Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 692: : Youth. Huaichun

Although Tinglan doesn't have the courage to fall in love early, but which girl does not cherish spring?

After her parents went out, she carefully hid back to her room, secretly took out the dresses she usually didn't have a chance to wear from the closet, and laid them out on the bed carefully, trying them on in front of the mirror one by one, with the little ones. Excitedly, he looked at himself in the mirror. The girl had red lips and white teeth, and her eyebrows were smiling, like her but not her.

In fact, she has a lot of beautiful dresses, bought for her by her father or mother on business trips, but they don't have the chance to wear them. Although it has entered November, the weather in Xining at this time is enough to wear a single piece.

In the end, she silently chose a dress with a little academic style, which was both youthful and feminine. Paired with a pair of canvas shoes, she was full of aura.

Zhuo Yuan didn't know if she would come, and she had asked her in the classroom before, but she never gave a clear answer.

But he still waited for her at the gate of the cinema early, what if, what if she came?

A young boy with clear-cut eyes and three-dimensional features, wearing a white T-shirt and jeans, standing at the entrance of the theater with a bag on one shoulder, he is particularly eye-catching. From time to time, there are girls passing by to see him, and even bold girls come to him and ask him to contact him. Way.

"Sorry, I'm waiting for someone."

When he rejects people, he is alienated and not embarrassing. He has a rare accomplishment and politeness for young people.

When Tinglan arrived at the entrance of the theater, what he saw was what he looked like when he rejected others. The closer I get to him, the more anxious I feel. I should have waited for Cheng Chen to come together just now, but I blamed myself for running over so impatiently.

Zhuo Yu'an, who was still looking alienated and rejected just now, turned his head and saw her, as if he had a spiritual heart. His eyes seemed to stop, and the tips of his ears began to feel slightly hot.

She looked like she was when she first saw her, standing there in a pretty dress shining lightly, the person with the flashing light was dazzled, and he held the shoulder bag tightly and walked towards her tightly.

Hearing that Lan saw him coming, she obviously had nothing to do with her, but her heart was still flustered and at a loss, her voice was almost trembling.

: "Well, Lu Kuo has gone to pick up Cheng Chen."

"Yeah." Zhuo Yuan's feeling of being hit directly in his heart made him feel a little unresponsive for a while, like a bewildered boy who didn't know what to say.

The two walked side by side from the door to the hall inside.

"Do you want to eat popcorn?" Zhuo Yuan finally found a topic.

Ting Lan nodded gently, and if she wanted, she was expecting Cheng Chen and Lu Kuo to appear soon, otherwise she wanted to escape. Seeing him buying popcorn from the back of the counter, her heart was about to jump out.

When Zhuo Yuan came over, he not only had a bucket of popcorn in his hand, but also two glasses of Coke.

Tinglan took the popcorn and hugged it in front of her chest, with something in her hand, which could at least divert her attention a little, without having such a strong sense of oppression.

After waiting for a while, the movie was about to start, and Lu Kuo and Cheng Chen hadn't come yet.

"Go in, Lu Kuo sent a message that she would not be able to catch up, and Cheng Chen's house would not let her come out."

"Aren't they coming?" After listening to Lan, she didn't want to go. She and Zhuo Yuan watched it together. It was a bit weird. In case of encountering classmates or parents, it seems that I can't tell.

"Don't want to see it?" Zhuo Yuan looked disappointed when she heard that Cheng Chen was not coming, and respected her meaning.

"Let's see." She was not disappointed, she was just worried. For the first time in her life, she went out to watch a movie with a boy alone. Who could not be worried.

Two people checked in.

It was a film ordered by Lu Kuo, which fits his taste very well, a particularly nonsensical comedy. There were bursts of laughter from time to time in the cinema, and only Tinglan and Zhuo Yuan sat side by side, without a smile.

Because their minds are not on the movie at all, they are all on the people next to them.

Tinglan picked up popcorn one by one and delivered it to his mouth. Next to Zhuo Yuan, he drank Coke with a straw in small sips. It was the first time in his life that he drank a carbonated drink, which was much better than he had imagined.

After taking a few sips, he put it in the place where he put the drink in his hand.

But Tinglan ate too much popcorn and was a little thirsty, and naturally picked up the drink and drank it, not knowing that Zhuo Yuan had just drunk this bottle.

Zhuo Yuan wanted to stop it when it was too late, so she saw her sucking the straw he had just sucked, and took a few mouthfuls with satisfaction.

Zhuo Yu'an suddenly felt dry and dry, and the young man's heart was also stunned. The more he wanted to put it out, the more it burned, and it almost burned him.

When Tinglan drank halfway and put it down, she suddenly realized that her bottle of drink was placed on the other side. She was drinking Zhuo Yu'an's.

She raised her eyes and glanced at him secretly, and saw that he was sitting upright, looking at the screen in front of him. While he didn't notice, Ting Lan changed the drink without knowing it.

He even poked Zhuo Yu'an in the arm three hundred taels, "Why don't you drink a drink."

Zhuo Yu'an, who was originally irritated, saw her little movement, she was so cute, she picked up the drink from Shanruliu and took a few sips.

His lip shape is very good, and his side face is also very good. When he was sucking a straw, the movie happened to be a silent shot. The whole theater was surprisingly quiet. Ting Lan could even hear the very light swallowing sound when he took a drink. Ting Lan's face was red, and then she suddenly remembered that she seemed to have sucked this cup just now.

This... she inexplicably remembered the lines in the idol drama she was watching recently: indirect kissing.

God... how could she have such thoughts?

Ashamed and shameless, I blame the idol drama for killing people.

For 2 hours of a whole movie, she almost spent it in random thoughts. She didn't hear a single line, and even after she went out of the theater, she even forgot the name of the movie.

She drank a glass of carbonated drinks, and the popcorn was almost eaten by her unconsciously.

When the two of them walked all the way from the cinema to the outside square, Tinglan suddenly hiccups, the sequelae of drinking too much carbonated drinks.

It seemed that the muscles in the throat were spasm. She couldn't control it, so she hiccuped every few seconds. Her face was flushed, and in front of Zhuo Yuan, she was embarrassed and thrown into the Pacific Ocean.

"Again... Hiccup... See you..." She just wanted to quickly escape his sight. After saying goodbye, she carried her bag and fled outside.

But she never thought that as soon as she turned around, an electric car happened to pass by her, Zhuo Yuan behind her grabbed her, and she could easily avoid the electric car.

She was dragged into Zhuo Yu'an's arms along the way. Because of the shock, the hiccups became more serious. Her face was buried in front of his chest, and every hiccup made her shake uncontrollably.

Zhuo Yuan held her tightly and didn't mean to let go, but every time she hiccup, Zhuo Yuan patted her back lightly.

This was repeated several times, and after an unknown period of time, she finally stopped hiccuping, but her face was so red that she couldn't see it.

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