Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 359: : Divorced and have children

Zhuo Yuan said in a serious tone: "The situation is different. Even if you return to Senzhou, you can't take it lightly. You must ensure that they are 100% safe."

Yi Muyang doesn't know what's going on there, and he hasn't found out yet, so it's still unknown what dangers Tinglan and the children will face. There is nothing wrong with being cautious.

Shu Tinglan said nothing. The second day she came to Senzhou, she went to find Yi Muyang's friend Lao Ding in Senzhou, who was also Ding Zhi's cousin.

Lao Ding asked three questions, whether he knew about Yi Muyang's former enemies?

Old Ding seems to hear the Oriental Night Tan

: "Sister, what are you kidding? Although that guy has a bad temper and a bad mouth, he has always pursued good relationships, benevolent and charitable. Most of them treat him as a benefactor and will not have enemies."

Make good destiny and do good deeds? Why don't you boast that he is a bodhisattva who saves lives and saves lives? Thinking of Yi Muyang's appearance, Shu Tinglan couldn't connect these two words with him. Then asked again

"Has your cousin Ding Zhi contacted recently?"

"No, he has always been alone, we rarely contact." Lao Ding replied, and after looking at Shu Tinglan, he realized later.

"Brother sister, why are you asking me about Ah Yang? You can directly ask him if you have any questions."

"We are separated."

Old Ding was shocked, opened his mouth, hesitated to speak, and finally said

"My cousin has been on the border for the past few years. If Ah Yang was with him, there would be nothing good."

Lao Ding didn't want to say too much. Although the whole family knew that Ding Zhi was not doing serious things over there, his job was lost, his girlfriend had blown up, and he didn't go home to see his parents for many years.

"What do you mean?" Shu Tinglan asked. At the border, is it still related to the last time the poaching gang Scar Lord? The image and temperament of the black car and the three people in the car that I saw in the car that day did not fit them.

"I don't know, but you can rest assured, A Yang is well-measured and won't go crazy."


Regarding Yi Muyang's situation, Shu Tinglan was anxious but unable to do anything. He deliberately concealed and deliberately cut off all connections with her, which meant that he disappeared cleanly in the lives of her and the children.

Even Aunt Liu and Futai didn't know what he was doing. They only said that they were taking the team to a field training camp. There was no doubt that there was him at home, because he used to go for a few months as soon as he left.

While worrying about him, he tried to start again in Senzhou.

Zhuo Yuan wanted to arrange a job for her in the legal department of Zhuoyuan Technology, but she refused. Director Xiao and Zhou Ming of Hongzheng Law Firm knew that she had come back, and they also enthusiastically threw out an olive branch to welcome her return, but they were also rejected by her.

It was not that the conditions they gave were not good enough, but that it did not meet her career development. In the past few years, she mainly worked on cases in the litigation field and found value from them. She didn't want to just give up, so she formally joined the army of job hunting.

There are many law firms in Senzhou, but the really well-known red circle firms are just a commonplace question. She wants to enter the red circle firm, but she has no advantage in terms of education, and now there are a few more deadly ones than a few years ago. Shortcomings.

At first, she didn't use her previous resources to find a job. She just submitted her resume step by step, and made appointments for personnel interviews. As a result, she met with a few companies, and the same problem was repeated over and over again.

Although the comprehensive strength of Lanyuan Law Firm is worse than that of Hongzheng Law Firm, in the field of litigation, especially the direction of commercial litigation, it is stronger than Hongzheng Law Firm's litigation. It is in line with Shu Tinglan's career plan, so she is exceptional. Pay attention to today's interview. After sending off the two children early in the morning, they rushed over.

The personnel who interviewed her were about the same age as her, dressed as an urban beauty, very capable.

After reading her resume, the questions asked were similar to those of the previous interviews.

"Lawyer Shu changes jobs very frequently, basically every three years? I jumped from corporate legal affairs to Acer for mergers and acquisitions, and then moved to H City for lawsuits. Can you tell me the reason for each resignation? "

If it were not for the difficulty of recruiting, this kind of resume would not want to look at it at all. The most important thing in the profession of lawyers is to be calm and cultivate deeply in the same field to be able to develop. But her experience, jumping around, didn't have a focus.

Except for Shu Tinglan's voluntarily resigning from his first job, the other two were in Hongzheng Law Firm and Lawyer Sun because of helpless reasons, but they couldn't explain it, so they had to answer personal reasons.

This personal reason seems very perfunctory.

"Lawyer Shu is now divorced and has two children? Does he have the energy to devote himself to work? The lawyer's work is very intense."

There is no problem with personnel issues. From the perspective of her resume, her hardware conditions really have no advantages. Let alone enter the red circle, she is an ordinary law firm, and people should also consider it.

It's just that she also hopes that HR can look at her work experience, what influential cases she has taken over, and what customer resources she can directly bring if she joins the job.

She was very patient to show the second half of her resume to HR to introduce her advantages.

The personnel manager named Guo Ran casually glanced at the second half of the case introduction, and somewhat mocked.

: "Attorney Shu has such a wealth of work experience, he should be a partner."

About her appearance is too young and too beautiful, coupled with frequent job changes, divorced with children, the personnel manager Guo Ran does not believe that these cases were completed independently by her. Guo Ran has worked at Lan Yuan Lawyer for nearly ten years. He has screened countless resumes and interviewed countless people. He is very knowledgeable. Many candidates like to exaggerate their previous work experience during interviews. He is obviously just an assistant to assist lawyers. Do some miscellaneous work, but dare to say that it is a case that I completed independently.

She looked at Shu Tinglan's cases, and several of them were more complicated cases of innocence defense. She didn't believe that a word of Shu Tinglan was done independently.

"Attorney Shu, that's it for today, you go back and wait for us to notify." Guo Ran said, but the interview did not pass her, and she didn't even give her the opportunity for the second round of interview.

Shu Tinglan wasn't angry, and Luoluo generously took back his resume and said goodbye to Guo Ran.

When she said goodbye, she meant to see each other again.

Zhuo Yuan knew that she was looking for a job recently and went to interviews frequently, and she was probably frustrated all the time, so she seemed a little sad and depressed. In fact, he can understand that the current workplace oppression of women, especially young mothers like her who seem to be unstable at work and with two children, employers will more or less wear colored glasses to see her, not at all. It will take care of your real ability.

I felt sorry for her, so I couldn’t help but ask

"Do you need help?"

Many things are just one sentence from him.

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