Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 679: : Youth. Gu Ruandong

It’s useless to tell my grandpa. Lu Kuo held it back for a month in Qining, where he was unfamiliar with him. He was so suffocated that he would even find it fun to slide and pinch a doll. He finally returned to Beijing on vacation to go out with Hupengou friends. The last little girl?

She was very generous and took out a thousand yuan from her wallet to ask her to ask her friend what to do. The driver at home would also let her assign it. He promised to keep her grandfather and her father secret.

Yao Yao curled his lips, only one thousand yuan, who is rare? Her father kept the bank card secretly given to her by his grandfather, and there was a lot of money in it. But she pretended to agree and planned to go out quietly with him tomorrow.

Young people, what can you play? At that time, the biggest function of the mobile phone was just to make a phone call and send a message, and the pixels of taking pictures were not high. You can only play games on a computer or buy a game console. He just bought a newest PSP and can't wait to bring it to a friend's house.

My friend's house also lives in this alley. There are several computers in a special game hall at home. When Lu Kuo arrived, several familiar friends were one step ahead of him, each occupying a computer and was fighting.

Young people gather together, sometimes so good that they call themselves brothers and brothers, and sometimes they scold each other with swear words. Lu Kuo sat slantingly on the sofa playing the game console, and felt comfortable when he heard their scolding each other.

Although he has made a lot of friends in Xining, he still has to converge on new friends. And Zhuo Yu'an, his best friend, has never been with them since he was a child, and never said a word of swearing, so that Lu Kuo was embarrassed to be too presumptuous in front of him.

The young people in a room played games for a day, and in the evening, they decided to go out and have a little bit of thought. So Lu Kuo proposed to go to a video game city in front to continue playing. Today he invited guests to have a good time for everyone.

A group of teenagers cheered and headed to the video game city ahead.

This home appliance playground was newly opened in the past two years. The equipment and games in it are all the latest trends. Today is the second day of the National Day holiday and it is overcrowded.

Lu Kuo actually enjoys the feeling of crowds calling friends and friends. He himself is not keen on playing these games. He also casually plays a few racing and shooting games. After playing for a while, he lacks interest, so he can find one. Where he was sitting, he planned to continue playing his PSP, but when the game console was just taken out, he suddenly saw a familiar little figure in the corner of his eyes.

It turned out that Lu Yaoyao and her little sister, holding hands, walked into this home appliance play city carelessly.

The decoration style of this home appliance play city is rather dark, and almost all young people are playing, playing crazy, two little girls with immature faces, they dare to walk in.

He jumped up with anger, walked over to grab Lu Yaoyao's backpack, dragged her out of the video game city, and Ruan Ruan followed with a worried expression on his side.

Lu Yaoyao was dragged, not forgetting to fight: "You can come, why can't I come."

"How old are you, a kid who didn't graduate from elementary school."

Carry her to the side of the road outside to wait for the bus like a chicken. Yao Yao developed late and looked at the very small one.

Ruan Ruan on the side wanted to help, but she was only as tall as Lu Kuo's shoulders. She was a lot shorter and she didn't dare to speak. She only dared to hold Yao Yao's hand secretly and give her strength silently.

Yao Yao was still struggling and couldn't help but want to bite his hand.

Lu Kuo just let go of her, but he looked like a elder brother, and it was rare to educate her seriously: "You are still a little girl, don't come to this place casually, in case you encounter someone who bullies you, I am so far away in Xining. I can’t care about you. And if you’re abducted, where can you go?”

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the little sister next to her: "The same is true for you."

He had spoken solemnly, and Yao Yao was soft but not hard, so he obediently waited for the family driver to come and pick them up.

While waiting for the bus, there was a sound of fighting from the alley at the side entrance of the video game city. Lu Kuo subconsciously dragged the two little girls beside him to protect him.

The sound of fighting, no, to be exact, the screams of being beaten unilaterally.

Yao Yao was curious, and secretly looked out from Lu Kuo's side, only three or four young boys dragged a boy who had been huddled up out of the alley.

A group of boys are young and frivolous, but the boy headed by him seems to be the most stable, walking in the front with no expression, as if the people behind him have nothing to do with him.

Until the boy who was dragged out yelled out fearlessly:

"I called the police. There is a gambling machine hidden behind your home appliance game city."

"I saw it once and reported it once, and it's useless for you to kill me."

The leading boy looked back at him, his eyes cold.

Yao Yao, who had been watching, trembled, tightened the corner of Lu Kuo's clothes, and wanted to go home quickly. He seemed to understand why Lu Kuo wouldn't let her come here to play.

Every time she saw Gu Ruandong, it seemed to be like this. She learned a new term in the class: social man.

Lu Kuo next to him has a very lively personality, but at this time there are two little girls hiding behind him, so when the driver arrived, he stuffed the two little girls into the car and followed the car.

Although he and Gu Ruandong are about the same age, they are not in the same world at all. Whether it is him, Zhuo Yuan, or his friends, they are at best squabbles between young people, and they are full of youthfulness. But Gu Ruandong is not at all. He is not only an unruly temperament, but also a calmness and even cold-bloodedness above his age.

His fights weren't impulsive, impulsive, or pure emotional venting, not at all. He has a purpose after weighing it, and it is just a way to solve the problem.

Lu Kuo's car was getting farther and farther away from the video game city, but faintly could see a police car driving towards the video game city with its whistle.

Did someone call the police?

When the police got out of the car, the four boys who had just beaten him were signaled by Gu Ruandong's eyes, and immediately scattered and fled. Only Gu Ruandong and the boy lying on the ground.

When the police arrived, they saw the boy on the ground and asked the teenager next to him with a headache: "Did you hit?"

"I did it." He didn't shirk at all, he was very responsible.

"Get in the car." The police seemed to have known him a long time ago, very calm. After talking to him, he squatted beside the lying boy and asked

: "Can I get in the car by myself? Go to the office to make a transcript."

The boy squeaked like aphasia, saying intermittently that he could not get in the car.

"Okay, you are the uncle, I will help you get into the car." The policeman was going to help the people on the ground with both hands.

"Come on, don't dirty your hands." Gu Ruandong didn't realize the instigator at all, bent down and squatted, supporting the shoulders of the boy on the ground with both hands, and easily dragged onto the police car.

Author's words: Dongge more than ten years ago...

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