Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 711: : Youth. Junior

No one in Gu's family has cared about her from beginning to end, and this funeral is more like a social venue for Gu's family. Many of Grandpa Gu’s friends came to express their condolences, and Gu’s father and mother were busy chatting with them to get closer. And Gu Ruandong was already involved in most of the business of the Gu Group at that time, and friends from all walks of life he knew also came, so he was too busy to take care of other things.

At the funeral, all black clothes were worn, but Lu Kuo and Ruan Ruan wore white clothes, so they were particularly conspicuous. In the evening, there was another Lu Yaoyao in school uniform.

The girl in the third year of the junior high school was already slim, and when she came in, she was a little scared to see the black and overwhelming person. Carrying a schoolbag, he lowered his head and walked in the direction of Lu Kuo and Ruan Ruan in a muffled voice, afraid that others would take another look at her.

Unexpectedly, he bumped into a person head-on, almost fell, and stood up straight while being lifted by his schoolbag. She stood up straight, and where she was looking straight, she could only see the black shirt on her chest. When she looked up again, she could see that smiling eyes were looking at her.

"My child, I went to the wrong place."

Lu Yaoyao couldn't help but glared at him. She was not a kid anymore, and she didn't go wrong. She came to see Ruan Ruan. After staring, I saw the group of people behind him who were not good people who were not good at first sight. They were so frightened that they rushed to find Lu Kuo and Ruan Ruan.

When she saw Ruan Ruan, she cried again, who didn't want to cry. Put yourself in and think about it, if it was her grandfather's death, she might have to cry and faint, a topic she couldn't even think of.

Ruan Ruan had no tears anymore, only his eyes were red and swollen, and he sat tightly wrapped in the blanket sent by Lu Kuo.

"I'll take you home to rest." Lu Kuo said.

Tomorrow is the day when she will go to the funeral. If she continues to do this, she won't be able to walk tomorrow.

Ruan Ruan shook his head, not wanting to go home, but wanted to spend the last night with grandpa here.

Lu Yaoyao was always timid and never stayed overnight in the mourning hall, but for the sake of Ruan Ruan, she also summoned the courage to say to Lu Kuo: "Brother, you go back, I am here to accompany Ruan Ruan."

Lu Kuo was speechless, it was so smoky here, so don't worry about letting Lu Yaoyao stay overnight here.

"Will you go to school tomorrow? You go home and I'll be with her here."

Lu Kuo said nothing about this. He called his driver to take Lu Yaoyao away, and stayed with Ruan Ruan all night.

In the middle of the night, when I received a message from Zhuo Yuan, it was very simple: I'm going back.

? ? ?

"Where are you going back?" He didn't sleep in the middle of the night, his mind still a little confused.

Zhuo Yuan replied: "I have been in China for the past two days. Now I go back to school and the plane will take off immediately."

After Lu Kuo realized what he meant, he couldn't help cursing: "Zhuo Yu'an, are you sick, don't you tell me when you return home?"

"See you next time."

Lu Kuo was so angry that he couldn't reply. The two hadn't seen each other for two years. He didn't even say a word in advance when he returned to China.

Lu Kuo never responded. About ten minutes later, Zhuo Yuan sent another message.

"I went to see her in Senzhou, but I didn't see it."

This was the first time Zhuo Yuan took the initiative to mention Tinglan to Lu Kuo. A simple sentence revealed the endless regret and melancholy in his heart.

Lu Kuo was speechless again: "You tell me in advance, I'll help you make an appointment with her, so I won't miss each other."

Yes, Zhuo Yuan came back impulsively, thinking about sharing her joy with her, and waiting in the cafe with some tendons.

Of course, even if Lu Kuo makes an appointment, he may not be able to make an appointment.

Zhuo Yuan had already boarded the plane and did not reply.

Lu Kuo was inexplicably accompanied by an unfamiliar little girl at this funeral, and inexplicably received a text message from Zhuo Yuan. The whole person felt that it was inexplicable.

In the middle of the night, Ruan Ruan next to him was already asleep against the wall, and he went out to get some breath.

In the night, I saw Gu Ruandong smoking a cigarette next to a trash can.

Obviously he is of the same age, Lu Kuo still looks like a school of students, and Gu Ruandong has a complex temperament far surpassing his age. Seeing Lu Kuo come out, he raised his eyebrows and handed him a cigarette.

Lu Kuo shook his head: "I am a three-good young man, and I don't smoke."

Gu Ruandong smiled slightly, unable to see whether it was a genuine smile or a sarcastic smile. He did not speak, stomped out the smoke in his hand, and turned back to the mourning hall.

The excitement of the day has faded, and now only a few close friends are guarding here, playing cards around the table, and bursting out a few swear words from time to time. And his parents went home to rest after a day of tiredness.

Lu Kuo was out of there for a while, and he returned to the mourning hall when he felt better. Ruan Ruan didn't know when he woke up, and sat upright. After seeing him come in, his nervous expression relaxed a little.

Lu Kuo sat down next to her, and when he saw her, he thought of his sister Lu Yaoyao, and sighed in his heart. They are all the same age, but their life situation is completely opposite.

"You go to sleep, I won't go out anymore." He comforted.

Ruan Ruan then leaned back to the wall and closed his eyes to sleep, one hand kept tightly pulling the hem of Lu Kuo's T-shirt, and Lu Kuo didn't know it, he too fell asleep by the wall.

Later, Lu Kuo quickly forgot about it, because after the funeral the next day, he went back to school.

After a long weekend, I went home and saw Lu Yaoyao crying out of breath. After asking, I realized that her only and best friend was Gu Ruanruan studying abroad, and she will have no friends in the future.

At this point, Lu Kuo felt a little bit empathetic. When his best friend Zhuo Yuan went to study abroad, he was also sad for a while.

"Go, brother will take you to eat delicious food."

Seeing how sad she was, he kindly comforted her.

The two brothers and sisters are heartless people, and when they go home after a meal, they feel better.

"Anyway, in another three years, I have to go out. Then I can see Ruan Ruan again." Lu Yaoyao comforted himself.

At that time, Lu Kuo was in his junior year, and he continued to mess around. He ran to Qining to see Cheng Chen if he had nothing to do. This was the only thing he insisted on doing. Everything else is fishing for three days and drying the net for two days.

While Zhuo Yuan is abroad, it is said that his Zhuoyuan technology has improved and is favored by many investment companies. Even his uncle Lu Shaoxing is also very optimistic, and wants to go abroad to talk to Zhuo Yuan about investment in person.

At that time, Tinglan studied step by step and worked part-time at Senzhou University, and his life gradually returned to peace. The only worry was her mother’s job. At the time, she was taking care of an eccentric old lady living alone. The old lady’s children were not around, so she was given a salary much higher than the market price.

Tinglan advised her mother many times not to do these hard work. In fact, the original savings at home were enough for her to live.

But every time my mother said: "Hold on for two more years. When you graduate and buy a house for you in Senzhou, Mom will rest assured."

However, the housing prices in Senzhou in those few years have gone up. Their original savings can almost be used to buy a house, but now they only have enough for the down payment.

Kuo Kuo Zi is actually really warm, and Ruan Ruan's love for him is not unreasonable.

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