Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 499: : Tinglan and Gu Ruandong cooperate

Shu Tinglan is now working smoothly at Lanshan Law Firm. Although Lan Xiaoshan has not determined the location of her partner, she maintains a natural attitude towards this position.

Regarding the performance, I also hold a steady and steady mentality. I am not as anxious as before, so I am very cautious when selecting customers for cooperation. Gu Ruandong’s project is certainly very attractive, but considering the Gu family and his cooperation with Zhuo Yuan, she felt that it would be better to seek Zhuo Yuan’s opinion.

So instead of agreeing immediately, he said, "Mr. Gu, I need to think about it before replying. Can I leave the information for a look?"

Gu Ruandong nodded, "Okay, I'll wait for your reply."

Although he didn't say anything, his expression was certain that she would take the case, very confident. His secretary Xiao Cai organized the information into a book and placed it in front of her.

Gu Ruandong walked to the door of the conference room and suddenly turned around and said, "Lawyer Shu, I hope you can give me an answer as soon as possible. Gu welcomes you at any time."

Shu Tinglan came out to see him off, and enthusiastically pressed the elevator button for him. When the elevator was approaching, she said

: "Mr. Gu, if you are free, it is better for me to go to the Gu family to talk about Ruan Ruan's case."

Because Gu Ruan Ruan didn't want to go to court, so this matter has been exhausting. She didn't give up and kept fighting for opportunities.

As soon as she finished speaking, the elevator just arrived. Gu Ruandong and secretary Xiao Cai walked into the elevator. They just glanced at her outside the elevator and smiled with their lips, but they still didn't say a word. Several times down, as long as he talked about the distribution of Gu Ruan Ruan's property, he had this attitude and did not make any statement.

Shu Tinglan watched the elevator door close, and then turned back to the law firm. The girl at the front desk and two administrative staff members saw her come in and asked quietly.

: "No wonder I feel familiar. Was this customer the man who sent Lu Yaoyao home on the Internet before?"

In some respects, Shu Tinglan's nerves are still big, and he doesn't pay attention to entertainment news. Last time, Lu Yaoyao and Yuan Binghuan's troubles were raging. She knew, and she knew it was caused by Lu Yaoyao bringing a strange man home, but she I have never seen that photo.

Shu Tinglan did not answer their questions. Although she is getting along well with them now, she never talks about these trivial lace news with them, so she went upstairs and went back to the office.

Not talking to the front desk and the administrative staff does not mean that she is not curious. After all, she knows Lu Yaoyao and Gu Ruandong. As far as she knows, there shouldn't be any intersection between them.

Those photos were no longer available on the Internet, so she asked Xiaoxin, a melon-eater next to him, if he had that photo. Xiaoxin smiled triumphantly: "Of course there are."

Then quickly found the three photos from her phone and sent it to her phone.

Shu Tinglan received the photo and said by the way: "Why are you still keeping someone else's photo? You deleted it from the phone after reading it."

To put it right, Xiaoxin has a question mark on his face

"Lawyer Shu, what about your behavior, can I say that you picked up the bowl to eat meat and put down the bowl to scold your mother?" Xiaoxin now dares to say in front of Lawyer Shu.

"The wording is improper, I call it "crossing the river and breaking the bridge." She replied frankly, called Xiaoxin speechless.

After Shu Tinglan finished speaking, he turned back to his desk and began to look at the three photos. Who else is the man in the photos if it's not Gu Ruandong?

She handily sent the photo to Zhuo Yu'an, and added: "It's very handsome and very flavorful."

Zhuo Yuan replied in a second: "Shu Tinglan, are you itchy?"

Shu Tinglan: "Don't let the truth be told?"

Zhuo Yuan: "Go home in the evening and talk about it."

The warning is full of meaning.

Shu Tinglan smiled, and this was the symptom: "He asked me just now. The Gu Group cooperated with a real estate company to develop a commercial project in an urban village, so the pre-demolition and relocation will be more complicated. He wants to entrust me. Acting for matters related to demolition and relocation."

Zhuo Yuan quickly sent a video request, and Shu Tinglan took the phone and went to the tea to listen indirectly.

Zhuo Yuan asked briefly: "What do you think?"

He only listened to these few words, he didn't give her advice right away, but wanted to hear her real thoughts first, so he sent a video specially.

"To be honest, whether it is legal work related to the demolition of urban villages or cooperating with Gu Ruandong, it is very challenging, so I want to take it." She has always tried various breakthroughs in her work. She is more interested in difficult cases. But her biggest worry is what Zhuo Yuan thinks. After all, Zhuo Yuan and Gu Ruandong are also cooperating, whether she wants her to participate in Gu Ruandong's other projects.

In the video, Zhuo Yuan was silent and seemed to be thinking. After a few seconds, he gave a very pertinent opinion.

"Ting Lan, if you are worried about my cooperation with Gu Ruandong, it is not necessary. Gu Ruandong is also trustworthy."

"Trustworthy?" Shu Tinglan heard Zhuo Yuan's comment, a little unexpected.

"Well, because I haven't been in contact for many years, he is biased against him due to the influence of outsiders. But this time we cooperated in the development of the game, he is a bit evil, but he has his own bottom line and principles." People who have the bottom line and principles will not be worse off, Zhuo Yu'an very objectively evaluates.

"So you support me in taking this project?" Shu Tinglan asked.

"Want to listen to the truth?" Zhuo Yuan asked.

"you say."

"If you want to challenge and take this case, I will naturally support you. It’s just that I’m not willing to accept it. The demolition, especially the demolition of villages in the city, is very complicated and dangerous. So in my own heart, I don’t want you. Take these risks and don't want you to be so tired from work, understand?"

Shu Tinglan smiled at the video: "Understood. I know you feel sorry for me. If you don't have Gu Ruandong's factor, but you are just worried that I am tired, then I will pick it up, okay?"

If Gu Ruandong is at risk or it will affect their cooperation, then she may not pick it up. If she is just worried that she is at risk or tired, then it is not in her consideration. She has never been in her business. Absolutely safe, it goes without saying that you are tired. Many lawyers in the firm work overtime almost all year round or travel all year round, and none of them are not tired.

She said she wanted to challenge and take this case. Zhuo Yuan has always supported all her decisions, so she just said

: "Just pick it up if you want." There is nothing to worry about with him in his pocket.

With Zhuo Yuan's support, she was also confident in taking this case.

So the next day, I took Xiaoxin to the Gu Group to sign an agency contract with Gu Ruandong. Gu Ruantong was not surprised to see her here, as expected, even his secretary Xiao Cai had already printed out the agency contract, waiting for her to sign it.

Shu Tinglan smiled and signed the words.

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