Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 427: : Your mission has been completed

With Ding Zhi, he was very contradictory and sometimes at ease, because Ding Zhi had rich experience and could give him a lot of guidance, but at the same time he was a little worried, afraid that both would be exposed and make senseless sacrifices.

With Yi Muyang's help, Ding Zhi quickly emerged in Qian'an's team. He was reliable, strong in execution, and seldom spoken and loyal. Qian'an was very satisfied with him.

In fact, in this small border town, people who entered the trade early knew Ding Zhi. After all, he was a big red man next to the drug lords. Jiapeng knew him. After the drug lords were arrested, he continued to bring his brothers in this small town. To deal with the aftermath of the drug lord, he is a man of love and righteousness. He now has many younger brothers under the chess and poker hall who followed Ding Zhi back then. It was just that people left the tea to cool down. After the drug lord was arrested, Ding Zhi didn't mix well, everyone had to make ends meet, and the contact gradually disappeared.

Now that Qian'anken uses him, everyone is naturally convinced of him.

Ding Zhi's accident was three months later.

Jiapeng and Gesang Liren suspected each other because of the incident at the drug manufacturing factory last time, and the contradiction intensified. Qian'an opened his eyes and closed his eyes at first. He didn't want the two to reconcile, but it has evolved to the two sides. Every day, the men and horses are fighting to the point where they meet, and every day they get ridiculous and impetuous.

Qian An received a batch of goods from Myanmar and wanted to send it away as soon as possible.

In recent years, he has rarely run the goods himself, unless it is an important customer or a good one, he will run the goods himself. After all, he can't trust anyone 100%, just trust himself.

Ding Zhi got the news and quickly sent it to his superiors, requesting deployment, and striving to catch Qian'an this time. It is rare for Ding Zhi to show an expression of excitement, dormant for many years, just waiting for this moment.

Yi Muyang also had a hint of excitement in his heart. He didn't want to live such a ghostly life for a day. If the matter is over, he will never step into this land again in his life, and he will never have any contact with Ding Zhi again. He must stay away from Ding Zhi.

If he goes back, he will go to Senzhou to see Tinglan and the children as soon as possible.

It is said that children’s memories are also very short. I wonder if the little guys still remember him as Uncle Yi.

There is also Ms. Fu, the mother who wants to go home and hug her. I hope she has always been heartless and heartless, and will not remember that her son has not contacted her for a long time.

And his friends, friends, friends, want to get together and drink for a few days and nights.

It's good to live well, live peacefully.

Ding Zhi looked at him: "Yi Muyang, you are going to prepare these days and leave here early."

"What do you mean?" He looked at Ding Zhi.

"Your mission has been completed." Ding Zhi was serious, not like joking.

"Speak clearly!" He was a little irritable, and didn't like Ding Zhi to speak only half way.

"This task, we are bound to succeed. But everything is in case. Therefore, if you succeed, you will retreat; if you fail, our identity may be exposed, so it is wisest for you to leave early. s Choice."

"Ding Zhi, in your eyes, I am Yi Muyang who is greedy for life and fear of death, and escapes before the battle?" Since he chose to take this path, whether it is success or failure, he must stick to the end, there is no reason to give up halfway.

"Yi Muyang, this is an order from your superiors. You must leave." Ding Zhi insisted. He brought Yi Muyang in because he didn't have a chance to get close to Qian'an. Now, he has gained Qian'an's trust. Mu Yang was able to retreat.

"Ding Zhi, unless I die, I have no room for maneuver in my life. So, instead of worrying about my safety, you should worry about this action and pray that the action will go smoothly. Other things go wrong."

As a result, Yi Muyang's crow's mouth became a truth.

Yi Muyang couldn’t remember exactly how the incident happened. He only remembers that the scene was chaotic. The people of Qian’an and the police exchanged fire. The terrain at that time was very complex and it was late at night, and the line of sight was affected. The policemen were not as familiar with the terrain as Qian'an and the others. During the firefight, Qian'an was under the cover of the people under him, carrying the cargo, and jumped onto the car that had been parked not far away.

Ding Zhi, who had never shown his face, was afraid of this situation, so he hung around early just in case.

As a result, Qian'an was running into the car with the cargo, and Ding Zhi slammed on the accelerator and rushed to intercept Qian'an's car. Today, he must stop Qian'an anyway and must not let him escape again.

Yi Muyang was also sitting in Ding Zhi's car. When he slammed on the accelerator, he just got out of the car to see the specific situation ahead. When he reacted, Ding Zhi's car had already rushed out.

After that, a loud noise was heard. Ding Zhi's car smashed into Qian'an's car. The sharp collision and braking sound almost shattered Yi Muyang's eardrums.

The two cars were at a standstill, only the sparkling fireworks from their hair.

Yi Muyang ran over like crazy, Ding Zhi's front had collapsed, the white airbag on the driver's seat was stretched out, and Ding Zhi was bloody.

"Ding Zhi..." Yi Muyang called to him, trying to reach out and unfasten his seat belt to pull him out, but his whole body was like a broken bone.

"Don't let him run." Ding Zhi said to him with one last breath.

Don't let him run away.

Don't let him run away.

With his head tilted, Yi Muyang saw Qian'an on the car staggering out of the car, still carrying the box of goods in his hand. Yi Muyang didn't care about Ding Zhi at this time, so he rushed forward with a fierce gesture, and put one foot on Qian'an's back. He held a wooden stick in his hand, and with red eyes, he slammed into the back of Qian'an's head. For a moment, he also lost his mind, and had a fierce emotion like venting his anger.

Qian'an, who was stepped on the ground and smashed by a wooden stick, trembled twice, and lay motionless on the ground.

Something's wrong!

Yi Muyang found that something was wrong, because the man stepping on his feet was too lean, and Qian'an was a little more muscular. Yi Muyang turned blue and turned the man aside.

It's not Qian'an, it's not Qian'an.

It's just that Qian'an wears exactly the same clothes, from hair to skin color to figure, people who are very close to Qian'an.

Hold! be cheated.

Qian An didn't come to deliver the goods in person, but found a substitute who looked very close.

In the distance, I don't know if it was a policeman or a dry security man who flew over here. Without any thought, he picked up a box of goods and quickly disappeared into the jungle next to him.

Qian'an is fake, and Ding Zhi is dead.

Ding Zhi is dead?

**Mom, left me alone and died?

He ran all the way, not knowing where he was going, but knew that he couldn't follow the police now, let alone be spotted by people from Qian'an. He can only run, can only run.

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