Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 585: : It's better to be a man than a career

Gu Shao gave this medicine, and the assistant knew it well, otherwise he wouldn't dare to use it casually. She hoped that Yaoyao and Gu Shao could reconcile quickly, and she still liked the sweet little princess before. So recently he was also tapping on the side to mention Gu Shao.

Lu Yaoyao was indifferent. After taking a few bites, he had a lack of appetite, and he let the assistant clean up. He huddled on the sofa and read the script.

She played the "Fragrant Drunk Mistakes". As the plot went deeper, she liked it more and more. A line of the heroine, translated, she also particularly liked: It is better to be a man than a career.

She didn't have any big ambitions. What she did was to be happy and happy, but she has been in the industry for a long time and can experience a different life. Gradually, she also likes this profession, wants to do well, and wants to achieve results.

This is the happiness gained by the inner driving force, not by comparison with others.

Love is a temporary hormone, and it needs the cooperation of the other party to give; and the sense of accomplishment at work is lasting and can be given by oneself.

Today, I can realize this, and it is another day of progress. She is contented to fall asleep holding the script.

Probably it was the prickly heat powder. When I woke up the next day, the small red rash on the back of the neck was gone. In addition, today’s scene is a scene with the male protagonist on the bed in the bedroom, so you don’t need to wear heavy coats, just wear them. A set of thin silk underwear, so I get up early in the morning and feel refreshed.

While having breakfast with the assistant in the hotel restaurant, the assistant whispered

: "Gu Shao seems to also live in this hotel, and just watched him go out."

"Are you paying attention to him?" Lu Yaoyao glanced at his assistant.

"No, no." The assistant shut up immediately. In fact, duplicity is really a concern. Besides, Gu Shao goes with hormones that make people heartbeat. Her face and brain can't resist her.

Lu Yaoyao took two bites, then looked at the assistant again, and couldn't help but ask

: "What does he come to the crew for?"

Xu Zhao has not been on the crew recently.

Curious about the ex-boyfriend, is it normal?

Seeing that she was finally willing to talk about him, the assistant immediately replied, "Is it necessary to talk about it? Of course, I'm here to visit your class."

Lu Yaoyao finished his last bite of sandwiches and clapped his hands: "Let's go."

When she arrived on the set, the stylist replaced her with the clothes needed for today's plot, and she was immediately refreshed.

Because today’s episode is that she and the male lead wake up on the bed in the bedroom, it is also a so-called "bed scene", so in terms of style, they wear a cooler style. The so-called pajamas have a diamond-shaped belly pocket on the top, and the four corners are wrapped with a string on the back. Tie back, underneath is a pair of silk white pants. The entire back is naked except for two ropes.

Lu Yaoyao was very happy. Although it was bold for the heroine in the play, it was normal to her, more conservative than most of her evening dresses, without showing her legs or showing her breasts.

In this hot season, you don’t need to wear a heavy coat anymore. Don’t be too cool.

There are dozens of people in the crew, and everyone is busy preparing for their own work. They are also commonplace in the costumes of actors and will not pay special attention to them.

Lu Yaoyao and the actor Liu Kai, who played the leading role, sat on the bed in advance and waited. By the way, they were right again.

Because in the last shot, the main man untied the string from her belly. In order to be able to pass through in a while, Lu Yaoyao kindly reminded the actor

: "Did you see this knot? You just need to pull this head for a while."

She is still wearing a chest wrap inside, which is very safe.

And acting, there are more than a dozen cameras facing each other, which is too accustomed to them.

The actor also took a look and said, "Okay, I see."

The two confronted the script for a while, and the director and camera were ready. Lu Yaoyao glanced at the director and waited for him to start. As a result, from the corner of his eyes, he saw a person sitting next to the director. Who else could he be if he wasn't Gu Ruandong?

I saw him sitting very leisurely, listening carefully to what the director was pointing to the machine to tell him.

She frowned and beckoned to the assistant to tell her to tell the director that it was time to clear the scene and not to enter the set.

The assistant whispered: "I just asked, and the director said that Gu Shao was invited by him."

"What do you invite him to do?"

"It seems to be saying that Shao Gu wanted to make a military-themed movie, and he came to learn to shoot from the director."

Lu Yaoyao...

"Yao Yao, ready to start." The director greeted her stupefied loudly.

Lu Yaoyao was lying on the bed side by side with the actor.

The setting of the script is: the hero and heroine slowly wake up from sleep. At first, the hero is lying on his side and looking at the heroine next to him. After speaking a few words, under the shameful eyes of the heroine, the hero turns around. , And then opened the rope of the heroine's belly with one hand.

So Lu Yaoyao lay on the back of the bed, closed his eyes and fell asleep, waiting for the director to instruct her to open his eyes. Although she rarely shoots such intimate scenes, it is good to challenge occasionally, so when waiting with her eyes closed, she is ready to plunge into the situation of the character.

The actor beside her turned over and moved a bit. Although the director hadn't instructed her to open her eyes, she felt that the atmosphere should have arrived, so Yoyo opened her eyes.

The whole person was stunned, and the person beside him was not an actor, but Gu Ruandong.

The director’s voice came from the set

: "Yao Yao, very good, hold on, just this expression."

Gu Ruandong turned sideways, facing the camera outside, and facing Lu Yaoyao.

He whispered to her: "The actor is not in his mood. The director asked me to demonstrate."

Speaking very straightforwardly, and the actions are very straightforward. According to the plot in the script, he turned over slightly, lowered his head, his face was only a few centimeters away from her, and then his right hand accurately pulled the string behind her, diamond-shaped. A corner of his belly slipped off his collarbone.

His fingers were a little warm, and he brushed her shoulder blades slightly, and Lu Yaoyao closed his eyes uncontrollably.

When the director shouted Ka, Gu Ruandong also sat up for the first time, got up and walked towards the director.

Lu Yaoyao also sat up, and the assistant hurriedly stepped forward to tie the rope to her.

The director exclaimed in a series of excitement:

"The shot just now is perfect, and it completely creates a sense of atmosphere."

"Gu Shao, you are not an actor."

"Liu Kai, follow along. You just lacked the desire and sultry mood for the heroine."

The male protagonist replied to the director: "Learned, shall we remake it now?"

The director hasn't answered yet,

As a result, Gu Ruandong, a layman, pointed to the picture on the machine.

"I think we can leave a blank here to weaken the image of the male protagonist. You only need to show your hands. The main purpose is to highlight the emotions of the actress just now, and let the audience imagine the emotions of the female protagonist. The effect will be better."

The implication is that there is no need for the actor to make up the intimate action of the two.

The last chapter said that it was big, and the little aunt laughed. Dong Ge was jealous when he was jealous, haha.

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