Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 541: : Gu Ruandong is back

During the period, the pair of pearl earrings fell out of his pocket. He picked it up and set it aside. He bought it specially and planned to go back to coax him. He knows that girls sometimes coax them, but they just use WeChat to coax them. It is inevitable that there is no sincerity, so if you want to coax, you have to coax in person.

He turned on his mobile phone and put it aside. Standing under the shower, he washed away the smog all over his body. There was a voice announcement from the mobile phone, indicating that the other party had been turned off.

When he saw the time, it was early in the morning, and he couldn't help but smile, thinking that he should be asleep, not bad, knowing that he should turn off the phone and not be disturbed.

The matter of Chen Xinmin was resolved, and Mr. Wang was left here to wait to pick Chen Xinmin back. He will fly directly to the capital tomorrow morning. I drank too much tonight, and I was a little tired, so I fell asleep directly.

On the way to the airport the next day, Xiao Cai looked anxious and hesitated. Gu Ruandong ignored him, he would naturally say what he wanted to say.

Xiao Cai stayed with Gu Shao all day and didn’t look at his mobile phone. Besides, they don’t pay attention to the entertainment news. After returning to the hotel last night, he did not get the news that the lady was injured on the set. At that time, he wanted to talk to Gu Shao, but when he thought that Gu Shao drank a lot of alcohol, it was so late, so what if he knew it? So I endured all night and got up this morning, but I was a little scared and didn't dare to speak.

Xiao Cai went back to Senzhou directly. Gu Ruandong returned to the capital. Xiao Cai's flight was half an hour earlier. He didn't say anything until he got to the boarding gate, so he didn't know it. I can't do it, I can only do it in a hurry. When I get to the capital in a while, I will know it naturally.


In the hospital, early in the morning, Lu Yaoyao’s ward was surrounded by people. The Lu family and relatives who went back last night all rushed back this morning. Fortunately, the space in this special ward is large enough that it will not be crowded. feel.

When the attending doctor came, he was accustomed to seeing all kinds of big scenes, but was shocked by the battle before him, so he had to persuade him.

"I can understand everyone's concern about the patient's mood, but what the patient needs most now is rest and a clean environment. So many of you come and bring in germs from the outside. If the leg wound becomes infected, the consequences will be disastrous."

"It's best to leave only one person outside the ward. You can see it with a special passport in the ward."

The doctor is an expert hired by the Lu family, so he sincerely advises.

Lu Yaoyao tearfully agreed with the doctor’s words that she didn’t want to be seen as a giant panda lying in a hospital bed, especially not wanting Lu Kuo and her grandfather and father by his side. Lu Kuo’s expression of wanting to scold her and holding back made her feel bad. Grandpa looked distressed and wanted to suffer for her, and her father looked guilty to death. The uncle in the family was considered normal. He glanced at her and ordered the doctor to leave.

Other relatives, like Teacher Cheng, who made bone soup, forced her to drink it early in the morning, saying where to make up for the injury, she couldn't drink a mouthful, and it was not the bone that she had injured.

The aunt, uncle, and grandma on her mother's side came to see her on behalf of her mother and almost cried bitterly before hugging her. Her grandma was very pungent and scolded her grandfather and father, saying that she was as good as a flower. Your child is raised in your Lu family, how about it?

When the parents divorced, it was the father who cheated first, so the grandfather and father were too afraid to talk in front of the grandmother, so they could only be scolded by others?

Lu Yaoyao has a headache. If you make a play, the title could be called: "What to do if you are too spoiled". She asked for help at the only clear-headed manager Hao Jie, Hao Jie nodded, expressing understanding, plus The doctor said that just now, so Sister Hao cleared her throat

: "Dear uncles and aunts, let's go out first after the doctor's advice. Yao Yao is going to change the dressing."

Only a dozen people got out of the ward.

When the dressing was changed, it was still very painful, so she closed her eyes, clutched the bed sheet tightly and endured without making a sound.

The doctor said: "If you are in pain, you can call it out to relieve it a little."

She shook her head silently. This time she was injured, she suddenly understood that she could only bear the pain of her body, as if she would not be squeamish all night and grow up.

She closed her eyes tightly, she did not dare to look at her wound, she was afraid, and she didn't have the courage to look at it.

You want to ask her if she does not regret that she ran into the sea of ​​fire for a necklace and suffered so much?

It is false to say no regrets. After all, it is really painful now, but if you do it again, she thinks, at that moment, she will still do that.

I was a little scared, and I missed him a little bit hopelessly, and then blamed him. This time, no matter what, I can't easily forgive him.

Thinking of him, the pain of changing the dressing seemed to ease a little.

When the doctors and nurses left, they praised her: great and strong.

Outside sister Hao, after finally sending most of her relatives out of the hospital, she sighed downstairs in the inpatient department. She didn't rest overnight. Not only was she worried about her burns, but she also had to deal with media-related matters overnight and publicity. I published a manuscript to explain the situation to fans who are worried about her.

Now my head is still buzzing, so I just hang up when I see an unfamiliar call on my phone. But the unfamiliar call is very persistent, and another call comes in, her tone is a little impatient

: "Hello, who?"

After she finished speaking, she sensitively felt that the air pressure in the phone was extremely low, there was a suffocating low pressure, and then a low male voice came.

"It's me, Gu Ruandong. Which hospital is Yao Yao in?"

Sister Hao was stunned for a moment, her chaotic brain awake instantly, and Gu Ruandong's black clothes and black pants with a little sneer flashed in her mind, which was very different from the low voice on the phone at this time.

She replied unconsciously: "I will send you the address later."

Gu Ruandong was silent again. Just when Sister Hao thought he was going to hang up, she heard his voice say: "Her cell phone is turned off."

"Oh, at the assistant's place, the assistant will be sent to the hospital in a moment." Sister Hao's voice became more respectful and respectful, she was more polite than talking to the Lu family just now, and she was a little daunted unconsciously.

Gu Ruandong was still at the Macau airport at this time. The news that he saw after boarding the plane, after calling Sister Hao, people seemed to be shrouded in dark shadows, layer by layer.

He arrived at noon, and the driver came to pick him up. Seeing that his expression was strangely bad, he did not go to the film and television base but went to the hospital, so he asked carefully: "Is it unwell?"

Gu Ruandong didn't speak, sitting in the back seat, still shrouded in dark shadows.

The driver was the one in Beijing before he went to Senzhou. He also picked him up at Zhuo’s wedding. Knowing his relationship with Lu Yaoyao, on the way to the hospital, he suddenly remembered the overwhelming news that he saw yesterday. I understood what was going on, so I speeded up the throttle to drive to the hospital.

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