Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 696: : Youth. One

Zhuo Yuan deliberately remembered the name of this rice noodle shop, thinking about meeting Lu Kuo with him another day, and silently following her footsteps.

In the first week of school, the school arranged a parent meeting. Zhuo Yu’an’s parents did not travel in Qining recently, but because of their special status, it is not convenient to participate in the parent meeting. Besides, Zhuo Yu’an is too good to worry about his parents at all. So Cheng Zhimin was relieved to let the nanny come to attend.

As for Lu Kuo, it was the opposite. Because his grades were so bad, his mother didn't want to be embarrassed by coming to school, so she also hired a nanny to do it.

The two teenagers stood downstairs in the classroom waiting for the end of the parent meeting. They felt a bit connected.

Cheng Chen and Tinglan were also waiting downstairs in the classroom. Tinglan was relaxed, knowing that her mother was here to hold a parent meeting, she would definitely be proud of her. As for Cheng Chen, her grades have always been above average, not top-notch, but not bad. As long as there are no special circumstances, the parent meeting can be passed safely.

There are many classmates waiting for their parents nearby, and some classmates are chatting from time to time.

"Have you seen Zhuo Yuan and Lu Kuo's parents?"

"I see it, it's quite plain."

"Looking at their daily clothes, they thought they were rich in their family, they were the children of a rich family."

"But looking at their mothers, they seem to be quite ordinary. Is Lu Kuo's pair of shoes going to cover his mother's salary for a few months?"

"Slap a swollen face to fill a fat man, this vanity is too strong."

Zhuo Yuan and Lu Kuo were both transferred from the capital city. In addition to their superior temperament and outstanding appearance, they are attracting attention. It is inevitable that there will be students who are jealous of them. Now that their parents are simple and simple, it seems that they have finally You can find a point to attack them.

Cheng Chen and Tinglan had heard these conversations, but they had actually noticed that their mother was different from what they had imagined.

Cheng Chen said: "Lu Kuo does look like his style with a swollen face to fill a fat man, but Zhuo Yuan doesn't look like it."

Listening to Lan smiled and didn't speak, he didn't care very much, but he looked at Zhuo Yuan not far away. He was caught off guard. He also happened to look over. Across the noisy classmates, the two eyes met, Zhuo Yuan met. I didn’t mean to avoid it, and looked straight at her. This was the first time in a long time that she looked at him directly, and his heart was slightly swollen and hurt out of control. Take a look, keep your eyes on him for a while.

But Tinglan quickly turned his attention away, and didn't look at him again.

The discussion in the crowd also reached Zhuo Yuan and Lu Kuo's ears, but the two of them didn't care at all. Lu Kuo grinned and said, "If my mother knew that she would be misunderstood, she would have come with an 800-meter knife."

Zhuo Yuan felt that it would be nice if the nanny was his mother. He and the nanny were better than his mother.

At this time, no one said: "Are you all blind? That is their nanny, not their mother."

I see.

The classmates who had discussed the most joyously just now closed their mouths and stopped talking.

After the parent meeting was over, the parents came out of the teaching building one after another, and the students went to their own parents. Tinglan was very nervous, afraid that her mother would see Zhuo Yu'an, so she kept staying away from Zhuo Yu'an. After picking up her mother from the school building, she hurriedly took her mother's arm and left, fearing that she would stay longer and be seen.

Zhang He was in a good mood when she came out. She was praised by the teacher in front of all the parents, and even asked her to speak on stage, sharing her experience how to cultivate such an excellent child. The vanity and pride of being a mother has never been satisfied.

Zhuo Yu’an’s babysitter walked out with a smile after the parent meeting, but the baby’s mind was not on the excellent performance of the child, but a little gossip in his heart. The main reason for coming to school was to see which girl was fascinated by Yu An. It's fascinated.

The nanny has a keen mind. The main task in Xining is to take care of him. All the joys and sorrows of the young boy are in her eyes. So I was full of curiosity about that girl. But he was destined to be disappointed, because from beginning to end, only the Lu family young master stood beside him.

She came over to say hello and hurried home to report to Teacher Cheng the results of the parent meeting.

The days after school start are actually dull and boring. Every day there are endless questions except for class.

Tinglan is still focused on learning. Because of his good grades, he was elected as a member of the study committee by his classmates. Apart from studying, he is also responsible for summarizing the knowledge points learned this week for the classmates every week.

Lu Kuo still sleeps on the table every day, because the seat next to Cheng Chen is empty, he simply sits at the same table with Cheng Chen, every day he sleeps or teases Cheng Chen, and Cheng Chen is so angry that he will pinch him so hard. Happy.

Zhuo Yuan no longer runs to their classrooms every day, and sometimes he does not show up on campus for a long time. It is said that he went to Senzhou to participate in some competitions. Anyway, he scored well, except for the first time he took the second place. Besides, at other times, I just get the first place in the random test, and the teacher also opens his eyes and closes his eyes.

But no matter where he is, he will go back to school every Friday, because this semester, what makes Lu Kuo stupefied is that he has taken on the role of the school's radio announcer for the first time.

His program is fixed every Friday afternoon when school ends.

It has been several weeks, Lu Kuo still finds it incredible. He is Zhuo Yu'an. He has always been low-key and doesn't like to show off. Let alone broadcast at school, he was told to read a text in the class. He didn't bother to read that kind of text.

Lu Kuo was curious: "When did you add such an interest? The hobbies are quite wide."

His first broadcast was Haizi’s "The Bride"

A few weeks of lyric songs followed.

Today, he read another poem, Haizi’s "Diary"

Sister, I'm in Delingha tonight, the night is over

Sister, I only have Gobi tonight

I am empty-handed at the end of the grassland

Can't hold a teardrop in grief



I only have the beautiful Gobi empty tonight

Sister, I don’t care about humans tonight, I just miss you

The campus was bustling with hustle and bustle after school, and his gentle and steady voice reverberated gently in the air. His voice was very nice, and his Mandarin was very standard, with a touch of lingering affection. Many students slowed down and listened.

I don't care about humans tonight, I just miss you.

After reading the last sentence, the music should have been played, but the music has not sounded, and there is a long white space in the middle, which makes people feel a trace of sadness inexplicably.

Even a carefree person like Lu Kuo seems to have been substituted. Waiting outside the campus for Zhuo Yuan to end the show, he ran up and asked Zhuo Yuan:

"What sister? When did you have a sister I don't know?"

Zhuo Yuan didn't expect Lu Kuo to understand this way, and opened his hand a little "disgustingly". He doesn't want everyone to understand his broadcast program, but he knows that someone will understand it.

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