Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 324: : It has nothing to do with you

He is indeed very well-educated. Even if he is jealous or even hostile to Yi Muyang, he never says that Yi Muyang is not good. It makes him feel that he is not decent enough to say that he is not suitable for you.

I remembered that when she was chasing Tinglan, she also had a colleague Zhou Ming pursuing her, but she knew that she had no real relationship with Zhou Ming, so she didn't take Zhou Ming to heart.

But Yi Muyang is different. He is Tinglan’s current boyfriend, and the uncle Yi that children like and rely on, and is about to replace him. The more powerful competitors, the more he needs to control himself. Let yourself say something inappropriate.

"It has nothing to do with you!"

Shu Tinglan didn't expect this to be what he was talking about, and hung up the phone bitterly.

She already knew the ins and outs of Sun Yueyue's affairs, so she knocked on the door and entered Lawyer Sun's office.

Attorney Sun was giving her mother's right eye massage. Her right eye that had been jumping all the time had eased a lot, and she jumped up again when she saw Tinglan come in.

"Press again for me." The mother asked with one hand on her right eyelid.

"Would you like to go to the hospital? Could it be a sign of facial hemiplegia?" Attorney Sun wasn't joking this time, but sincerely felt that her right eye was jumping a bit harder, so don't let her face become paralyzed.

The mother was anxious at first, but she became even more anxious when he said so, she opened his hand

: "Ting Lan is looking for you."

Shu Tinglan admired the feelings between Lawyer Sun and his mother. For so many years of old husband and wife, as long as the mother is unhappy, Lawyer Sun will unconditionally coax her.

She smiled at them slightly

: "Lawyer Sun, is it convenient now? I want to ask you about a client's situation."

She and Attorney Sun had a tacit understanding. After saying that, Attorney Sun knew that she wanted to avoid the topic of her mother, so she went to the conference room with Shu Tinglan alone.

"What's the situation?" When he arrived in the conference room, Lawyer Sun asked directly. If it wasn't a difficult problem, Tinglan would not usually come to him.

"Yueyue, he participated in the development of a game software in Senzhou. Yesterday, the police found out that this game was an overseas gambling software under the cover of a board game. Yueyue was involved and was also circulated by the police yesterday. ."

As soon as her voice fell, the voice of her mother suddenly came from the door of the meeting room

: "He was summoned by the police?"

The mother originally planned to go back to school and come to the conference room to talk to them, but when she heard Shu Tinglan's words, she became emotional. She was full of thoughts that Sun Yueyue became a bad boy in Senzhou, participating in gambling fraud, etc. Wording. She has been working in school for many years, and she has been flustered after seeing many examples of excellent children turning bad in an instant.

"Calm down first and let Tinglan finish."

"Mother, don't worry, it's okay to read, but he was summoned to understand the situation. He is now at Zhuoyuan Technology and is safe."

"How can it be okay after all the summons?" The teacher became even more anxious.

"I used the wrong word. Reading is only for cooperating with the police investigation." When she was disrupted by her master, Shu Tinglan instantly felt that she was dumb, and she didn't know how to explain it.

Madam has already hurriedly said

: "No matter what the situation is, we will see it right away. Old Sun, what are you doing in a daze, hurry up and book a ticket."

"Ting Lan, you also go with us. You are more familiar with Senzhou than we are. With you, we can rely on it." His mother has always been vigorous and resolute, not to mention matters involving her son.

Within half an hour, the three were already on their way to the airport.

Of course, Shu Tinglan is obliged to accompany Lawyer Sun and his wife to Senzhou. Let alone the care of Lawyer Sun and his wife in recent years, she is also responsible for this matter. She always feels that Sun Yueyue can go to Zhuoyuan Technology for an internship. It was specially arranged by Zhuo Yu'an.

On the way, Lawyer Sun drove, and the phone between her and her mother was never interrupted. First, she called Xiaoxin and arranged the work that needs to be done in the next few days. Then she called Aunt Liu and told herself that she was temporarily On business trips, she took so much trouble with the children, and finally called Yi Muyang again. I'm sorry that she couldn't go to the hospital to accompany him in the past few days. After making a phone call, I felt anxious and a little empty, but Yi Muyang comforted her and let her go to work with peace of mind. He was well in the hospital.

The teacher on the side also called the school to ask for leave and asked a colleague for help with her class.

Only attorney Sun, calm down at this time

: "I just need to say that I will go by myself. You two are very busy, and I won't be able to help if I go."

"It’s just that you talk a lot of nonsense. If you are too used to your child and secretly support him to participate in any robot competition without telling me, can he be admired by Zhuoyuan Technology? Can you go for an internship at Zhuoyuan Technology? If you don’t go for an internship, you can do it at home. A high school student, going to the college entrance examination and going to university step by step, can it happen like today?" His mother scolded attorney Sun. She had her own thoughts in her heart. Tinglan and Zhuoyuan Technology's Mr. Zhuo, she also guessed something from Sun Yueyue's words. This time she came to Senzhou and deliberately pulled Tinglan, hoping that she would be there. , Can help a little bit more.

Lawyer Sun: "Now I know that when I was the champion, who was the happiest, saying that my child is a genius, shouldn't he stick to the existing teaching system?"

The mother was speechless, just as Secretary Cui of Zhuoyuan Technology called to arrange the itinerary. When she came to the airport, her mother had already called Secretary Cui.

Because Sun Yueyue had been living in a hotel near Zhuoyuan Technology, Secretary Cui arranged for them there. Shu Tinglan is quite familiar with this hotel, Zhuo Yuan used to treat it as a home and lived in a long-term suite.

When they arrived at Senzhou, Sister Cui personally drove them to the hotel and helped them check in.

Attorney Sun and his mother were obsessed with Sun Yueyue, they just wanted to see him right away. Shu Tinglan accompanied Sister Cui to check in together. At that time, he didn't think much about it. This hotel was very popular in the city center. There was only one room on the same floor as Sun Yueyue, which was given to Lawyer Sun and his wife. Shu Tinglan had to arrange it on another floor.

When she took the room key and went upstairs, she discovered that her floor was an executive suite. As smart as her, she immediately understood Secretary Cui's intentions, and it was obviously arranged by someone.

She ran to the front desk of the hotel again and asked for another room. The front desk checked the system around,

: "Sorry, I can't transfer a spare room at the moment."

The teacher on the side is calling her

: "Tinglan, are you ready? We are going to Zhuoyuan Technology now." The mother was anxious and went to see Sun Yueyue without taking a break.

Shu Tinglan had to give up and accompany Lawyer Sun and his wife to Zhuoyuan Technology.

As a landmark of Senzhou City, the office building of Zhuoyuan Technology is quite conspicuous. When my mother was standing in the lobby on the first floor waiting for the elevator, she saw fashionable, energetic and busy employees, and she suddenly understood why her son, Sun Yueyue, wanted to come to Zhuoyuan Technology to study, because every employee here, There is a kind of positive light in his eyes.

The working atmosphere of the whole company is very good. People who walk in will naturally have more energy.

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