Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 484: : Female celebrities, please take into account the image

Although it was midsummer, she really didn't dress much. Originally, she was participating in an activity focusing on school violence. After participating, she went home directly. How could these things be implicated?

The air conditioner in the car was a bit low, and it felt a bit strange that he didn't want to be exposed in front of him anymore, so he had to wear his jacket. The coat is so big that it almost wraps her tightly, and the uppermost position of the high-fork skirt can also be covered with a coat.

Finally comfortable, she can sit casually without worrying about the image. She stretched her waist and leaned back in the chair comfortably. She even wished to sit with her legs crossed on the back seat. Don't be too comfortable.

"Female celebrity, take into account the image a little bit." Gu Ruandong's voice came.

Lu Yaoyao quickly moved his position and leaned against another car window, not wanting to pay attention to him, and buried his head in his clothes. As a result, the clothes are all familiar with the good smell of tobacco.

Inexplicably, she suddenly got the idea that those smokers could not quit, because they would be addicted, just like she smelled, as if she was addicted, it smelled very good, better than the perfume on her body. smell.

She kept her small face hidden in her clothes, and she was a little drowsy in the car, and she didn’t know how long it took.

Suddenly the coat on her face was torn apart, she opened her eyes suddenly and saw Gu Ruandong's face close at hand.

At a very close distance, she could even see Gu Ruandong's eyelashes one by one, as well as his own reflection in his eyes. His expression is very intriguing, and his dark eyes are like a dark night with various changes.

"It's at your house." He said this almost breathlessly, his throat a little tight. After finishing speaking, he didn't do anything, but straightened up, then opened the door, and went out first.

Lu Yaoyao got out of the car only then, and after sitting in the car for almost two hours, his legs were sore.

The person stood firm and waved to Gu Ruandong beside the car: "Thank you today. You should also go home and rest early."

Today, she has just ended her four-year relationship. She was a little embarrassed and sad. He sent her back to avoid being watched, and in the car for these two hours, she seemed to have forgotten her sadness, and she should thank him.

Gu Ruandong didn't leave or speak, just standing by the car, with the habitual smell of "clothed beasts".

Do you want her to return clothes and shoes now?

Lu Yaoyao: "The coat and shoes, I will return to you later."

He still didn't speak, but he didn't get in the car, making people confused.

Lu Yaoyao was a little nervous: "Would you like to go to my house for a glass of water?"

Gu Ruandong finally said, "It's okay." Very simply.

Lu Yaoyao...I was thinking quietly in my heart, isn't it appropriate? That night, a lone man and a widow, if she gets photographed by a reporter, she will be finished, not to mention that she just broke up with Yuan Binghuan today.

But in front of Gu Ruandong, she couldn't say a word of refusal if she borrowed her ten courage.

She just went up to drink a glass of water, so she didn't think too much.

The body is not afraid of the shadow slanting, right?

Unconsciously wrapped his clothes and jacket, bowed his head to lead the way.

Gu Ruandong walked behind him unhurriedly, always keeping two steps away from her, and entering the elevator together, Lu Yaoyao stood upright, not standing upright, he was wearing stiletto heels after all.

Gu Ruandong was leaning on the elevator handrail on the other side. Even if he leaned so far, he was still a head higher than Lu Yaoyao.

When he got home, Lu Yaoyao kicked her high heels directly, and when the soles of her feet stepped on the soft carpet at home, she felt so comfortable that she wanted to dance. She is not a person who can take care of others, so she took off her coat and threw it to Gu Ruandong, saying

: "Turn left, there is a water dispenser in front of the bar, you can pour the water yourself."

She just wanted to change her outfit quickly, and then charge the phone.

Gu Ruandong didn’t actually go inside. He caught the coat she threw over, leaned against the door, and asked her.

: "This is your way of hospitality?"

"In my house, these three words are the highest standard of hospitality." After these few close encounters, she is no longer afraid of Gu Ruan Dong, and she has no defense against him. This kind of natural trust, I feel that his identity is there, there is no shortage of money, no shortage of women, in other words, she has something, he has more, so there is nothing to prevent.

When Gu Ruandong saw her disappear directly into the hall, he didn't bother to go in again, and turned and left with his coat.

Lu Yaoyao removed all the make-up on his face, took a shower, and when he came out to change his clothes, the house was quiet, Gu Ruandong had already left, and her black lace-up high-heeled shoes were lying on the floor in the hall. Then, she was exhausted and collapsed directly on the sofa. She quickly left Gu Ruandong behind, charging her mobile phone while reading news.

In the crew group, everyone's work is going on normally, and the shooting progress is also normal. There is another actor @她 at night, asking when will she return to the team? She is not there, no one is poisoning them, and they are not used to it.

There was also a WeChat message from Yuan Binghuan asking her when she would be free and want to talk about what she said about the breakup. After she had finally calmed down, she raised it up instantly and blocked him directly. What to say, break up after breaking up, there is no need to explain to the outside world, she did not rely on c.p to fry.

Then there was a message from Lu Kuo asking her: Are you filming at Senzhou University?

She replied fiercely: What does it matter to you?

Lu Kuo: Have you taken gunpowder?

She will not return.

Finally I saw Sister Hao’s message: Baby, is it safe to get home?

She returned one: home safely.

Her life is always lively and lively. There are waves of people around her who greet her with coldness and warmth. The first 20 years of life were too smooth, with thousands of loves, and Yuan Binghuan probably met her. The biggest robbery.

Fortunately, she has a character that can afford to let go, and soon put Yuan Binghuan behind. The scumbag is not worthy of her wasting her feelings.

The next Sunday, I originally planned to go to the studio again on Monday, but I was fine at home alone, so I went back to find Ruan Ruan in advance.

When she saw Gu Ruanruan, she was lying in front of her desk typing on the computer, and Lu Yaoyao complained:

"I really don't know you, a teacher, what are you doing during the holiday? I'm filming in the University of Mori, and you have come to visit the class a handful of times."

Gu Ruan Ruan looked up at her from the computer: "It's really busy. Last month, I hurried to write the two chapters that I was responsible for. Now the school will start to make teaching plans and courseware."

After all, she is a new teacher and lacks experience in this area, but she has to do things perfectly and repeatedly modify, so it takes a lot of time.

Lu Yaoyao: "I'm broken in love!"

Gu Ruan Ruan: "Congratulations!"

"You don't comfort me."

"This relationship of yours has long existed in name only, it's better to end early."

"You are so cold-blooded!"

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