Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 334: : Do everything you want

Just no longer hesitating, and no longer panic, the soldiers came to face Zhuo Yu'an's attack with the mentality of blocking the water and earth.

Even if she knew she was hitting the stone with a pebble, she would do her best. She calmed down and stayed up for two overnights. The marriage law, the legal provisions of custody, attribution, changes, etc., which were already familiar to her heart, were dug out one by one and read line by line without letting go. Any detail. Combined with her own situation, she wrote a detailed document to prove that she is the most suitable guardian.

She has fought custody cases for many people. She has both rich practical experience, rich case base and theoretical knowledge. As long as she works hard, she will not necessarily lose the case.

First extract yourself from the identity of the client and analyze the case objectively as a lawyer.

Although the children were not born during the marriage, she was born in private alone, but the law stipulates that both parents have the same rights and obligations, so in this regard, she and Zhuo Yuan are equal.

When the court decides on the right to custody of a child, it will generally consider the fertility, the emotional affiliation of the children, the living environment of both parents, and the economic strength and mental status of both parents.

In terms of fertility, she is the same as Zhuo Yuan, and no one has the advantage. Even from the perspective of physical differences between men and women, men’s fertility and reproductive age are stronger than women, so she is the weaker in fertility. Advantage;

Emotionally speaking, the two children were brought up by her personally. She has a deep relationship with her, so she has an advantage in this.

Judging from the family living environment, Zhuo Yuan is unmarried, and she is also unmarried. She is tied, but from the extent of his busy work, she has no time to take care of the children. In this regard, she also has a weak advantage.

So the last point is to judge from the economic point of view. This is the point where Shu Tinglan has no advantage, because the economic strength is too wide and there is no comparability. Even so, with her current economic strength, there is no problem in ensuring the basic lives of her two children.

Therefore, considering all the circumstances, her chances of winning are still great, provided that Zhuo Yuan doesn't use any relationship. But is it possible? With his style of behavior, as long as he takes action, he will inevitably achieve his goal, and he will definitely use all means.

After sorting out all the stakes, even though he still has no bottom in his heart, he is calm and rational enough to deal with this matter. For the child, the body will automatically be covered with armor, invulnerable and omnipotent.

She took the initiative to call Lu Kuo for the first time, wanting to inquire about Zhuo Yu'an's plan.

Lu Kuo was very happy to receive her call and shouted repeatedly

"Oh! Ting Lan, the sun has come out from the west."

Shu Tinglan has become accustomed to his deliberately exaggerated reaction every time, and asks directly.

"Do you know that Zhuo Yuan wants to steal custody of the child from me?"

Lu Kuo was taken aback, and his heart instantly became happy. When he wanted to come to Zhuo Yuan, he still listened to his suggestions. Yes, he could listen to other people's suggestions.

He was happy in his heart, but he didn't dare to show a half-point in front of Tinglan.

"What, he is too shameless, how can he do this kind of thing. Ting Lan, don't worry, I will go to him for theory and theory, there is no such person like him."

Shu Tinglan sneered, and directly exposed him: "You and him are like a raccoon dog, what are you pretending to be here?"

Lu Kuo smiled dryly: "Listen to Lan, your words are getting more and more unrelenting."

"You tell him that no matter how powerful a team of lawyers he hires, or how big a relationship he uses, the child is my bottom line, and I will fight him to the end."

"It's not like that, Zhuo Yuan is not willing to treat you that way. The purpose of everything he does is to hope that you can return to him." Lu Kuo couldn't help telling Zhuo Yuan a good thing, and it was the truth.

Shu Tinglan was tired of hearing these words, and hung up after speaking, waiting for Zhuo Yuan's violent storm to come.

When I went to work in the law firm in the morning and saw Lawyer Sun’s closed office door, I remembered that Lawyer Sun’s family is in Senzhou, and I don’t know what happened to Sun Yueyue's case.

Xiaoxin came over and said to her: "Lawyer Sun called just now to say that he and his wife would not be back for a while. Listening to Lawyer Sun's tone, the case that I read seems to be quite complicated."

"How complicated. I have found evidence to prove that he didn't know the content of the website, so he just waited for the trial, right?"

Shu Tinglan was frustrated, and the dispute between herself and Zhuo Yu'an for custody made her unable to spare any extra energy to pay attention to Sun Yueyue's case.

"It is said that the public security organs still have a lot of problems with the suspects that have not been clarified, and then it is involved that the reading is not only involved in the production of the VR interface, but also involved in the design of the website transaction program. In other words, he is not completely ignorant. It’s true. Other suspects still have a lot of questions that need to be reviewed, so the court has not opened a hearing for a long time."

Xiaoxin also listened to the few words that Attorney Sun heard during a conference call with another senior lawyer in the firm. Anyway, it was quite tricky.

Hearing this, Shu Tinglan did not worry too much, because attorney Sun was there. Although he has been retiring slowly over the past few years and seems to be retired, he is still young and has rich contacts. Senzhou Lawyers Association Director Han is old friends with him, so she is not worried.

Xiaoxin glanced at her and continued

"Do you know how the public security organs found out that the trading software of this gambling website was designed by Reading? Because this trading software is exactly the same as that of Zhuoyuan Technology. Among all the programmers of the gambling website, only Sun Yueyue is an intern of Zhuoyuan Technology and the only person who has been in contact with Zhuoyuan Technology's product development."

Shu Tinglan's mind was stagnant, and she instantly understood that this was done deliberately by Zhuoyuan Technology, she asked

: "So besides participating in the case of the development of the gambling website, Sun Yueyue got involved in Zhuoyuan Technology's lawsuit? Zhuoyuan Technology should also sue him for stealing company secrets or plagiarizing the company's intellectual property?"

"Attorney Shu, how did you know? So attorney Sun and his wife were both anxious to death, and they got into two lawsuits at once."

Zhuo Yuan, Zhuo Yuan, really did everything in order to force her. Want to pull everyone around her down into the abyss, or make her betrayed.

Since, as Yi Muyang said, Lawyer Sun, Madam, and Xiaoxin have long known her relationship with Zhuo Yu’an, based on the cleverness of Lawyer Sun and her mother, of course, it can be guessed that this was Zhuo Yu’an deliberately. It was for her.

If because of her, their children suffer unwarranted disasters, then how could she still be able to deal with Lawyer Sun's family with peace of mind as before?

Su Tinglan suddenly remembered that in the past, his mother Cheng Zhimin had also forced her like this. Using the people around her to force her, the two of them are exactly the same.

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