Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 416: : Ding Zhi found it

He stopped Tinglan's plan to go to City H with a few words, and when he saw her back to wash his hands, he was lost in thought. All they can find is the tip of the iceberg.

Although he and Yi Muyang have only a few ties, but he is sure that he will not do things illegally or criminally.

Drug trafficking? No need, his family is well-off. That must be an act of last resort.

He had thought about it because he wanted to protect Tinglan and the children? Afraid that Tinglan and the children will be stalked and hurt?

For this reason, he had tentatively contacted Yi Muyang and asked if he needed help?

Yi Muyang didn't reply to him until many days later

: "No, thank you."

He said: "Tinglan is very worried about you."

Yi Muyang: "That's your business."

After that, he changed his contact information again, and could no longer be contacted.

After Zhuo Yuan didn’t dare to look for Yi Muyang easily anymore, fearing that his actions would bring him danger. Facing Yi Muyang’s affairs, he did have some spare capacity but not enough energy, because he didn’t dare to pay too much attention to him. cause trouble.

Listening to Zhuo Yuan's words, Tinglan dismissed the idea of ​​going to H city, but since Lao Ding went to H city, she became more and more panicked, because Yi Muyang hadn’t heard from him for too long. It was unusual, and even Yixiang had a big heart. After the day, Ms. Fu panicked a little, and called her to ask

: "Have Ah Yang contacted you?"

"No." She can only tell the truth.

"He's been a little marginal recently. I haven't contacted the family for so long. I thought he was just taking the team out for training camps. One month or two months is normal, but this time, it's too long." Ms. Fu initially thought Yi Muyang was just Because I broke up with Tinglan, I found an excuse to go out for a training camp, and I would come back when I was in a good mood.

Both of them were silent on the phone. Shu Tinglan only listened to Ms. Fu sighing leisurely.

: "Ting Lan, then I won't bother you, we can contact him anytime if we have news from him."

Shu Tinglan only felt sore in her nose and couldn't say anything, so she hung up the phone.

On the night after receiving Ms. Fu’s call, Shu Tinglan had the nightmare again. It was Yi Muyang who was covered in blood and shouted at her.

: "Ting Lan, run, don't look back."

Even in the dream, the strong smell of blood overwhelmed her. Behind Yi Muyang, a group of people in black were chasing them with knives. He stopped the group of people with his body and prevented them from approaching her. His body She was pierced by a knife, bloody, and shouted at her with the remaining breath: "Run."

She ran desperately in the dark, her lungs prickling sharply from running too fast, and she couldn't breathe.

"Ting Lan, Ting Lan!"

She staggered and fell to the ground, but someone on the ground caught her. It was Zhuo Yuan, whom she was familiar with. She suddenly opened her eyes and woke up, her whole body drenched with sweat.

"Have a nightmare?"

"Yeah." I woke up in shock, but luckily it was a dream.

In fact, after she returned to Senzhou, she rarely had nightmares. The only two times she was about Yi Muyang, the scenes in her dreams were similar.

Zhuo Yuan seemed to know what nightmare she had, or maybe she had heard Yi Muyang's name just now in her dream. He put her in his arms and gently stroked her back to comfort him.

: "Dreams are all reverse, don't worry."


It's just too real, as if it really happened.

"I just thought I was too selfish, so I left him behind and went back to Senzhou alone."

"It's not to blame you." In that state, there were two other children, and she left was the wisest choice.

Shu Tinglan was awakened by the nightmare, and she couldn't sleep anymore. Zhuo Yuan didn't sleep, and stayed with her all the time. The two of them chatted with each other one after another, and gradually fell asleep until the early hours of the morning.

In the morning, Zhuo Yuan prepared breakfast for her and the children as usual. After eating, he first sent the children to kindergarten, and then sent Tinglan to the law firm. Since the relationship between the two was exposed, Zhuo Yuan insisted on picking her up. Commute,

She refused: "You don't follow the way, really don't have to pick up and drop off every day, isn't it troublesome?"

"No trouble, I dream of it." I wanted to do this many years ago, and even took the subway with her silently many times, but she was heartless and didn't know.

"It is very inconvenient to go to see customers during the day if I am not driving."

"Then park your car at the law firm for working hours, or if you want to see a client, let Brother Chen send you off." He felt that taking his wife and children to and from work, and from school to school is justified and important. Work, nothing to say.

Shu Tinglan refused several times, anyway, he didn't find it troublesome, so he just let her go.

Today, Lin Zhiyi asked her to meet at the law firm, mainly for the custody of Feifei’s property. While in Huayu City, Feifei’s biological father and grandmother came to grab custody rights. She played on the spot, saying that Qiao Zhen had notarized the property to Fu Shenyi and her before his death. It was purely for defrauding Feifei’s biological father and grandmother.

In fact, all Qiao Zhen’s property has not been dealt with. After her death, the house and other assets under her name belonged to Feifei’s name. Lin Zhitong was afraid that her biological father and grandma would find out later, and came to grab Feifei’s support. Quan, in order to avoid long nights and many dreams, I want to ask Shu Tinglan, what is the solution.

Lin Zhitong didn't even know, but before he knew it, he really cared about that child's affairs.

Shu Tinglan smiled and praised her: "Thank you, you are more kind than you think."

Lin Zhiquan looked disgusted; "You must not kidnap me morally, I am put in this position, there is no way. You don't know that the child tortured me every day to death, let me say, she There are ten sentences waiting to reply to me, and is she watching too much Gongdou Opera? Little boy, she is very obedient in front of Fu Shenyi, and when she faces me, she secretly grinned and deliberately angered me."

When Lin Zhiyun said this, he was angry and funny.

The little girl's tricks were leftovers from her childhood, so she found it very interesting.

She has no opinion on Feifei. She understands her very well and can even empathize with the little girl's psychology. She is angry that Fu Shenyi concealed it from beginning to end. For this reason, no matter how Fu Shenyi coaxed her, she continued. Cold war with him, separate, never forgive so quickly, otherwise all her previous sadness will be paid by mistake.

Closer to home

"Feifei’s situation is indeed a bit special. In fact, she is not related to Fu Shenyi. You are now adopted. If your biological father proves that he is capable of raising Feifei and is willing to raise him, the court may give him the possibility. Think about it, and I will reply to you later."

"Okay, leave it to you and I can rest assured, you can tell me how to do it at that time."

After Zhuo Yuan sent Shu Tinglan to the office, Lu Kuo called

: "The person named Ding Zhi you asked me to check before, found it."

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