Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 662: : Desk couple

In the past two years, he has used practical actions to slowly iron out all the pains she has experienced. Those wrinkles have slowly faded in his heart, and he dared to face it when he was relieved.

In fact, at that time, she and her mother just wanted to escape, with only a general direction and no final destination. But Zhuo Yuan had already determined a detailed route based on the general direction she said.

"Let's go again first, and wait a few years for the children to be older, and then go again for a family of four." Please allow him to be a good father this time, just want to take Dinglan alone with him.

Many things can't be made up after they are missed, but this belated "honeymoon" trip is one of the few things that still has time to do.

It was not under the influence of Lu Kuo or Gu Ruandong. This was within his plan. He secretly booked an RV with Tinglan some time ago, and the decoration of the car was completely made according to Tinglan's preferences.

The two children returned to Beijing for their summer vacation. Before leaving, he and Ting Lan Lin went to the supermarket to purchase daily necessities.

In the past two years, Tinglan has made great progress in all aspects, but she has not made any progress in housework alone. First, she has no interest and no time. Second, she has a very professional aunt and Zhuo Yuan at home, so she is happy to relax. .

So this time I went to the supermarket to purchase with Zhuo Yuan. She didn't have any suggestions. Zhuo Yuan said what to buy, she said yes, yes, and then helped him put it in the cart.

All kinds of daily necessities, a few buckets of drinking water, as well as various vegetables, fruits, and meat, were filled with four carts. The supermarket staff was asked for help before they were all loaded into the RV.

Zhuo Yu'an is such a person. Not only must travel arrangements be properly arranged, but also high quality and exquisiteness must be maintained, without ambiguity at all. In fact, these daily necessities can be replenished at any time along the way, so there is no need to buy them all at once.

"Just in case, it's okay to prepare more."

Tinglan was still thinking about her children and work, but when she got in the RV, she was very excited, and she was full of expectations for the next month's trip.

When the road was flat, Zhuo Yuan would often stretch out his hand to hold her by the hand without talking. He drove, she watched the scenery and listened to music. In a small space, there were only each other, and the hearts were closer.

The first stop for the two was Hua'an City, and it was already night when they arrived at the RV camp. The scenery around this RV camp is very good, and there are about four or five RVs parked sporadically throughout the camp.

The two rested for a while, Zhuo Yuan began to set up a simple shed outside the car, and then took out the vegetables from the refrigerator to cook.

There was a lamp hanging in the air on the roof, and the light from the car window also came out. Zhuo Yuan started to process all kinds of ingredients in a casual suit. After a while, the fragrance was overflowing, and he heard that he was hungry.

The nearest caravan to their caravan lived in a couple who were very enthusiastic. They were guided to the parking place just now. Now they smelled the smell and came over, and when they saw the exquisite dishes, they couldn't help but admire. : You guys are so affectionate.

Listening to Lan laughed, Zhuo Yuan was the only one who thought that the sentiment was good.

She is a more able person, but Zhuo Yuan is a very particular person, and the tablecloth he specially prepared is spread on the table, which is clean and refreshing.

Ting Lan asked the other party, "Have you eaten? Come here together."

The other girl nodded immediately: "Is it okay? Is it okay? We only brought instant noodles, thinking that we could buy other things at the camp, who knows not."

Tinglan had to admire Zhuo Yuan's foresight.

Zhuo Yuan also nodded: "Welcome."

Because of this fate, the four of them sat together to dine and chat like old friends.

As soon as Tinglan heard that the other party was a newly married couple who had come out for their honeymoon, he got up and played back in the car, took a box of cakes from the refrigerator and gave them to them: "I wish you a happy wedding."

The girl thanked her for accepting it, and then asked curiously: "Are you also newlyweds coming out for your honeymoon?"

Zhuo Yuan: "Yes."

Ting Lan: "No."

The two answered at the same time, but the answer was completely opposite, so that the newcomer on the other side was taken aback and awkward.

Ting Lan explained with a smile: "We have been married for many years, but for the first time to travel alone, it is a honeymoon, not a honeymoon."

The girl breathed a sigh of relief, almost thinking that they had secretly come out of an affair.

"Then you are in a good relationship, like a newlywed." Just now, the interaction between the two people was sweet and enviable.

After the girl finished speaking, she ran back into her RV, and then took out a gift, which was a lampshade woven by her hand, which was very delicate.

"For you, I also wish you happiness forever, and thank you for the dinner tonight."

A very good night, but also a very good experience. In a not spacious space like a RV, there are only her and him. There are stars outside the window, and there are insects. She and his breathing are entangled, and she can be broken quickly or slowly. The voice seemed to melt in this vast world.

In the early morning of the next day, I only slightly opened the curtain on the bedside, and I could see the first ray of sunlight rising from the horizon. Zhuo Yuan beside him was still asleep, with one hand on her waist, she was also quiet. Lying down and watching the sunrise, when the sun was dazzling, she hurriedly closed the curtains and let him continue to sleep.

But he was already awake, kissed her, said morning, and got up to make breakfast.

When washing, Tinglan once again lamented his foresight, because the water in the water tank was washed by them last night, so now brushing teeth and washing face can only be solved with buckets of pure water. She also disliked him for buying too much. , Now it's all used up.

"Go to the city to get some water later."

The two of them ate breakfast while checking whether there was work to be done on their mobile phones. Fu Shenyi and Sister Cui in Zhuo Yuan's company looked at them, and generally would not find him if there is no major matter. On the other side of Tinglan, she replied to a few emails from customers, and then sent a message to ask if there was anything wrong with Xiaoxin's office. Xiaoxin answered that everything was fine, and she was relieved.

Later, when I browsed Moments, I found that Lin Zhiyi was also in Huayu City, and he only arrived last night. It was simply too fate. She had heard that she was coming, but she didn't expect it to be the same day.

She glanced at Zhuo Yu'an, Zhuo Yu'an immediately realized what she meant, and refused: "Ms Zhuo, we are on a honeymoon trip." The implication is that no one wants to be disturbed.

"But it's a coincidence that both of them are also in Huayu. She and I haven't traveled together in many years." She felt it was rare to meet in a strange city and felt like traveling together. Anyway, they planned to drive again in the afternoon. There is plenty of time to go to the next camp.

Zhuo Yuan looked at her expectantly, and nodded helplessly.

Tinglan immediately sent a location sharing to Lin Zhitong's WeChat, and wanted Lin Zhitong to come and visit their RV.

Lin Zhiquan replied in seconds: Ah, ah, what kind of fate is this, I thought you would go to Qining for the first stop.

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