Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 515: : Demolition

No matter how handsome the male guest is in the show, she can't attract her interest anymore. The subsequent filming is to take out the self-cultivation of the actors and take it seriously as an idol drama. There is no fluctuation in her heart.

After this, there was a long period of time without seeing Gu Ruandong again.

Gu Ruandong has been very busy recently. He is going to change hands at the place in Macau. Mr. Wang introduced a few buyers who were all interested in buying. But he has his principle, not whoever gives more money to sell to whom, so from time to time he will fly with Mr. Wang to meet these buyers in person. Wang always knows about him, and the buyers who are introduced have a clean background. Yes, people who can withstand the investigation dare to bring it to Gu Ruandong.

The buyer Gu Ruandong went to see this time was quite satisfied after the chat, and ordered Mr. Wang to continue the conversation. If there is no accident, he would transfer to the buyer.

Mr. Wang agreed, and after a while, he said: "This time you changed hands to this place in Macau. Many people in the industry are analyzing whether there is a problem with the capital chain of the Gu Group. That's why you are eager to change hands to this cash cow. ?"

In fact, Mr. Wang is still very puzzled, why Gu Ruandong has been dealing with the property under his name recently. In addition to the Macau business, there are many businesses, and he is also changing hands.

Not to mention speculation from the outside world, even President Wang is also speculating whether the Gu Group really has a funding problem.

Or guess whether Gu Ruandong is not optimistic about the future economic situation in the country, so he plans to withdraw and move out?

During the conversation at the club that day, Gu Ruandong said that he was tired and wanted to be clean. Mr. Wang didn't believe a word of this statement. A person who crawled out of the big dyeing vat knows the operating rules of this circle best. If you want to be clean, how can you be clean?

Didn’t Gu Ruandong fail to hear the speculation about the Gu’s group from the outside world, and even his semi-retired old man called from Beijing to ask him what’s going on? Is there really something wrong with Gu, and he urgently needs to gather funds?

He does not respond to these rumors and speculations, nor does he bother to respond. The Gu Group's annual audits and annual financial reports are all there, and the rumors are self-defeating.

Wang always really couldn't figure out his ideas, but the commercial complex that the two jointly developed, Gu's investment went smoothly, and it must be fine.

The planning of the commercial complex is that after the beginning of the spring next year, the construction will be officially started, so the issue of demolition and resettlement is imminent. Most of the residents have already moved out, only a few of the Chen family are still struggling.

Several households in the Chen family are extremely stubborn and do not eat hard and soft. If they do not move away, they may delay the later development. Therefore, when the project meeting was held, the person in charge of the real estate reported this situation to Gu Ruandong.

Mr. Wang's point was that forced demolition was originally in line with the plan above, and it was all approved through legal procedures, so there is no need to be afraid.

Shu Tinglan felt that this was the next best thing, and it was best not to do it as a last resort. In case of an accident, the social impact would be bad, and it was Mr. Wang and Ruandong Gu that should bear the responsibility.

Gu Ruandong has not spoken here, he is looking at the overall plan on the screen and the design of the entire business district. He used a laser pointer to draw a position on the picture on the screen

: "In this area, can a sky bridge be built directly to the next sky restaurant?"

His laser pointer pointed to the place where the sky bridge was to be built, which happened to be the location of several houses surnamed Chen. This location was originally not the core area of ​​the commercial district. When the original design drawing was planned, Gu Ruandong proposed. This piece is mainly in response to the government's urban planning, greening and landscaping, and then building a sky restaurant and sky restaurant above the green area. The glass sightseeing elevator goes directly up.

At this meeting, Gu Ruandong’s proposal, everyone understood that if the households surnamed Chen did not move out, they would directly put high walls around their houses, and make landscape modeling outside the high walls, and then build a gallery above them. The bridge leads to the sky restaurant. These houses were sealed directly under the high walls and bridges, and they lived inside, not to mention running out of water and electricity, I am afraid that there will be no sunshine all year round.

After hearing this, Shu Tinglan glanced at Gu Ruandong, and seemed to immediately understand what he meant.

Immediately said to the design company: "Can you please give me the design drawing according to the requirements of the general manager just now."

The person in charge of the design company glanced at Gu Ruandong, solicited his opinions, and frankly said that this design scheme is not as good as the original design scheme.

But Gu Ruandong nodded and signaled that they followed the plan of Lawyer Shu and gave her a plan according to the design just now, and the person in the design company had to agree to it.

Although Gu Ruandong and Shu Tinglan have cooperated for the first time, it may be that Shu Tinglan’s savvy is relatively high, or they may be really involved in this work, so there is a tacit understanding with Gu Ruandong, knowing that he really the purpose.

The design company quickly sent the new version of the design to Shu Tinglan, and that afternoon, Shu Tinglan went to the bulletin board at the village in the city to post the new plan.

In fact, planning drawings need to be approved by the above and then filed. However, if you only modify some details and do not affect the overall situation, you do not need to submit for approval.

In this area, most of the residents signed and moved out, leaving only a few households with the surname Chen. On the surface, they are stubborn and unmoved, but the actual heart is also tormented. Always paying attention to every move of the outside world, I thought that as long as they insisted not to move away, the lawyer would definitely come to talk to them every day, and would definitely give in. But who knows, this lawyer hasn't been here for a long time, and seems to have forgotten them.

Chen's mother also specifically sought out Gu Ruanruan for this, knowing that she knew the lawyer and wanted her to go to inquire what it meant, but Gu Ruanruan refused, and even persuaded her to move out quickly, otherwise it would really force Gu. I'm in a hurry, don't want your little land, when the time comes, no one can live, no demolition money, compensation for the wife and collapse.

Mother Chen is also a little worried: "Gu Ruandong wouldn't do this, right?"

"Will you try him?"

When Mother Chen thought of Gu Ruandong's appearance, her heart was even more lost.

At this moment, I saw the lawyer posting a new plan on the bulletin board. When I looked at the plan, my heart was cold. She just wanted to buy something more for her son. If she followed this new plan, she wouldn't be able to live.

So grabbed Shu Tinglan's hand and tremblingly asked, "What does this mean?"

Shu Tinglan's hand was a little sore by her, and she calmly said, "Gu's redesigned drawing."

Mother Chen’s legs were a little soft, and another family named Chen said, “Don’t listen to them, this must be bluffing us.”

If you don't know Gu Ruandong, forget it, Chen's mother can be regarded as watching Gu Ruandong grow up, so she is convinced that this is something he can do.

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