Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 669: : Cheng Chen Shaohui

Shao Hui's tone is a bit indulgent like a parent's greedy child.

Cheng Chenxin calmly brought a plate of skewers over and Ting Lan ate it first.

Hearing this, Lan sighed with emotion: "You have changed a lot."

In the past, Cheng Chen was very strong, because he was eager to prove himself, it was inevitable that there would be a hint of impetuousness, but now there is a lot of peace between the eyebrows. When I see Shao Hui and the baby in the stroller, his face is calm and peaceful.

When Cheng Chen heard her words, he took a bite of the chicken wings that was still sizzling with smoke, and whispered quietly.

"As for my ghost unit, you have to keep your temper. You used to run rampant when you were in the company, and you offended people, so you can resign and leave. But here, at our level, we have to pretend to be grandson."

Ting Lan laughed: "Then you pretended to be a grandson successfully. Only a few years ago? Not only did you get married, you gave birth, but you also got promoted to section chief, didn't you?"

There is no doubt that Cheng Chen's ability has nothing to do with him. It is already pretty good by relying on himself.

"Where is this? Anyway, I'm slowly mixing up, and I can go wherever I can, and I don't disappoint myself, I have a clear conscience." Cheng Chen replied.

The two didn't eat much, waiting for Zhuo Yu'an and Shao Hui to finish roasting and eat together.

Zhuo Yuan is a very particular person. After the barbecue, Shao Hui was cleaning up the stove. He went to the RV and took a short bath, changed his clothes, and cleaned all the fumes from his body before sitting down in Tinglan. beside.

Cheng Chen got up, opened the four cans on the table and separated them, and toasted Zhuo Yuan and Tinglan, "Respect for friendship!"

"Respect for friendship." Ting Lan also replied.

The four held cans and clinked glasses.

The baby next to him seemed to be awakened and rolled over on the stroller. Cheng Chen was about to get up, but Shao Hui stopped it.

: "Let me go."

He got up to the stroller next to him and patted the baby's back lightly. He only came back when he saw that he was sleeping soundly again.

The children in his family belong to the type of angel babies. When they eat, the baby always sleeps without crying or making trouble. When they finish eating, he just woke up, got up from the stroller, and sat and watched curiously. He was creaking around, jumping out word by word, not only did not cry, but also smiled and looked at mom and dad, so soft and cute.

Tinglan couldn't help but go over and hug the child

: "I have forgotten what Shu Xiaonian and Shu Xiaohe were like when they were young." She was busy with her livelihood at the time, looking forward to them growing up every day, and she didn't have time to take care of other things. She rarely took photos.

Hearing what she said, everyone on the table was silent, Zhuo Yuan's eyes darkened, looking at her thoughtfully.

"Why do you all have this expression, don't be so sensitive, okay?"

Cheng Chen: "Then you want another one?"

Ting Lan's eyes widened, and said in horror: "Don't hurt me, don't kill me."

Zhuo Yuan smiled and said nothing.

Shao Hui got up and went to make milk powder for the baby, and Cheng Chen took the baby and held it by herself.

Friends, sunshine, breeze, food, everything is so beautiful.

Shao Hui had just made milk powder and came over, and suddenly there was a scream of exclamation from the lake not far away. After listening carefully, someone was calling for help.

There are not many people in this scenic spot, and the sound from the lake is exceptionally clear.

It turned out that a child accidentally fell into the lake, and the mother couldn't swim, she screamed frantically beside her, and then she wanted to jump into the lake blindly, trying to save the child. Fortunately, she was caught by a female companion next to her. Caught.

Before Tinglan and Cheng Chen could react, Shao Hui put the bottle on the table and ran over quickly, found the closest distance to the child, jumped into the lake with a thump, and swam to save the people.

It's a professional instinct. You don't need to think too much about it. It must be the first one to rush forward when encountering danger from the masses.

In the lake, he saw his arms and head sticking out of the lake from time to time, and soon he found the child who was being overwhelmed and kicking vigorously. He dragged the child's head with one hand and swam toward the lake with the other.

Zhuo Yuan did not know when he ran to the lake and squatted on the shore to meet Shao Hui.

Shao Hui dragged the child to swim over. He immediately stretched out his hand and put the child ashore to check the situation. The mother next to him was so frightened that she threw her legs down in front of the child, crying the child's name all the time.

The child was choked by the water and turned pale, and his lips were blue, as if he couldn't breathe.

Zhuo Yuan hurriedly squatted down and pressed the child's abdomen hard, until the child was spit out from the choking saliva, his lips gradually changed from blue to white, and everyone was relieved.

Shao Hui stood wet all over. Tinglan and Cheng Chen also came over with the baby. Tinglan handed him a bath towel. He wiped it casually. Seeing that Cheng Chen was holding the baby, his eyes were red and he looked at him. Reached out and patted her face gently, and said softly, "It's okay!"

The rescued child was only four or five years old. After the water was spit out, he cried wow, and his mother held him all over and cried tremblingly.

After crying and calming down, I kept bowing and thanking Shao Hui and Zhuo Yuan.

But Shao Hui had a serious face, not at all what he had when he jumped into the water to save people just now. He gave the young mother a serious and safe education. His words and expressions were very sharp and half-hearted.

The young mother was grateful for holding the baby, but also embarrassed ashamed. She was just taking pictures of herself, but she did not care about the baby.

The young mother wanted to leave a contact information and said she must come to thank her in person, but was rejected by Shao Hui.

He didn't say that he was a policeman, and because of the special nature of his job, he didn't want to be too noticeable. After his education, he returned to the RV camp with Cheng Chen and Zhuo Yu'an.

Cheng Chen's eyes were still red. When she saw him jumping into the water just now, her heartbeat was almost gone. Although she knew he was definitely fine, she was still worried.

Shao Hui was standing in the sun. He wrung out his jacket just now. After being exposed to the sun for a while, it was almost done. Then he came over to embrace Cheng Chen and kissed her on the forehead, still in two simple words: "It's okay. ."

The baby in Cheng Chen's arms stretched out his hands and wanted his father to hold him. Shao Hui took it and hugged both mother and child.

Cheng Chen is very serious, teaching the baby word by word: Dad is a hero.

Yeah, a veritable hero.

The gathering of the four people has become more meaningful because of this episode of falling into the water to save people.

In the evening, Cheng Chen and Shao Hui said goodbye to them and left.

The next day, after they went to their mother's cemetery in the morning to worship, they left Xining and continued on to the next stop.

Stopping all the way, I have seen old friends, seen places of interest, encountered dangers, and have indulged and presumptuously under the stars.

They wrote each other's names on the concentric lock on the top of the mountain, shouted each other's names to Konggu on the edge of the cliff, and exchanged love, and they were also chasing kisses on the edge of the low tide sea.

Everything in the past has become the past, opening a new chapter.

Author's words:

I hope we can continue in this story without saying goodbye.

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