Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 573: : It's been a long time to stop acting like a baby

It is said that the girl in love has the ability of Sherlock Holmes, not to mention that Xu Zhao is still a big star, it is easy to find her and Gu Ruandong involved.

Lu Yaoyao never thought that one day he would be like those girls in love, not going to bed in the middle of the night, looking for clues on the Internet with his tousled hair.

She thought she must be crazy, this is not her style at all.

Her love is self-confident and magnanimous. How can it be caused by a single Yu Yu and Xu Zhao?

One side is rational, and the other is sensibility, but after all, sensibility still prevails. She switched her fingers back and forth on the screen of her mobile phone, and finally decided to invest in a film and television investment company that had invested in the TV series shot by Xu Zhao.

It was found through the Enterprise Credit Network that the legal person of this film and television investment company is Xiao Cai.

Xiao Cai is a legal person, so does God behind the scenes still need to say?

Not only had he invested in Xu Zhao before, but even the recent big heroine costume drama also had investment from the company Xiao Cai.

Gu Ruandong said that he is not familiar with Xu Zhao.

And Yu Yu and Xiao Cai beside him are very familiar with her.

Lu Yaoyao has never cared about these things, and he doesn't know much about the operating rules of the entire industry. She took the script and filmed, and she always did whatever she wanted. It was determined by her own preferences. Sister Hao and the film and television company of Tingjing Finance were solely responsible for all other business matters. Therefore, although she is in a jumbled entertainment circle, she actually lives in In an almost vacuum environment, I don’t know anything about these companies, and I don’t know how Xu Zhao got to where he is today in the entertainment industry.

She flipped through the film and television company under the name of Xiao Cai all night, and she had inextricably linked with Xu Zhao.

The next day, when she saw Xu Zhao again, she was a little bit embarrassed, and then, as the assistant suggested, she avoided Xu Zhao and left. Sometimes she is very persuaded, the more she cares, the more timid she will be, and she dare not face the truth.

Fortunately, in the next week, she and Xu Zhao didn't have too many opportunities to meet, at least she could keep things as usual on the surface. It's just that the heartbeat and happiness in my heart seem to be covered with a thin layer of dust, and I can't dust it away.

She still talks with Gu Ruandong every night to talk about the daily life of the crew, and often cares about the weather in his city, reminding him to add or remove clothes to avoid catching a cold.

In the early spring, everything was still beautiful, but she hadn't acted like a baby with him for a long time.

He said: Yao Yao, after these few days are finished, I will go to see you.

She laughed: No, my crew is also very busy filming, and there have been more night scenes recently.

He was silent for a moment, and didn't say anything, but only told: Don't be too tired.

She said: I know.

There are indeed a few night scenes, and occasionally the filming is not smooth, and you have to stay up all night. Fortunately, the director is quite sympathetic. If they stay up all night and shoot night scenes, they will have a day off the next day.

In their business, their biological clocks are often reversed. They shot all night last night. Today, I slept during the day and couldn't sleep at night. When I went downstairs, I met the deputy director and invited her to play billiards.

Her first reaction was to refuse to play billiards. She hates playing billiards most now.

"Anyway, idle is also idle, let's go, let's learn from each other." The deputy director came over and walked enthusiastically holding her hand.

In the crew, everyone gets along very well, so Lu Yaoyao was taken to the billiards hall of the hotel by the deputy director. This billiard hall is small, with only three billiard tables.

As soon as she entered, she saw Xu Zhao and her crew also playing ball at the first glance.

Where Lu Yaoyao could play, she couldn't even grasp the cue, only Gu Ruandong took it for a round before, and it took only half an hour before and after.

The assistant director didn’t know that she was a complete noob. I heard that she had a coach before, and thought she could at least reach the amateur level. As a result, she couldn’t even hold the cue and couldn’t help but smile.

: "Yao Yao, don't you have a very good coach? What have you taught you?"

Yeah, what did you teach her?

"Let me teach you." The assistant director enthusiastically handed her the cue and taught her the movements and rules.

Lu Yaoyao was absent-minded, Yu Guang looked at Xu Zhao next to him from time to time.

Xu Zhao dressed very simply today. The white shirt was pierced into his jeans and a pony tail was tied. He was neat and tidy. Especially when looking at the ball and looking for an angle, his eyes were serious and firm. Cheers for her.

The reason why Lu Yaoyao took it seriously was because he was very familiar with Xu Zhao's posture and movements when he played. Many of the tiny movements were almost the same as Gu Ruandong.

She closed her eyes and followed the assistant director with ease.

After studying for a while, Xu Zhao’s table next to him burst out with praise from time to time. The atmosphere was too warm, and it seemed that the atmosphere on Lu Yaoyao's side was suppressed.

The deputy director is enthusiastic and cheerful, and always encourages her: "Yao Yao, you have just started to learn, take your time, don’t be influenced by others. Although Xu Zhao is not a professional player, she won several star games in the previous star leagues. ."

"Well, I am not affected by her."

It is impossible to say that she is not affected. People around her subconsciously think that she is inferior to Xu Zhao, her career is inferior, her relationship is inferior to her, and now she is far inferior to her even playing billiards.

Lu Yaoyao felt that the small universe he was proud of had collapsed a little, and he couldn't pick it up anymore.

After studying with the deputy director for a while, she was really not interested in playing billiards, so she found an excuse and left.

The assistant thought she was playing with the assistant director, so she went to work on her own. When she waited very late, she saw that she hadn't returned to the room and hurried out to find her. Fortunately, someone was following her, and she was soon found.

I saw her sitting alone by the flower garden in the square outside the hotel. The assistant had never seen her like this before, and looked pitiful.

The people who followed her were obviously relieved when they saw the assistant coming, and stepped back to stand not far away.

"Yao Yao, what's the matter?" The assistant felt that something was wrong with her these past few days, but could not tell what was wrong, as if the delicate flowers were withered by the rain.

She raised her head when she heard the assistant's voice, and continued to say pitifully

"My legs are numb, I can't get up, you can help me!"

The assistant squatted down to help her up, without asking her why she didn't go back to her room at night, thinking that she might be awkward with Shao Gu?

But she never said that it was wrong for Young Master Gu, and she didn't even say a complaint, which caused the assistant to be a little confused.

Halfway around, Lu Yaoyao suddenly asked

: "When will my school play show?"

"Sister Hao said that to account for the summer vacation, it should be almost in July."

"Do you want to start the promotion?"

"Yes, two days later, there will be an event on Labor Day, and you need to go back to participate. The crew here has greeted you in advance, so you can take three days off." The assistant specially emphasized that there are three days off, to surprise her.

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