Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 509: : Desk couple discussing wedding

But letting go of the wedding is not his style. The general direction, such as the theme, style, and planning of the wedding, he still has to do it himself. Cheng Zhimin is responsible for making the list of banquets and looking for a wedding plan company and other specific implementations. Work.

Cheng Zhimin is worried that during the Chinese New Year, people who get married will get together, and the good wedding venues and hotels will be gone, so it is always right to prepare a few months in advance. According to the family nanny, some hotels must be booked a year in advance. Yes, it is a bit late for them to prepare now.

Cheng Zhimin can't say how much she likes Shu Tinglan's daughter-in-law, but she likes it very much. Shu Tinglan is a low-key person, never publicizing her identity to the outside world, let alone using her identity to find a job for herself, which makes Zhuo Hong very satisfied; and she is knowledgeable and considerate, and the children follow After Jingcheng picked up Senzhou, she knew she wanted the children, so every night the children would have a video chat with her. Sometimes Cheng Zhimin couldn't help but point fingers at their little family. Just like this time a wedding was about to be held, she wanted to organize it for them. Shu Tinglan also agreed, thinking that she was happy, it was nothing.

Given the status of the Zhuo family and Zhuo Yuan’s wealth, she is still so low-key and does not show off at all. It is really rare to see people who work diligently, so Cheng Zhimin and her become more satisfied with each other, remembering her before. In order to dismantle what they did, now that I think about it, it feels incredible.

She can only attribute it to the menopause that was causing trouble, many things can't be thought of, and her emotions have been infinitely magnified, and now it is the real home and everything.

Zhuo Yuan and Shu Tinglan talked for a while about what to do with the wedding. Shu Tinglan's voice was uncomfortable, mainly Zhuo Yuan was talking about. Whatever he said, she thought it was OK and very good.

Shu Tinglan's point is very good. She doesn't pick faults about things that she doesn't want to worry about and how others do, and she doesn't give any opinions. She thinks it is very good and acceptable.

Just like before, Zhuo Yuan cooks for her, she doesn't do it herself, she eats whatever he does, and doesn't pick at all.

Zhuo Yuan smiled: "You think everything like this is okay, it will make me feel that you don't care about the wedding."

Although the content of the words meant to complain, but the tone was normal. Because I knew her too well, I wouldn't be really angry at all.

Shu Tinglan said sincerely: "It's enough to have you for the wedding, and everything else is not important."

This answer is enough, Zhuo Yuan's heart is instantly clear, there is no other request.

"Then you think about it these days, then you need to invite those guests and give me the list."

Cheng Zhimin wanted to reserve a wine table, and asked him how many people would attend by the time, and I mentioned it by the way today.

"Okay, I'm sure I can tell you." In fact, her parents are gone, and her relatives in Qining stopped contacting each other because of her father's affairs, so if invited, there will only be a few friends and a few colleagues. .

After eating, Zhuo Yuan sent her back to the law firm. On the way, he asked about the demolition of the village in the city.

"You ask Gu Ruandong to find some people to accompany you. If he doesn't find it, I will find it for you."

There is a mixed bag, and she is so attentive to work, she has to go to the first place in everything, fearing that she will be bullied.

"I know, I have a sense of measure myself." Shu Tinglan sometimes annoys Zhuo Yu'an. It's really "too verbose". She doesn't worry about Shu Xiaohe so much. She is older than her father.

The people who were despised also knew well. They stopped talking when they were sent to the door of the law firm. They said something and left after seeing them when they came home from work. They knew that their family status was low before, but now they are "slumped."

Shu Tinglan finished a conference call with a client in the afternoon, then checked the materials for a while and wrote a paper, and then left work. After sleeping with the two children in the evening, she remembered what Zhuo Yuan said that the list of wedding guests should be sent to his mother in advance. She began to look through the address book seriously, except for her friends Lin Zhitong, Cheng Chen, and Yi Muyang. One family, and colleagues from the Lanshan Law Firm, Lawyer Sun, Director Xiao, Zhou Ming and others. By this calculation, there are less than 20 people in total.

Normally, I don’t feel so much, but when the wedding is about to be held, there are no parents or relatives to invite. Even though the parents have passed away for a few years, she has adapted, but at this time she still feels a little sad, staring blankly at the address book.

Zhuo Yuan could feel her mood, put her in his arms, kissed her on the forehead, and said, "If you feel uncomfortable, we won't have this wedding."

Everything is based on her mood as the first consideration.

Shu Tinglan shook his head: "It's okay. I just suddenly thought that it would be nice if my mother was there at the wedding. It's not sad, but a bit regretful, but a bit regretful."

She knows that she is already very good. She has a husband who loves her, two lovely children, and a job she likes. In fact, her life has been fulfilled. This is probably because her mother has been protecting her.

Zhuo Yuan hugged her tightly and kissed her hair. In fact, even if he understands her and loves her again, this kind of pain and regret can only be borne by her, and others cannot replace it.

"Am I hypocritical again?" She put down the phone, put her hands around his waist and leaned against his arms, occasionally depressed, but with him, she would soon recover.

Zhuo Yuan shook his head, where is the hypocrisy? He liked how she was now, and didn't hide himself from him at all.

Tonight, he found it in conscience, knowing that she ran to the village in the city during the day, busy with work in the afternoon, very tired, and depressed at night, not in the mood, so he honestly didn’t touch her again, just hugged and talked about something, after a while , Tinglan fell asleep in his arms, breathing very lightly and sleeping peacefully, Zhuo Yuan felt that this was also very good, it was another kind of spiritual communication, very satisfying.

Both of them slept very steadily that night. The next day, Tinglan was woken up by the person in charge of the Gu Group’s real estate. He called from there and asked directly.

: "Lawyer Shu, what did you tell those residents yesterday? Today, a few residents came to the Gu family to make trouble."

When Shu Tinglan heard this, he hurriedly sat up from the bed

"What's the situation? I communicated with them normally yesterday."

"There was a disturbance in the middle of the night yesterday, saying that a lawyer told them that the commercial district developed by Gu should bypass their houses and not develop them." The person in charge of the real estate saw several people holding banners in front of Gu's door. , I have a headache, and I am most afraid of encountering such things, so I am a bit angry at Lawyer Yu Shu at the moment.

"I know, I'll go over immediately." Shu Tinglan was already up and quickly washed and dressed and went out.

"What's the matter?" Zhuo Yuan also woke up. Seeing that she was going out so early, he consciously got up and planned to accompany her.

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