Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 356: : He is my father

This flight was a coincidence. The flight attendants on the flight were in the same group as Zhuo Yu'an when he came to City H. Everyone was very impressed with Zhuo Yu'an.

His face was cold and angry that day, so that they didn't dare to go forward to serve, and felt that it was a crime to say one more sentence. After only three days, when they saw it, they were sentenced to two people.

Next to him sits a soft and cute little girl with a gentle look on his face. The little girl is very well-behaved, sitting there quietly and eating small snacks seriously, and enjoys his care with peace of mind. Because of her short calf, she sits on the seat. Shake and shake gently, white fleshy, like lotus root festival, making people's hearts cute.

The flight attendant took the opportunity of handing tissues in the past and asked the little girl softly

: "Baby, what's your name?"

The little girl glanced at the other side of the aisle, mother and brother who were already asleep, made a shushing motion to the stewardess, and then answered quietly

: "My name is Shu Xiaohe."

"Are you traveling to Senzhou?" The flight attendant lowered her voice again.

The little girl answered very seriously

: "We are going home with Dad." After speaking, he quietly pointed to Zhuo Yuan next to him, thinking that his voice was very small.

: "He is my father."

Zhuo Yuan on the side heard that his heart was hit, and his eyes became hot. No one had told her that he was their father, but from the first meeting, Shu Xiaohe believed that he was his father. How can he be unmoved by his involvement and the natural intimacy? Some people say that paternal love is not the same as maternal love, because without the hard work of pregnancies in October, paternal love is not innate, but slowly cultivated over time.

But he doesn't need time to cultivate slowly. These are his and Tinglan's children. This alone is enough for him to fall in love with them instantly, let alone such smart and cute children.

A small air turbulence caused Shu Tinglan on the side of the aisle to wake up suddenly, accompanied by a familiar, soft and cute voice coming from his ears.

"He is my father."

She was also heartbroken, very strange, how did Shu Xiaohe know that Zhuo Yuan is their father? Because she said casually that her father and grandmother went to heaven before, she hasn't thought about how to explain to the children that Zhuo Yuan is their father.

Seeing her awake, Zhuo Yuan cast a concerned look at her across the aisle and asked her if she wanted to drink water?

She shook her head, she was still in a daze, thinking she was on a business trip, but seeing the two children next to her and Zhuo Yuan, she was instantly returned to reality.

This is to seek refuge in Senzhou.

Zhuo Yuan brought them back this time without notifying anyone, not even Lu Kuo. He just called the driver to pick up the plane at the airport, and then went straight to the mansion in the city center.

When I came back again, especially with two children with him, Shu Tinglan really felt like a world away, and returned after going round and round.

The house is still the same as when it came back, but Zhuo Yuan has posted anti-collision strips on every corner, which is very considerate. Different from the rental houses in City H, this house is large and empty. Each functional area is clearly divided. Leisure, reception, restaurant, each has its own design. Zhuo Yuan combines one of the bedrooms with The wall connecting the living room was opened up, a whole glass wall was installed, and the bedroom was converted into a children's playground. In most parts of this home, you can see it at a glance, which allows children to have a good time and adults can easily take care of it.

The children were not tired after running around for a long time. They ran for joy as soon as they entered the door, and then plunged into the children's playground to play. Although the children have lived with their mothers in small rental houses since they were young, they have not never seen the world. Uncle Yi's house is also very large, so they can run around. It's just that on the first floor of Uncle Yi's house, more toys are played by adults, unlike here, they are all liked by their children.

Shu Tinglan didn’t say anything. She was mentally prepared to come back with Zhuo Yu’an. He would definitely pet the children without a bottom line. No matter how she resisted coming back with him in the past, she never doubted that he would be a good father. .

Zhuo Yuan took her and the children's luggage to the corresponding room and cloakroom to tidy up, still as before, likes to do everything for her personally.

It’s just that Shu Tinglan’s mood is different, unable to adapt to his care for a while, and took his suitcase from him.

: "You help the children to clean up, come by myself."

In the cloakroom, all her previous clothes were hung in different categories, no different from when she left. These clothes are still outdated even after a few years, probably because professional wear is mostly.

She cautiously vacated one of the cabinets and hung the clothes she had brought on it alone. There was a shadow over it. She turned her head and saw Zhuo Yu'an.

He stood by the closet and looked at her, probably because of her cautiousness that made him feel uncomfortable.

"This is your home." He said. The implication is that you can handle this cloakroom whatever you want.

Shu Tinglan put the clothes he brought, and glanced at him

: "The kids are packed with their luggage?"

"It's in the children's room."

Shu Tinglan took a look at the children's room, but he was very careful and put the things of the two children in different rooms.

Zhuo Yuan is an activist. In the afternoon, when the children took a nap, he called Shu Tinglan to the study.

: "There are several kindergartens' information here, please see which one is suitable."

Shu Tinglan sat on the opposite side of the desk in the study, took the information, and looked down carefully. Of course, the kindergarten Zhuo Yuan chose was expensive. The annual tuition fee is a sky-high price compared with that in City H.

In fact, I have to admit that living with Zhuo Yuan in Senzhou will improve the future development of the children. Of course, the premise is that Cheng Zhimin does not participate.

Zhuo Yuan was sitting on the other side of the desk. When she looked down at the information, he leaned on the chair and looked at her quietly. No matter what she does, she is always so serious, just a few pieces of kindergarten materials. People who don't know will think that she is reviewing tens of millions of commercial contracts, and it seems that she doesn't even miss a punctuation mark.

This is Shu Tinglan’s habit. In fact, she has the ability to read all kinds of materials every day, but she is more cautious about the kindergarten for children. She must consider the environment, the educational philosophy, the requirements of the teacher, and the classmates. And even the relationship between parents and so on.

I just watched it around and found that I was thinking too much. There are thousands of kindergartens in Senzhou, and the five selected by Zhuo Yuan are of course the best in all aspects.

Finally pointed to one of them,

"Just this one." Because it's the closest to home.

Zhuo Yuan smiled when she saw the house she was referring to.

"The hero sees the same thing!" is also his favorite.

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