Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 43: : Am I afraid of things?

Zhuo Yu'an was like taking gunpowder today. Whoever came and died fiercely, the bodyguard was also beaten to the ground in twos or twos.

Zhuo Yuan was completely out of control, and continued to beat Xu Tao to death until someone gently pulled the corner of his shirt

"Enough, don't cause death, it's not worth it to file a lawsuit for this kind of person."

The familiar voice was calm and rational. Zhuo Yuan stopped and turned to look at Shu Tinglan next to her. She had her hair loose and her coat wrapped empty, her face pale, but her eyes were indeed calm.

Zhuo Yuan slowly and slowly condensed the hostility of his whole body, as if he had used a great hostility, and his palm was trembling slightly.

"Yeah." A very deep word.

Although this teahouse was Xu Tao's site, it was mostly tea masters. At this time, seeing Xu Tao and his bodyguards were beaten to the ground, no one dared to step forward. Probably a customer called the police, so the police car came soon.

The tea room was chaotic for a while, Xu Tao was dying from being beaten, and when the police car came, he touched the blood on his face like a flashback.

"Catch him, catch him."

The bodyguard was also covered in blood to support him, and complained to the police Zhuo Yuan.

At this time, Zhuo Yuan and Shu Tinglan stood side by side, their expressions calm, and even their eyes were calm, watching the two people covered in blood quietly.

"President Tao?" The police recognized Xu Tao and immediately changed his attitude. Turn around and interrogate Zhuo Yuan and Shu Tinglan like prisoners

"You fight?"

Silent, no one answered.

"I'm dumb, wasn't it very good just now? Did you fight it?" The police had a bad attitude.

Zhuo Yuan glanced at the police car, his tone of disdain

"All will be handled by my lawyer."

He is still a civilized person, and he doesn't know the darkness of Xining City. The police laughed when they heard

"Okay, then please come with us to the police station."

"Don't... talk nonsense with him, catch him. I want him to sit through the prison, not selfishly." Xu Tao yelled.

"President Tao, do you want to go to the hospital for an examination first? I'll send someone to the hospital to make a transcript later."

"No, I'll go to the police station with you."

Su Tinglan suddenly said

"I need to be tested."

The police looked at her inexplicably. Is this another trouble? She looked the most normal in the audience, where was the injury?

Shu Tinglan unbuttoned a few buttons on his coat, and his snow-white skin was instantly exposed. There were a few traces of Xu Tao's bite on it, which were particularly dazzling.

"Xu Tao assaulted me first. This is evidence. I need injury inspection and DAN comparison to fix the evidence."

She was too calm, without any fear of being violated.

When she said that, Xu Tao exploded in an instant

"Fuck your mother, the pants are all taken off, it's your mother's offender." She was angry when she thought of it. She was as stiff as a corpse just now. She fiddled with her for a long time without taking her pants off, so she was picked up and beaten up from behind.

"Keep your mouth clean." Zhuo Yuan wanted to punch again, but Shu Tinglan stopped him.

"Okay, check the injuries, right? Go, go to the police station to check the injuries."

The group followed the police into the police car. Zhuo Yuan was silent, and Shu Tinglan was also silent. Xu Tao did not speak about the pain of the wound, only the bodyguard cursed.

"Why are you here?" Shu Tinglan asked Zhuo Yuan calmly after getting into the car.

He really fell from the sky just now, a person who should have been abroad, even if he returned to China, would return to Senzhou, how could this Qi Ning suddenly appear, appearing in that tea room at a critical time.

"Yeah." Zhuo Yu'an was unprecedentedly reticent. Ren Shu listened to what Lan said, but he didn't answer. It seemed that he still didn't show up in his emotions just now.

Shu Tinglan couldn't understand his thoughts, and his appearance in Qining City made her very puzzled, plus the violence he was covering just now, and the silence now.

It is her who is being bullied. What is he mad at?

The police car quickly took them to the police station. From a distance, they saw dozens of people standing in front of the police station. Xu Tao's men should have called for cheer.

Xu Tao grinned and grinned darkly

"In Qining, no one dared to break ground on my head. Tinglan, you really make Uncle Tao sad."

While speaking, he stretched out his hand back, trying to pinch Shu Tinglan's face.


Zhuo Yuan grabbed Xu Tao's wrist with sharp eyes, only to hear Xu Tao scream again, the wrist was about to be crushed with severe pain.

Shu Tinglan hurried to La Zhuo Yu'an, fearing another accident. After all, the people in the dozens of Xu Tao in front, the police at the police station were obviously biased towards Xu Tao, and Qi Ning was far away from Emperor Senzhou Tiangao, even if he was in Senzhou again. There are connections, but it still doesn't work in Qining.

Today, I can only endure it first. The most important thing is to leave Xining safely.

Zhuo Yuan was pulled by her arm, and then she released Xu Tao's wrist.

"Who the **** are you, wait for me. You can all see it, it was his first hand." Xu Tao shouted to the police in front.

"Yes, Mr. Tao. When you arrive at the police station, we must give you a fair deal."

The police didn't want to make the matter a big deal either. With so many people in front of the police station, the influence was already very bad, so they could only appease Xu Tao first.

Shu Tinglan couldn't help being a little nervous. When communicating with Director Xiao in the morning, he didn't expect such a thing to happen when he saw the head of the trade union in the afternoon, and he didn't expect Zhuo Yu'an to be involved.

Although Zhuo Yuan has done a lot of business, after all he has been abroad for many years, and he has no knowledge of the domestic situation, let alone the darkness of Qining. A proud person like him can do something out of the ordinary for a while.

Heroes don’t suffer from immediate losses, so when he got off the police car, Shu Tinglan whispered to him

"Don't say anything for a while, just put all the responsibility on me. This matter has nothing to do with you."

She doesn't want to implicate him, it's better to pick him out.

Zhuo Yuan heard her and stood there looking at her inconceivably without speaking.

Shu Tinglan continued

"Your identity is here. If the lawsuit has a bad influence on Zhuoyuan Technology, Qi Ning is not as simple as you think. Wait a while, no matter what the police ask you, don't answer, at least you can't tell them your real name. ."

It was the first time that she faced this kind of thing. She didn't know how to solve it, but instinctively didn't want to involve Zhuo Yu'an.

"Shu Tinglan, in your eyes I am afraid of things, afraid of causing trouble?"

"Also, you are a lawyer. Are you sure you want to deceive the police and not tell them their real names?"

Zhuo Yuan asked in a cold tone, Shu Tinglan was taken aback for a moment, and finally said

"Then put all the responsibility on me, and you just say I instigated it."

Zhuo Yuan snorted coldly, ignored her, and advanced to the police station. The temperature all over his body seemed to drop several degrees.

He completely ignored Shu Tinglan's instructions just now. When the police asked for personal information, he answered directly without hiding it.

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