Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 332: : Inability to resist

Inability to resist is the core issue of her fear.

Zhuo Yuan has strong financial capital and family background. He really wants to get there, but he hits the stone with a pebble. It's just that her only hope is that he still misses his old feelings and won't really come to rob her.

After listening to her carefully, Yi Muyang asked

: "Ting Lan, you are a lawyer. From your professional point of view, is his chance of winning?"

"Sometimes, the law cannot achieve complete and true fairness." This is helpless.

"Then if we get married and form a new family, and promise not to have children, is there a chance of winning?" Yi Muyang is not joking or saying casually, he thinks this is the best solution.

The children have lived with their mothers since they were young, and given the children a complete home with food and clothing, no matter emotionally or materially, the court can not deprive her of her rights. At least it is better than a single mother to raise two. Children must have a chance of winning.

Shu Tinglan was very touched. Not only did he take the initiative to propose a way to start a family, but he said that he could promise not to have children and treat the two children as biological children.

How much love does it take to truly make such a promise? After all, he is the only child.

She shook her head. She was still used to the principle. If you start a family, you must simply want to spend the rest of your life with each other. It is by no means a relationship to take advantage of. She is enough to be sorry for him.

Yi Muyang also knew that she would not immediately agree or force her

"Think about it, I'll cooperate at any time." The word "cooperation" is used deliberately without mentioning feelings to reduce her guilt.

After going to the hospital to see Yi Muyang, he returned to the law firm to work at ease until after work, and then picked up the children. When the car was parked on the road outside the kindergarten, I suddenly saw a familiar car parked on the opposite side of the road. It was at the airport in the morning to pick up Zhuo Yuan's car. Her heart suddenly turned cold, especially seeing that the driver's seat of that car rolled down the window, and Zhuo Yuan, who was wearing sunglasses, put his arm on the window and looked at her.

Because he was wearing sunglasses, he couldn't see his real expression, but from the tightly pressed lips, he could see that he was in a bad mood.

Shu Tinglan gave him a warning look and motioned him not to appear in front of the children. He seemed to raise his eyebrows and ignored her. He even angered Shu Tinglan with a provocative expression, especially when he was blatant. Coming to the kindergarten made her unbearable.

She took a look at the time, there were more than ten minutes to pick up the children, so she walked across the road.

Zhuo Yuan always kept a movement and expression watching her walk over and watch her change a set of clothes, but she still had the same shirt, short skirt and high heels, but the neckline of this shirt was lower than the one on the plane in the morning, showing a good-looking appearance. His collarbone and looming **** touched his string. Because he was wearing sunglasses, he looked at her unscrupulously. From top to bottom, his eyes were fixed on her slender waist. Unexpectedly, I remembered the last night. In her bathroom.

Well, he thought, he was still too gentle last night.

Shu Tinglan stood in front of his car, glaring at him

: "What are you doing?"

"Don't do anything, can't you just look at them from a distance?"

"No, you go quickly."

"Ting Lan, would you be a bit cruel."

Shu Tinglan was furious, but they looked up at her calmly, with a bit of teasing in their eyes, just like she was jokes.

The two were in a stalemate, she lowered her head and glared at him, and he looked up at her slightly. All her emotions were exposed, and he was wearing sunglasses and could not see any expression.

Under the confrontation, every time she was defeated first, she couldn't do anything in front of him, because he was like a frog boiled in warm water, not hurriedly, slowly boiled her, making her angry. vent.

Just like at this moment, people did nothing, just park the car here, what can she do?

"Ting Lan, school time is up." He even kindly reminded her that it was time.

Shu Tinglan was furious, and helpless, she hurried to the kindergarten to pick up the children.

Zhuo Yuan watched her leave, and then watched her take a child out and get in the car in one hand, his hard heart was full of tenderness, and with traces of sorrow and sorrow, such a beautiful life is close at hand and far away.

He came to City H to investigate Yi Muyang. He didn't bother with this behavior, but since Tinglan and the children liked Yi Muyang, he naturally wanted to know Yi Muyang's situation and know himself and his enemy.

Yi Muyang's resume is simple and complicated, and complicated and simple.

The simple is that the family relationship is very simple. The mother is a housewife and the father is a businessman. He started as a real estate developer in City H. It has a number of properties, shopping malls and hotels, and has strong funds. It has been rated as the top ten in City H for 15 consecutive years. The company and the best tax-paying company, the entire group operates, so far there is no negative news.

It is said that he is complicated because of his complicated personal history, the formation of expeditions, many lives, and many companies under his own name, but they are all clubs, extreme challenge halls, etc., which are very different from the image of being calm and mature. But from the evaluation of all his friends and subordinates, it can be seen that he is a very caring, just, and responsible man.

Whether it is his simple or complex side, Zhuo Yuan has a deeper sense of crisis, because it is undeniable that such a man is attractive enough.

Shu Tinglan originally picked up the children and planned to go home directly, but received a call from Aunt Liu that the kindergarten teacher told the children yesterday to buy white sneakers. There will be activities in the garden tomorrow. Aunt Liu thought she had white sneakers at home. I didn't buy it. I just searched for it at home and found that the sneakers were too small and inappropriate.

Shu Tinglan had to temporarily turn the steering wheel to the mall to buy white sneakers for the children.

At the children's shoe counter in the mall, a wide range of white sneakers are all available, and they are all expensive. Shu Tinglan feels painful, so he found two of the cheapest ones for the kids to try on.

Two children sitting side by side on the try-on bench, soft and cute, and incredibly well-behaved. Their mother can do whatever they want. They are not as messy as other children. Even the salesperson can't help but keep going. Seeing them, I have always praised that they are too cute. They are more cute and beautiful than the child stars on TV. If you shoot them short videos, you will surely attract countless fans.

Shu Tinglan squatted in front and was trying on Shu Xiaonian. The feet of Shu Xiaohe next to him kept shaking, asking her mother to hurry up and she would try.

The shop was suddenly quiet and surprisingly, Shu Tinglan only felt a shadow shrouded next to her, a pair of familiar hands, carrying the most expensive and best-looking pair of white sneakers in the shop, squatting side by side next to her, gently holding it. Shu Xiaohe's feet

"I'll try it for you." A deep and extremely soft voice came, and even his expression was extremely gentle.

Shu Tinglan froze, turned his head slightly to look at the person coming, and could only stare at him, with nothing to do.

"Thank you Uncle!" Shu Xiaohe thanked him sweetly and crisply.

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