Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 443: : Lose to Zhuo Yu'an without loss

At this time, apart from distress, Ms. Fu is only proud. Her son is different.

Shu Tinglan also said from the heart: "I am also proud of him." In the future, when the children come back, she will tell the children how amazing their Uncle Yi is.

"The only wish of Ah Yang's father for him is that he is happy, so we spoiled him since we were young, and we were used to him. He never stopped what he wanted to do. We grew up like this. Not only did he not get crooked, but also Gen Zhengmiaohong, has a sense of justice, a sense of responsibility, and is kind, brave, and not afraid of hardship. Ting Lan, don't laugh at me, I am really proud of him, and there is no better child than him."

Shu Tinglan agreed with every word Ms. Fu said.

Several people waited outside the ward until the afternoon, when Yi Muyang finally woke up. Ms. Fu and his wife hurried into the ward, but Shu Tinglan and Lao Ding still stood outside the ward and did not enter.

The doctor said that too many people should not go in, so I can only look at it from a distance.

Yi Muyang was seriously injured, his face was covered with gauze, so he could not move, only a pair of eyes turned back and forth, glanced at his father and mother, his eye sockets slowly turned red.

Ms. Fu smiled and said, "You have taken your life this time. If you don't die, you will have luck." She was as optimistic as ever. Seeing him wake up, her heart was completely let go.

Yi Muyang's eyes were still rolling, and his mouth was struggling to speak, but he still tried to open it. Ms. Fu knows immediately

: "Are you looking for Tinglan?"

Yi Muyang's eyes stopped moving, indicating that he was right.

"She is outside, always with you. I'll call her in."

The couple went out and changed to Tinglan to come in. Old Ding was very witty and didn't follow.

Shu Tinglan came in, looking at Yi Muyang from such a close distance, his nose was sour. Yi Muyang kept staring at her, and the only movable eyes looked at her up and down, as if he was sure she was fine. After being unscathed, he breathed a sigh of relief and closed his eyes to rest. He kept his eyes open just now, a little tired. .

Shu Tinglan sat beside his hospital bed, did not leave, sighed

: "I hope you will cherish yourself in the future, and don't be in the hospital every time you see you. If you scare people away, you will be happy?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Yi Muyang opened his eyes suddenly to look at her, and then opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something. Shu Tinglan had to lower his head and lean closer to him. He seemed to have tried his best before saying

: "My... the... nose... son..."

"Your nose?" Shu Tinglan was stunned for a moment, and then asked uncertainly. Seeing Yi Muyang's eyes gave her an affirmation, what he just said was my nose.

She looked at him for a long time, and slowly realized what he was talking about, and said inconceivably: "Yi Muyang, you are like this, you still care about whether your nose is knocked down by Qian'an???"

"You want to ask this question, right?"

She was shocked and unbelievable, and asked again, seeing Yi Muyang, who was wrapped up as a mummy, gave him an affirmative answer with his eyes, yes, yes, at this moment, he cares about whether he is disfigured.

Shu Tinglan was so angry and funny, his tears fell out of control, and it was Yi Muyang, indeed Yi Muyang.

She lowered her head seriously, observed his face for a long time, and then said

: "The package is too tight to see if it has collapsed, but you have to be psychologically prepared, it may be really disfigured, because the plastic surgeon was there when you had the operation."

She deliberately did not let him rest assured.

"If you want to see if you have disfigured, you can get better soon. You can see it after the stitches are removed."

Her words probably irritated him, a little angry, and closed his eyes and ignored her. As a result, after a few minutes, he suddenly opened his eyes to look at her. Seeing that she was still there, he closed his eyes with confidence.

"You take a good rest, I'm here, I didn't leave. Lao Ding is also there." After Shu Tinglan finished speaking, Yi Muyang didn't open his eyes again, and he really fell asleep this time.

It was time for the visit, and Shu Tinglan was driven out by the nurse, and no one was allowed to stay here at night.

Zhuo Yuan also came to pick her up after handling the matter.

Zhuo Yuan did things well and asked Brother Chen to drive another car over, who was responsible for picking up Ms. Fu and his wife to and from the hotel. The hotel was also arranged by Zhuo Yu'an in advance, and it was in a five-star hotel near the hospital.

Ms. Fu was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he would arrange for them so meticulously, and once again felt in his heart that his son had lost to Zhuo Yu'an in this wave.

After watching Ge Chen to send Ms. Fu and his wife away, Shu Tinglan looked back at Lao Ding, "Send you back."

Lao Ding glanced at Zhuo Yuan, feeling a little uncomfortable, but it was a matter of other people’s feelings, and he couldn’t say anything. Moreover, Zhuo Yuan saved Yi Muyang this time. Refuse

: "No, I'll take a taxi home by myself."

Shu Tinglan didn't force it anymore. Although Lao Ding only had one leg, he was not slower than a normal person at all, so she was relieved.

Finally, Zhuo Yuan and her were the only ones left.

"Tired?" He took her shoulders and walked out.

"A little bit." Actually, I was very tired. I didn't sleep last night. I only slept on the plane for two hours. Then I sat in the corridor of the hospital until now, my body has reached its limit.

"Go back and have a good rest."


When I got home, I took a shower and lay directly on/bed without moving.

Zhuo Yuan originally wanted to ask her to get up and blow-dry her hair before going to sleep, but seeing that she was so tired, he took a hairdryer to help her dry her hair, and she curled up and lay on one side. Zhuo Yuan also took a shower, and then hugged her to sleep from behind, wrapped her hands from behind to front, clasping her hands tightly.

In his arms, she looked very petite, she was surrounded by him, and she fell asleep in peace. She hasn't slept so steadily for a long time. This time it was really steadfast. Yi Muyang is back, and all the dangers are gone. How can she be uneasy?

Zhuo Yuan was also tired. After she was taken away by Qian'an, he hardly slept well. He only slept for a while on the plane last night, and then today, the backlog is as important as a spinning top. Take care of all the work. Then rushed to the hospital non-stop to pick her up.

So holding her at this time, also fell asleep quickly.

They slept until dawn, and the two woke up almost at the same time, and their posture changed to lying face to face. Shu Tinglan watched her return to her previous handsome appearance. The beard on her chin was very clean, and the dark circles under her eyes were gone. He had a unique advantage and could easily regain his strength.

Restoring physical strength, well, means restoring in all aspects.

The two went into the bathroom to wash together, and when they went to the cloakroom to look for clothes after washing, Zhuo Yuan said that he was recovering well and could not waste the morning time, and took her back to the bedroom.

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