Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 349: : Nonsense

Considering that the two children were also there, Shu Tinglan had to take them home first, and then came back to find Yi Muyang.

Yi Muyang stood on the side of the road with a cane, tall and straight, standing like a tree, and he reached out to greet the car behind him.

The black car slowly stopped in front of him, the window rolled down, and two unfamiliar wild faces appeared in the front row.

"Mr. Yi, let's find it easy."

Speaking foolishly again carried a dangerous air. Yi Muyang searched for these figures in his mind, especially the man in the back seat who had not spoken. He was wearing a black suit that fits perfectly. Although he was wearing a suit, his whole body carried a little arrogant wildness. I can't help but, especially on the wrist exposed outside the suit, it is a dragon tattoo.

It's Qian'an!

Ding Zhi once showed him Qian'an's photos, but because Qian'an always values ​​privacy, the photos that Ding Zhi secretly photographed are blurry and can't see the facial features clearly, but the tattoo on his right wrist is his identity. Sign.

Naturally, Yi Muyang couldn't say that he knew them. After stopping the car, he pointed to the driver in the driver's seat, as if angry.

: "What do you mean? Follow me all the way."

He knew that there were tigers in the mountains and went to Hushan, just because the car they were following was listening, at least they couldn't let them disturb her.

The man in the passenger seat threw him a photo

: "Dude, do you know him?"

Yi Muyang took the photo, squinted his eyes and glanced at it. He was **** by five flowers and beaten with a bruised and swollen face. Is this dead or not?

He grabbed the photo and said bitterly, "Isn't this Lord Scar? I owe my brother his life. Are you looking for him too?"

The man in the passenger seat took the photo back and did not answer his question. It was the man in the suit in the back seat, that is, Qian An nodded towards Yi Muyang. Without saying a word, the man in the driver's seat slammed on the accelerator. Leave.

Yi Muyang, who was standing on the street, was left cold. Gan An has found City H, is he here? Or is it another purpose? He had never dealt with drug dealers and couldn't figure out Qian'an's true thoughts for a while.

But these are not the main points. The main point is that they followed him to the door of the kindergarten, which means that they saw Tinglan and the child, which is what he avoided most.

Call Ding Zhi immediately, concisely and concisely,

: "Gian'an is here."

"I got it" Ding Zhi had obviously already known it.

"What does he want to do?"

"do not know."

Ding Zhi's answer made Yi Muyang want to curse.

"I don't care if you know the purpose of his appearance in City H, but you must prevent them from approaching Shu Tinglan."

Ding Zhi was silent on the phone for a long time before answering.

"I can't stop him, but if you want to protect Miss Shu's family, you must first stay away from them. Because Qian'an is here for you."

Yi Muyang's heart was shocked, and people were suddenly dragged into the whirlpool, and he was the center of the whirlpool, and he couldn't escape. He scolded the eighteenth generation of Ding Zhi's ancestor who had dragged him into this whirlpool, and then slightly relieved his hatred.

Foreseeing that his destiny had already undergone earth-shaking changes when he promised Ding Zhi to go to Yunnan to find Lord Scar. Or even earlier, at the moment when Song Song was shot in Sanjiangyuan, perhaps his fate had already been rewritten.

It was he who mistakenly thought that he could live a normal life, and that he could really love someone, but in the end he harmed others. From a distance, he saw Dinglan's car coming towards him, sending the children home, and came to pick him up specially.

What a silly woman.

He stood on the back of the street lamp post on the side of the street, avoiding her sight, called her, and lied to her that he had gone home and didn't need to pick him up again.

He was afraid that Qian'an's people were still around, so he couldn't involve Tinglan in anyway.

"Well, you should rest early, too. You won't be using it to pick up the children tomorrow morning. I haven't decided which kindergarten to go to."

Shu Tinglan answered his phone while driving, and didn't look at the roadside carefully, only that he really went home.

"Okay, Ting Lan, pay attention to your safety."


Because they all had their own concerns, they hung up the phone without talking too much.

Shu Tinglan has always been principled and strong when it comes to children. She deliberately circled the relevant breach clauses of the admission agreement, and then took photos and sent it to the principal’s mailbox. The meaning is clear. Since the principal wants to let the children Withdrawing from school, she must bear the responsibility for breach of contract, and she will never give in.

Then I started to look for the kindergarten again, and I saw that there were very few that could meet her requirements, and I was a little upset. On the side, Shu Xiaonian was very serious about building his Lego. With small particles, he was able to build it completely by himself according to the instructions. Shu Xiaohe next to him is a little bit heartless. He doesn't know that he has been arrogant or despised. He paints there very seriously and hums out-of-tune children's songs.

Cheng Zhimin would like Shu Xiaonian but not Shu Xiaohe. She expected it, but she couldn't let it go. I don't know what Zhuo Yuan would think if he knew that his mother had such an attitude towards his daughter.

Cheng Zhimin kept Shu Tinglan from Shu Tinglan and Zhuo Yu'an, so he went to the kindergarten to see the children. He had countless calculations, but he ignored that the kindergarten's monitoring system was Zhuoyuan Technology, and ignored Zhuo Yuan's treatment of the children. Love, he is enjoying watching videos every day in the class where his two children are.

This morning, after the meeting, I returned to the office and turned on the surveillance video. As a result, I didn't see the two children. I thought they were late and didn't care. After I was busy with work, I turned on the surveillance video in the afternoon. I still didn't see the children, so I called Dinglan.

"Why didn't the kids go to school today, are they sick?"

Shu Tinglan's sneer came from the phone: "You might as well ask your mother, why didn't the children go to school today?"

"What do you mean?" Zhuo Yuan frowned.

"Literally." He hung up after speaking.

Zhuo Yuan immediately called Cheng Zhimin and prompted the phone to shut down. He immediately called the landline at home in Jingcheng, and it was picked up by the nanny

"Yu'an, are you looking for Teacher Cheng?" The nanny's voice was obviously a little guilty.

"Where did she go?" His voice was cold. He didn't hear the babysitter's answer. He strengthened his tone and ordered: "Answer!"

"Ms. Cheng went to see the children in City H." The nanny didn't dare to hide it. It seemed that Mrs. Cheng had stabbed Louzi again.

"How many days have you been there?"

"I went there two days ago." When the nanny answered the question, Zhuo Hong sternly scolded suddenly behind him.


The anger scared the nanny hurriedly hung up the phone and trot to the kitchen to cook.

Zhuo Yuan was no less angry than Zhuo Hong, so he hung up the phone and rushed to the airport directly. His mother hadn't seen Tinglan for many years, and she didn't know what nasty things were about to be said. His relationship with Tinglan is now so fragile that it breaks immediately and cannot withstand any setbacks.

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