Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 472: : Emotional value

He was originally encumbered by Gu Ruandong to enter the game industry, but once he entered the industry, he was extremely invested. In his opinion, he had worked harder in the early stage, laid the foundation and got on track, and he could relax. So now, he is more concerned than Gu Ruandong.

He and Gu Ruandong operate a business in two completely different ways. He is dedicated to doing things, as long as he recognizes one direction, he will devote himself wholeheartedly to his work. Gu Ruandong is just the opposite. He is a wild wolf. He goes wherever he smells money. So he has all kinds of industries. You have to ask him what he does. You may not be able to name a specific industry. However, it is not appropriate to say that he is an investor. He is not like Tingjing Finance which specializes in investment. Most of the projects will not directly participate in operation. However, the purpose of investment in Gu Ruandong’s Gu Group is to participate in operation. Hundreds of control.

When Gu Ruandong saw Zhuo Yuan and Shu Tinglan one after another, he raised his eyebrows and said deliberately.

: "Attorney Shu, look, I want to receive President Zhuo, I am afraid I don't have time to talk to you today."

Shu Tinglan smiled: "It's okay, I'll wait outside for you to finish talking."

After speaking, he turned and prepared to go out, Zhuo Yuan reached out and held her wrist

: "You talk to Mr. Gu first, I'll go outside." Not because of Gu Ruandong's attitude, but because of her privacy at work, it is not convenient for a third person to be present.

Gu Ruandong smiled on the side: "Lawyer Shu came to me for Gu Ruanruan's property, not for privacy, you don't have to go out, Mr. Zhuo."

This time, Gu Ruandong may have thought that Zhuo Yu’an was also there, so his attitude was not bad. “Attorney Shu, you are very dedicated and I admire it. You offer a price to help Gu Ruan Ruan represent this case, and she will give How much are you? I will give you twice."

"Mr. Gu, this is my job, not just money." Although she still lacks performance, if she can get Gu's cooperation, of course, it will be more helpful to her performance, but she will not do anything that violates professional ethics. What's more, helping Gu Ruan Ruan is not only work, but also personal emotions.

"I admire it!" Gu Ruandong resumed his usual "frivolity".

Zhuo Yuan sat beside and looked at Gu Ruandong, with a warning in his eyes, indicating that he should show respect to Tinglan.

Gu Ruandong saw the two of them. Although there was no communication in his office, he didn't even glance at each other, but the love between each other flowed naturally. He changed the conversation: "Always listen to Lu Kuo saying that Mr. Zhuo protects his wife. , I felt it today. Oh, I should say I felt it before. In order to save Lawyer Shu, Mr. Zhuo abandoned his prejudice for many years and condescended to come to me for help. It is really touching."

"Gu Ruandong..."

Zhuo Yuan wanted to stop him from saying that it was too late, and Tinglan heard it.

"Looking for you to save me?" Shu Tinglan asked again.

"Ask Mr. Zhuo!"

Shu Tinglan glanced at Zhuo Yu'an, without asking, he probably understood what was going on.

After coming out of Gu Ruandong’s office, Shu Tinglan felt a little uncomfortable and even more guilty.

"So you agreed to cooperate with him because you saved me?" She knew that he had never touched the game before, and that he was dissatisfied by Zhuoyuan's shareholders and investors because of this.

Zhuo Yuan did not hide: "Although the cause is you, I recently invested in the game industry and discovered that it was my prejudice before. As long as the direction is right, games can also become a way for modern people to decompress. Harm, so, I should thank you for giving me the opportunity to try in more industries. And anyway, Gu Ruandong paid for the investment, and I am just a person, not at a loss."

Obviously it was something that made Shu Tinglan uncomfortable, so he said it lightly, and comforted her from a different angle, which made her feel even more uncomfortable.

"You are more valuable than his investment, so you don't lose money, you're dead."

"No loss, didn't he let you and Yi Muyang come back safely? If you don't have him, you might have to suffer for a while. So no matter how we count, we won't lose."

Shu Tinglan looked at Zhuo Yu'an with his mouth closed, his eyes were about to be misted, and he felt guilty. He silently helped her do so many things, and now he is still being trapped in doing work that he doesn't like, but he She hadn't revealed a word in front of her, and she hadn't noticed it. Before, she even got angry with him because of taking over the case of Ruan Ruan.

"Why are you still wronged?" Zhuo Yuan was a little funny, looking down at her slightly, how could this little expression look like a little girl, wanting to cry but not crying.

Shu Tinglan took the initiative to step forward, hugged him, and said nothing.

He deliberately enlivened the atmosphere:

"Pay attention to the image, it's downstairs in the client company."

"Don't be image." She mumbled in her arms.

He hugged her to comfort: "It's okay."

Shu Tinglan: "I know, but I just feel that I am very useless, as if I have been dragging you down."

Zhuo Yuan put his arms around her waist and the back of her head in the other, touching

: "Brain is broken?"


"It's not bad, why do you always say these silly things?"

There are many things between them, and they don’t need to say too much in words. They all understand each other’s hearts, cherish and love each other, and put each other in the most cherished position. He believed that if he had an accident before, Tinglan would save him at all costs.

When she calmed down, he let go of her:

"I will send you to the law firm."

"What about your car?"

"Let Brother Chen come over and drive, he has a spare key."


Zhuo Yuan drove his car, she was sitting in the passenger seat, holding a mobile phone to send messages to Lin Zhitong secretly

: "What to do, I really want to propose to marry him now."

"???" Lin Zhitong sent an inexplicable question mark over, and sent her various marriage proposal videos for reference a while ago, showing her lack of interest.

"Suddenly wanted to marry him, and wanted to give him a surprise." Shu Tinglan felt at this moment that no matter how much she did for Zhuo Yuan, it was far inferior to what he did for her.

Moreover, she seemed to be able to give him nothing but happiness. He is strong enough, what can she give?

She told Lin Zhiyi of this doubt,

Lin Zhiyi quickly replied: "You can provide him with emotional value. Emotional value is the most priceless."

As soon as Lin Zhiyun solved it, Shu Tinglan felt a little relieved, and his mood was much better than before.

Zhuo Yuan looked at her while driving, "What are you doing with Lin Zhiyi mysteriously recently?"

? Was he noticed?

"It's nothing, isn't she still having trouble with Fu Shenyi? I comfort her."

"Oh? Mr. Fu said, they are reconciled." I knew she was lying.

"Can't we fight anymore if we make up?"

Seeing that she was really fine, Zhuo Yuan relaxed a lot. , I think Tinglan is very good now.

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