Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 38: : Become a boyfriend

"Don't you explain?" Lin Zhitong looked at her up and down, angrily. It was not because Shu Tinglan slept with someone else, but because the other party was Zhuo Yu'an. The three of them had been together several times, but she didn't even notice it. This was a fatal blow to her emotional blogger's professional ability.

"It's what you see." Shu Tinglan also gave up explaining.

"So, the sleeping friend you are talking about is him?"

"Yes." She answered truthfully.

Lin Zhitong became even more angry after hearing her answer

"Shu Tinglan, have you got water in your mind?" Lin Zhiyi hated that iron can't become steel.

"I thought it was only once, so I didn't tell you. I didn't expect it to be like this. If you think he can't do it, then I won't let him come in the future." Shu Tinglan absolutely believes in Lin in this regard. It depends on people's ability. If Lin Zhitong thinks Zhuo Yuan is not good, then he is really not good.

Lin Zhiyi vomits blood

"I mean your brain is flooded. For such a high-quality man, instead of becoming a boyfriend, you have become a sleeping friend? Your little head is thinking about something all day long."

Shu Tinglan just wanted to explain a few words.

"Shut up!" Lin Zhitong didn't bother to listen anymore. Finally recovered from the shock, the corner of her eyes began to look for Zhuo Yuan's figure, but... seeing Zhuo Yuan's back in the kitchen, she was shocked again and stammered with Shu Tinglan.

"He...what is he doing?"

"Breakfast, he is good at cooking."

Lin Zhiyi wanted to explode again and held back. Because Zhuo Yuan has come out of the kitchen and called them

"Eat breakfast."

Lin Zhiyi immediately changed his face and walked toward the kitchen with a smile, followed by Shu Tinglan, who shrugged his head as if doing something wrong. Lin Zhiquan is a human spirit, and the relationship between Shu Tinglan and Zhuo Yuan is already like this now, so she no longer asks.

Seeing Zhuo Yuan skillfully pouring hot milk for Shu Tinglan and handing out sandwiches, I suddenly remembered that he was in Zhuoyuan’s staff canteen and yesterday’s restaurant. Zhuo Yuan poured water for Shu Tinglan the first time, just Shu Ting. Lan changed hands and handed it to her.

It turned out to be a clue!

While drinking milk and nibbling on sandwiches, she looked up and down Zhuo Yuan and Shu Tinglan, smiling strangely.

"Mr. Zhuo, I'll take your car to Zhuoyuan Technology in a while." She asked actively.

Zhuo Yu'an didn't answer, it was a tacit understanding.

After eating breakfast, Shu Tinglan took advantage of Lin Zhitong’s makeup and change clothes and said to Zhuo Yuan.

"Sorry, I didn't know that I was here, don't take it to heart what she said, she didn't mean anything."

"Well, did she say something?" Zhuo Yuan looked at her indifferently.

"No, but her tongue-in-cheek words are sometimes unbelievable." Shu Tinglan gave Zhuo Yu'an a vaccination in advance. Lin Zhitong's words only represent Lin Zhitong's personal opinions and have nothing to do with her.

"Do you care about her?" Zhuo Yuan asked.

"Of course, not a relative is better than a relative."

"Okay, I see. I will send you to the law firm later."

When the three of them went out, they sent Shu Tinglan to the law firm and put her down across the road. Zhuo Yuan closed the car window only when she watched her back disappear into the revolving door of the building.

Lin Zhitong looked at Zhuo Yuan with a smile on his face and asked tentatively

"Zhuo Ai miserable my family Shu Tinglan, right?"

Zhuo Yuan ignored her, treated her as air, turned the steering wheel and drove intently, with an indifferent look that no one would disturb him.

Lin Zhiquan admits that he is familiar with men and women, and he can tell whether a man is true or false at a glance. However, the current Zhuo Yu'an City Mansion is too deep for her to guess at all.

"Shu Tinglan listens to me the most, do you want me to help you chase her?" She tried again.

Zhuo Yuan was completely indifferent and ignored her at all.

Lin Zhiyi was also confused, and quickly compared the characteristics of this type of man in the brain database.

A good family background, a high degree of education, a successful career, and a high social status are also the most snobbish and realistic. Finding the standard of the other half must be right.

To her family Shu Tinglan, it must be to think of her as beautiful, innocent, and a plaything.


Lin Zhitong cursed Zhuo Yuan in his heart, but on the surface he didn't show it at all. Regarding men and women, she is still the same theory. It is justified not to hurt others or do anything against morals.

Moreover, Zhuo Yuan's condition was earned by her family Shu Tinglan.

Why can't a woman sleep a man?

The two arrived at Zhuoyuan Technology, which was at the peak of work. When she got out of Zhuo Yuan's car, the passing employees showed gossip, ambiguous, or clear expressions.

It was only rumored that she was a family member of Mr. Zhuo.

And now, the relationship between the two men and women friends is solidified.

And the relationship is stable, and they have cohabited.

The more the news spreads, the more exaggerated it will be, from the cohabitation relationship to the relationship between marriage and marriage.

"I miscalculated." Lin Zhiyi thought.

No matter how thick-skinned she is, she can't stand the envy and enthusiasm that Zhuoyuan Technology employees burst out when they look at her. Prior to this, Zhuoyuan Technology rumored that she did not care about her relationship with Zhuo Yuan, and she could even use this rumor to buy more resources for herself. But now Zhuo Yuan belongs to her family, Shu Tinglan, and she and Shu Ting Although Lan's relationship is good enough to wear a pair of trousers, men still have to distinguish clearly.

She applied for her company to be transferred back, but the boss refused, and even persuaded her with earnest words

: "The important task for our company to enter the intelligent industry is left to you. I will immediately handle the promotion for you and become a partner of the intelligent business department."

Damn partner, whoever wants love.

She was given the identity of Zhuo Yu'an's girlfriend in Zhuoyuan Technology, and it was difficult for her to ride a tiger.

In the afternoon, Shu Tinglan came to Zhuoyuan Technology to formally report. Attorney Zhang warmly received her, personally arranged a work place for her and handed over various tasks.

During the period, Lin Zhitong sent her several messages, but she was too busy and only responded by voice:

"Hey, I'm a bit busy now, I'll talk about it when I go back tonight."

Lawyer Zhang is very considerate,

"Is Manager Lin looking for you for something? You take care of her first, we are not in a hurry."

"She's okay, let's continue."

Shu Tinglan came to work and didn't care about other things. Lin Zhiyi sent any more messages later, she didn't read it and didn't reply again. Until after work, Lin Zhiyi came over and waited for her to go with her.

When the two arrived at the door of the building, Zhuo Yuan’s car happened to pass by and he opened the window

"Come up."

Shu Tinglan instinctively wanted to refuse, but Lin Zhitong had already taken the lead and got on the car in full view, and Shu Tinglan had to keep up. In the car, Shu Tinglan was actually thinking about tomorrow's work arrangements. As a bridge between Zhuoyuan and Hongzheng Law Firm, she needed to set up a reasonable process to improve work efficiency. At this time, she had no clue.

Zhuo Yuan didn't talk much, and basically didn't say anything during the whole process, only Lin Zhitong said a few words from time to time.

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