Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 347: : Shu Xiaohe was wronged

Since Cheng Zhimin has arrived in H City, he must meet the children before he is willing to leave. Whether he likes it or not, it is the children of their Zhuo family. But it's impossible for Shu Tinglan to take the children to see her. She was afraid that her son Zhuo Yuan would know, so she didn't dare to go to the kindergarten to see her.

But she is Cheng Zhimin. There are thousands of ways to meet her two children. Although she has retired, she has been the number one in the education system for many years. Some are resources. Coupled with Zhuo Hong's relationship, how many people are queuing to serve her.

She is also a lot of low-key and did not make public, but contacted an old ministry, organized a caring for children activity in the name of the Ministry of Education, and inspected the food safety of private kindergartens in the city. She justified her participation.

She used to participate in this kind of caring activities once or twice a year, so she is familiar with it. After checking the food safety of the kindergarten, she will usually participate in some small activities in the kindergarten to show their contribution to the country. Care of seedlings.

Shu Xiaonian Shu Xiaohe’s kindergarten is a chain in this city, with a large scale and standard teaching. It hires Japanese chefs. He strives for perfection in food and has a complete nutritional mix. Shu Tinglan chose this kindergarten at the beginning. I value this because she is not good at cooking and hopes that the children can eat better in the kindergarten.

Surrounded by several colleagues in City H, Cheng Zhimin watched it gazingly, and finally his eyes fell on the children who were doing outdoor activities on the playground.

There is no need for her to look for them specially, the two children are really eye-catching, a group of small carrot heads, wearing the same school uniform, but the image and temperament of the two children are incompatible with other children.

The head of the school saw that her gaze had been on Shu Xiaonian Shu Xiaohe's body, and he introduced

: "The two are fetuses of dragons and phoenixes. The elder brother is Shu Xiaonian and the younger sister is Shu Xiaohe. They are very beautiful and well-behaved."

Shu Xiaonian?

Shu Xiaohe?

But it's really ugly and can't make the name on the table!

The surname Shu made Cheng Zhimin extremely awkward, and coupled with such a small family name, she couldn't stand it anymore, thinking about waiting to pick up the children back, the first thing was to change the surname and name.

The surname is Zhuo, so grand!

The two children seemed to feel her gaze and looked at her one after another, and the principal was also a shrewd person, beckoning them to come over.

The two children were about to go on the slide, and hopped over when they saw the principal beckoning.

Shu Xiaohe's mouth is sweet, and when she sees people, she shouts: "Hello, teacher, teacher, grandma."

Shu Xiaonian is a little more reserved, but out of politeness, she also learned from Shu Xiaohe's call: "Good morning teacher, good grandma."

It was the first time that Cheng Zhimin saw the children at such a close distance. He couldn't help feeling a little touched. He didn't like their mother anymore, but the grandchildren were Zhuo's family.

It’s that Shu Xiaohe looks too much like Shu Tinglan. When she looks at her, it will automatically substitute Shu Tinglan’s face, which makes her a little awkward, but the little girl is very sweet, and calls her grandma obediently. She is awkward. Among them, he took out two lollipops that he had prepared earlier and handed them to them.

"Thank you grandma." Shu Xiaohe took the lollipop happily.

"Thank you." Shu Xiaonian did not answer, but took her sister Shu Xiaohe's hand to leave.

He is a restrained and keen child. Just now, when the grandma looked at his sister, the indifference and disgust flashed in his eyes, which made him catch that he subconsciously wanted to protect his sister and keep the grandma away from it.

But Cheng Zhimin first saw Shu Xiaonian, and he liked it in his heart. He looked exactly like Zhuo Yuan when he was a child, and even the expression and the small demeanor were exactly the same. Remembering that when she was young, because of her busy work, she moved around with Zhuo Hong and did not accompany Zhuo Yuan, which led to a cold relationship between mother and child, which was a regret in her life. Seeing Shu Xiaonian at this moment is like seeing Zhuo Yuan when he was a child. Time travels back to the past.

Seeing him not picking up her lollipop, she squatted slightly to show her greatest tenderness, and handed it to Shu Xiaonian again.

Mr. Cheng, who has no official authority, the principal thinks this scene is really warm, and he smiled and said to Shu Xiaonian

: "Xiao Nian, thank you Grandma Cheng quickly."

Shu Xiaonian has her own principles, and she refuses

: "My mother won't let us eat candy."

If under normal circumstances, Cheng Zhimin would of course not be angry. It is correct for a child to listen to her mother’s words and not eat sweets, but Shu Xiaonian listens to Shu Tinglan so she feels a little uncomfortable. She is calm and insists on holding the stick. When the lollipop gave Shu Xiaonian, he also used his own majesty to force Shu Xiaonian.

Although his face was kind, the movements on his hands were persecuting.

"Say thank you quickly."

The head of the garden eased the atmosphere and took Shu Xiaonian's hand to pick up the lollipop in Cheng Zhimin's hand, but Shu Xiaonian just grabbed her small fist and didn't pick it up.

Although Shu Xiaohe is ignorant, she feels that the principal and grandma are both bullying her brother. She is not happy anymore. She shares the same hatred with her brother and returns the sugar.

"I don't eat either."

Her action was to add fuel to the fire. Cheng Zhimin was not good at getting angry in public, so she could only stare at her severely, and Shu Xiaohe burst into tears.

Shu Xiaonian didn’t want her lollipop because Cheng Zhimin’s eyes were unfriendly when she saw her sister. Now that she saw her crying at her sister again, she was also angry. She held her sister’s hand and said.

: "You are a bad guy, we don't want your candy."

The scene was embarrassing for a while, and I was most afraid of the sudden silence of the air.

The cadres who came with Cheng Zhimin were furious, and the head of the garden was even more earthy. The one who came to the park to check today is a big man. The headquarters has told me to entertain him. As a result, the two cute and cute How could a child behave like a different person, when she reacted, she sternly accused

: "Who taught you, please apologize to Teacher Cheng!"

The teacher in their class also hurried over, without saying anything, pulling Shu Xiaonian and Shu Xiaohe to make them apologize to Cheng Zhimin. Shu Xiaohe was so scared that he cried, but Shu Xiaonian pouted her lips and didn't open her mouth. He was very assertive.

Cheng Zhimin only felt that these two children really had no tutors. Sure enough, Shu Tinglan could teach any good children. She also didn’t want to expand the matter in the public, and also wanted to maintain her own image, so she waved her hand and said

: "It's okay, let's go."

A group of people accompanied her to leave.

Shu Tinglan received a call from the kindergarten teacher on the way back to the law firm after seeing the client, and the call was brief and concise.

"You come to the kindergarten."

"What's wrong?" Shu Tinglan felt a throb in his heart when he received a call from the kindergarten teacher, fearing that the children would have an accident in the kindergarten.

"I'll talk when you come." The teacher's cold voice came over the phone.

Next to the teacher stood a cold-faced head of the kindergarten. Today, he really lost the image of the entire kindergarten.

Distressed Shu Xiaohe and cried.

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