Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 672: : Youth. Give up your seat

The two teenagers seemed accustomed to other people's attention and didn't care at all.

Lu Kuo was surprised: "Why did you let me go to class 3 instead of being in the same class with you?"

Because when he was going to transfer to Qining High School before, he remembered that Teacher Cheng said that he would arrange them in the same class as a companion at that time. As a result, he came to report a few days late and learned that he was assigned to class 3. I heard that it was Zhuo Yu'an's opinion.

Zhuo Yuan replied: "There is no reason, I just don't want to see you every day."

Lu Kuo despised: "Don't want to see me, what do you wait for me after school every day? Duplicity!"

Zhuo Yuan ignored him, and stepped onto the bicycle with his schoolbag and left.

The two people's homes are not in the same direction, and Lu Kuo and his parents live in another family home.

When Zhuo Yuan rode the bike to the campus gate, he braked suddenly and stopped with one foot on the ground. When he saw the girl again, she and her classmates stood in front of a black car and said goodbye to his classmate Wen Jian.

That car belonged to Shu Minghai, Tinglan's father. He passed through Qining High School just after school today, so he came to pick up Lan specially.

Ting Lan asked Shang Cheng Chen to sit in the car together.

Her father Shu Minghai poked his head out and said to Wen Jian outside the car: "Xiao Jian, don't you get in the car?"

Wen Jian shook his head: "I came by bike today."

"Then you ride your bike more carefully." Shu Minghai glanced at her and asked with concern.


Wen Jian stood there, watching the car go away, and then rode his own car until he couldn't see it.

The boy passed her on a bicycle, and she quickly pedaled her car to catch up:

"Zhuo Yuan!"

He called out his name, and finally followed and went with him.

"Is your home heading in this direction?" Wen Jian asked.


"My name is Wen Jian." Although she has been a classmate for a week, she introduced herself very solemnly.

"Hello." Zhuo Yu'an turned his head slightly and responded politely, not close or unfamiliar.

The light of the setting sun enveloped him, as if a layer of gold was plated around him. He was uniquely expensive and cultivated, which Wen Jian had never seen in other boys or men.

Zhuo Yuan rode fast, and Wen Jian struggling to follow. After passing a few intersections, Wen Jian’s community arrived, Zhuo Yuan continued on.

In the black car in front, Tinglan and Cheng Chen were sitting in the back seat and using their eyes to communicate interesting things between their classmates. They laughed secretly. They didn't dare to talk like usual, mainly because Cheng Chen was a little afraid of Tinglan's father.

Tinglan’s father is the boss of a state-owned enterprise in Xining. Although Tinglan said that her father is actually very nice, he is very dignified when he is not angry with himself. Cheng Chen dare not take the initiative to speak.

Shu Minghai looked at the two little girls behind through the rearview mirror while driving, and asked

: "Are you two in the same class again when you were in high school?"

"Yes." Cheng Chen replied tremblingly.

"Then we must study hard together and get into a good university in the future."

"I know, Dad, you have said it many times." Ting Lan said, leaning forward, putting his head on the back of the driver's seat and looking at his father's profile.

Shu Minghai: "Dad believes in you. But when you go to high school, you will have a lot of pressure to study. You have to be more mind-free. I will tell your teacher that those extracurricular activities that take up your time should not be arranged for you, especially Things like playing the piano at the opening of the school welcome party are not helpful to learning."

Ting Lan secretly curled his lips: "Dad, are you the speaker of your mother now? Mom asked you to tell me these things, right?"

Because she did not perform well in the senior high school entrance examination, she almost couldn't get into Qining High School, and Wen Jian was admitted with the first grade in the school, so her mother has always been brooding about this matter and determined to manage her studies more strictly.

Shu Minghai: "Lanlan, my mother is also doing well for you."

Tinglan is a good girl, and her performance in the high school entrance exam is low. She is uncomfortable enough, and she will work hard to catch up without her parents reminding her, so Shu Minghai will stop there.

"Um, uncle, my house is at the intersection in front of you. You can put it down for me." Cheng Chen decided to get off the car at an earlier intersection. The atmosphere in the car was a bit high pressure, causing discomfort.

After Cheng Chen got out of the car, Tinglan leaned forward again, put his head on the back of the driver's seat, looked at his father's profile, and suddenly asked, "Dad, have you been under a lot of work pressure recently?"

"What's wrong?"

"You all have white hair."

Shu Minghai was taken aback. Recently, the work pressure has been really heavy. Many things are on the verge of losing control. He is trying his best to push forward.

"Dad, I will study hard in the future, get a good college entrance examination, and find a good job. You and mom won't have to work so hard."

Shu Minghai's eyes were a little hot, and he turned to touch her head: "Thank you Lanlan, Dad didn't work hard."

Although their family is not rich and wealthy, but it is also worthy of a well-off family. They have no worries about food and clothing, and they have no turn to worry about their children.

When the father and daughter arrived home, their mother Zhang He had already finished get off work and was waiting for them, and the family of three was also happy.

The next day, Tinglan and Cheng Chen made an appointment to meet at the bus station and go to school together. Wen Jian was still riding a bicycle one step earlier.

However, when Wen Jian rode through the bus station, he was taken aback when he saw Zhuo Yuan, who was carrying a schoolbag on one shoulder and standing under the platform billboard with earphones on.

How could he be at this bus stop?

Judging from the cycling route yesterday, his home should be quite far away from this bus stop.

Not far away, Tinglan and Cheng Chen walked over, holding hands, talking and laughing. Because it was school time, many students were queuing at the bus station, and the two voluntarily lined up to the end of the line.

The bus came quickly. After they got on the bus at the end of the line, there were no seats left. The two stood in the aisle as usual, holding the handle with one hand and the seat with the other.

"Students, sit here." A boy in the seat in front of them suddenly stood up and gave them his seat.

The boy was too tall, Ting Lan was startled and took a step back.

"No, no need." She waved her hand hastily.

But the boy had already stood up and vacated his seat. Ting Lan thought, he might be about to get off at the station soon, so he felt at ease and said to Cheng Chen next to him: "Sit down."

Cheng Chen happened to be here in the past two days, so he didn't hesitate to sit down.

Cheng Chen recognized him as the transfer student from Beijing, and met Lu Kuo at her back desk. Sometimes after class, he would wait for Lu Kuo outside the classroom of their 3rd class.

Tinglan stood a little forward, close to Cheng Chen's position. When the bus arrived at the next stop, the boy next to him not only didn't get off, but because many people on the bus at this stop were more crowded than before, he stood behind her.

She later realized that the boys wore the school uniforms of Qi Ning High School, and she could not be blamed, because the ordinary school uniforms on him gave him a big-name texture.

Author's words: In the current high school part, some plots are mentioned in the text, and some may have subtle differences, but they are all insignificant and do not affect the nuance of the plot (mainly some were mentioned at the time, and I have forgotten it myself. Khan! I'm looking back, I will fix it if there is a BUG.)

In addition, in the high school part, some are specially set by me, not BUG.

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