Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 687: : Youth. Fall

His voice inexplicably made her mind calm and sober, but she still insisted on running, her hands and feet were not like her own. When she started to run the fourth lap, Wen Jian was almost at the end of the fourth lap, Wen Jian It was the last two laps that made the effort, and when everyone was a little tired, she started to sprint.

At this time, Ting Lan was about to start the fourth lap to the left and front, and Wen Jian also happened to be in the same position on the runway, but she was going to run directly out of the runway to the end.

The two of them almost overlapped in the same position. At that time, Tinglan’s brain was almost in a state of hypoxia. It was true that every time she breathed, her chest was tingling. She was destined to be the last one. At this moment, the corner of her eyes Yu Guang saw Wen Jian rushing towards the finish line. For a moment, she wanted to give up and not run. It was just a matter of thought. Her body moved with her heart, and she slowed down.

By coincidence, she slowed down a bit, and Wen Jian just rushed over and tripped over her foot.

Dinglan was slow, so she was just knocked to the ground, while Wen Jian's speed was very fast, she rushed forward with inertia, and fell heavily to the ground.

There was an exclamation on the runway, and finally the teacher of the review committee and classmates came to surround Wen Jian.

Tinglan only heard Wen Jian’s crying, she swears, she really didn’t mean to trip Wen Jian on purpose.

At this time, she also fell to the ground. She was suffering from a lack of oxygen in her brain due to running and had difficulty breathing. She was struggling to get up to see Wen Jian. Hearing Wen Jian's cry, she seemed to have fallen seriously.

At this time, most people ran to see Wen Jian. Only Cheng Chen and Lu Kuo ran towards her. She was not breathing well, her legs were a little soft, and she did not get up. Suddenly a gentle force hugged her behind her. Get up, put it aside and sit down.

It was Zhuo Yuan. After putting her away, he squatted beside her and asked with concern whether she was hurt.

She shook her head and said no.

But Zhuo Yuan still gently turned her ankles with both hands

: "Does it hurt?" he asked.

Ting Lan shook his head.

He patted her knees again and asked, "Does it hurt?"

She shook her head again.

Her legs are okay, but the brain is a little lack of oxygen, plus she's worried about being gentle now.

The teacher nearby evacuated all the students who were onlookers, and the doctor hired by the school ran over quickly with the medicine box, and squatted beside Wen Jian to check on her.

Every time the doctor touched Wenjian's foot, she cried out pain, which was indeed distressing.

The doctor said: "Hurry up to the hospital to take a film to see if the bones are injured, there may be bone fractures."

After all, Wen Jian is a girl. When she heard that she might have a fractured bone, and the pain of her heart, she cried even harder. The two doctors carefully moved her to the car.

Tinglan wanted to follow, but was stopped by the teacher and doctor, and the students were not allowed to follow.

Many students have witnessed the accident, and some students are talking quietly from time to time.

"It was tripped by Shu Tinglan from Class 3."

"She stopped suddenly, and Wen Jian ran into it without precaution."

"Is it on purpose? I can't see that she is so jealous, which is a bit bad."

Ting Lan was a good girl since she was a child, and she was praised by her teachers and classmates when she grew up. She was wronged for a while, but she didn't know how to explain it to them.

After hearing this, Cheng Chen, who was next to him, retorted loudly to the crowd: "Don't talk nonsense, you accidentally bumped into it. Tinglan is not that kind of person."

Several classmates who were whispering to each other heard Cheng Chen's words, and they all dispersed.

The 800-meter race is the last one, and the school sports meet is just over.

Dinglan's body is no longer uncomfortable, but now he feels a little sad, not only because of being misunderstood by his classmates, but also because he is worried about Wenjian's injury, and I don't know what the injury is.

She shrugged her head and followed Cheng Chen and Lu Kuo to the outside of the campus.

Lu Kuo embraced her shoulders to comfort: "It's okay, we all believe you didn't mean it."

Cheng Chen also nodded solemnly next to him: "I believe you too."

"Huh, where is Zhuo Yuan?"

Lu Kuo suddenly realized that Zhuo Yu'an, who had been with him just now, had disappeared. He looked around for a while, and saw him running all the way from the canteen next to the campus, holding a bottle of Coke in his hand, and handing it to Ting Lan.

He still remembered the joy she felt from the heart when she drank a drink last time.

"Thank you." Ting Lan thanked quietly for taking the drink.

Lu Kuo was actually a bit self-blame. If he hadn't done so well to sign up for Tinglan, there would have been nothing like today.

"Don't blame yourself. This is an accident and beyond your control." Cheng Chen comforted them.

After that, Lu Kuo took a taxi and sent them home one by one.

The bottle of drink in Dinglan's hand has not been opened to drink either.

When she entered her community, she was going to call her mother and tell her about Wen Jian's injury, and plan to let her mother accompany her to the hospital to see Wen Jian.

As soon as the phone was taken out, my father called.

: "Ting Lan, what's the matter with Xiao Jian?"

Dad's voice is a bit tired.

"I accidentally tripped and fell." Tinglan didn't care, how could Dad know.

"Xiao Jian's ankle fell and fractured. It's very serious. Ting Lan, tell your father, did you do it on purpose?"

Dad's voice was very serious, and the tone was not interrogative but affirmative, just believing that she was deliberate.

"It wasn't intentional, I was not careful. Really, Dad, I didn't mean it." She was just a little sad when questioned by her classmates, but she felt aggrieved when questioned by her father.

She was still in the community and didn't go home. At this moment, she saw her mother hurried back from the gate of the community. She should have come back in a hurry from her work unit.

"Lan Lan, why are you standing here and not going home? You go home quickly, mother goes to the hospital to see Xiao Jian."

Tinglan's tears rolled in his eyes: "Mom, I'll go with you."

The mother and daughter took a taxi to the hospital.

While in the car, her mother said: "When you get to the hospital in a while, you apologize to Jane first."


"Mom, I didn't hit her on purpose."

"Mom knows." Of course she knows the behavior of her child.

Only when I arrived at the hospital, I saw Wen Jian lying on the hospital bed, his left calf tied with a thick plaster motionless, his eyes were red and swollen from crying, Wen Lan also had red eyes, Zhang He and Ting Lan were very guilty.

It hurts to look at it. Tinglan stood by her bed and apologized very sincerely: I'm sorry.

Usually in front of the parents, he is very sensible and concise. Perhaps because his leg hurts, he shouted: "I don't forgive you."

"I don't forgive you, you deliberately, you deliberately stopped and tripped me. Because you don't want me to be the first."

"No, Wen Jian, I didn't, I didn't mean it." Ting Lan explained.

"You did it on purpose..." Wen Jian's voice rose a few more degrees, full of hatred for her.

Wen Lan hugged her next to her: "Little Jane, calm down. Don't move the wound anymore."

Since Ting Lan entered the door, Wen Lan didn't even look at her.

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