide his injuries from Tinglan, but when he was pushed back to the ward after the operation, the wounds on his body were still exposed.

He had been under general anesthesia and didn't know how long he slept. When he woke up, there was already a light outside the window, and I saw Tinglan sitting quietly by his hospital bed with him.

He woke up faintly and wanted to laugh when he saw her.

Shu Tinglan was originally worried, but when he saw him smiling, he became angry, glared at him, pointed to his wound and asked.

: "If you don't explain, what's the matter?"

She was a little angry and worried that he didn't tell the truth.

Yi Muyang was much better at this time. Seeing Tinglan like this, he felt relieved and explained

"Go to Yunnan with Ding Zhi to find the leader of the poaching gang, Scar, who shot Song Song back then."

"Did you find it? So you booked a plane ticket to come back and made an appointment with me to meet at the airport."

"I found it, but Mr. Scar is very cunning and has stronger anti-tracking ability. So after spending some time with him, I found something was wrong, so I planned to come back and hand it over to the police to deal with. I promised my parents and Song Song My parents, I will never take risks in the future, and there are you and the children waiting for me. I don’t want to accompany the desperado Ding Zhi crazy. But when I was preparing to board the plane at the airport, I accidentally discovered that I was going to escape abroad. Master Scar, after all, he followed Ding Zhi to Yunnan specially to find him. If he was allowed to escape abroad, he might not be able to catch him in his life, so he was really impulsive at that time."

"Ting Lan, I was wrong and worried you."

"You hurt when you caught him?"

"Well, Lord Scar has a strong anti-tracking ability. When we chased him, we inevitably had a little physical conflict, but this injury is nothing, it's all skin trauma."

"Has the problem been solved?"


One question and one answer, the person who asked the question was very serious, and the person who answered the question was also very serious. Seeing that he did not look like a liar, Shu Tinglan completely believed him. Such a world is too far away from her, and she is also very discerning. Fake.

"Don't dare anymore, don't you be angry, okay?" Yi Muyang grabbed her hand. In fact, in his nine deaths, it was Tinglan who really supported his return, because he had an appointment with her to meet him at the airport. He was really afraid of himself. Can't come back.

He didn’t deceive Tinglan as to what happened. Before the airport, he was telling the truth, but after chasing Scar Master at the airport, everything changed drastically, including these injuries. I didn’t want to mention it anymore. .

Shu Tinglan sighed, helped him adjust the position of the hospital bed, and said

"I'm not angry. I know Song Song is your heart knot. If you don't bring the poaching gang to justice, you won't be truly happy. I'm just worried about you. You don't tell me anything."

Yi Muyang did not expect that she would know him this way, and moved slightly in her heart, holding her hand tightly and reluctantly to let go, promised

"No matter what happens in the future, I will not hide it from you."

Shu Tinglan nodded, "Are you tired? Do you want to sleep for a while."

Yi Muyang shook his head: "Aren't you tired, are the kids okay?"

"Very well, just ask every day when you will come back. I knew you were hospitalized just now, and I wanted to come and see you."

"Let them come when it's better, don't scare them."


Yi Muyang held her hand unwilling to sleep, but in such a safe environment, the tight string broke very loosely. After chatting with Tinglan for a while, he fell asleep unconsciously.

Shu Tinglan watched his eyebrows stretched and slept very securely, but the hand holding her had not been released, fearing that it would affect him to fall asleep, she kept sitting on the side of the hospital bed to accompany him.

In fact, because of the inexplicable Spring Dream in Senzhou, when she returned to City H, she had already decided on their relationship, but since meeting Yi Muyang at the airport yesterday, she couldn’t speak, especially at this time. He was so hurt that he was lying on the hospital bed, how could she be willing to hurt him again?

She will never forget that on the high speed of the heavy rain, when she was most desperate and helpless, it was like Yi Muyang who fell from the sky; and she will never forget that in the kindergarten parent-child sports meeting, Yi Muyang came with golden light. Mu Yang; I will never forget that in the days and nights he has been with her and the children bit by bit.

It was he who took her out of the mud of life, and it was he who gave the children the joyful childhood they should have.

Her goodwill and dependence on him are not fake.

As for the intimacy, she thought she had such a spring dream. Maybe it was related to the elevator contact the previous night, or maybe she had only the memory of Zhuo Yuan in her only intimacy, so it was normal to dream of him?

She found a reason for herself to convince herself, and thought that as long as she stopped going to Senzhou in the future and didn't interact with the previous people, everything should be restored to the original state.

At this time, she didn't realize that any relationship is natural, and she doesn't need to convince herself.

She also wanted to give herself and Yi Muyang a chance, because the peace of mind and security with him is what she wants most.

In the middle of the night, she fell asleep on the hospital bed in a daze.

The next day, she took a day off to take care of him in the hospital. She has experience. The two first met in the hospital. He broke his leg. She reported to the hospital on time every day for business. At that time, he was very disgusted with her.

Xu Shi thought of the scene of their first acquaintance at the same time, and both of them laughed.

"Why did you think of going online for consultation? It's not like your style." If you didn't go for online consultation, there would be no chance to get to know each other.

"Want me to tell the truth?" Yi Muyang asked.

"you say."

"At that time, I thought that lawyers who consult online must be of low level. Otherwise, lawyers with busy business have no time to waste time on the Internet? So I wanted to find a low-level lawyer named Tang, who is yours. University classmates."

"So you think my professional level is very low?"

"No, after chatting twice, I found that you were too professional and conscientious, so I was not interested, so I got offline, and then you came to me to look for it."

It seems that this is indeed the case, so the relationship between the two people started because of her.

Yi Muyang smiled: "So thank you for your persistence."

This thank you sentence is a pun, one is to thank her for insisting on coming to him at first, and the other is to thank her for her persistence now.

Shu Tinglan smiled and changed the subject: I went to the kindergarten to pick up the children to come to see you. When Aunt Liu sent them in the morning, she clamored to come.

"Okay, but I'm like this, is it okay for them to see it?" Yi Muyang was still afraid of scaring them.

"It's okay. In their eyes, Uncle Yi is Superman omnipotent. Let them know that Superman also has a vulnerable side."

"What is your logic? How can I ruin my image in front of the children." Yi Muyang was angry.

She went out without looking back

"That's what you mean by not being aggressive."

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