Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 715: : Youth. Find her

Ting Lan was not indifferent, but hadn't seen Lu Kuo for a long time. He just didn't know how to respond to his enthusiasm.

When she went to change work clothes, Lin Zhitong and Lu Kuo were sitting in the corner of the cafe with big and small eyes.

"Are you Tinglan's college roommate?"

"Are you the high school classmate who always molested her?"

The two asked in unison, a little bit of a sword.

"How can it be said that harassment is due to the concern among classmates." Lu Kuo didn't lie either, but his concern was one point, and more of it came from someone's concern.

"Care? Are you pursuing Tinglan?"

Lu Kuo was agitated: "Don't hurt me, I have a good name."

Lin Zhiyi disgusted.

Today there are not many guests. When I am free, I will come to their table to sit and chat with them, mainly because they are afraid of their quarrel, and the atmosphere is inexplicably tense.

In the evening, Lin Zhitong was a little fidgety waiting for Mr. Shi to come, and looked at the doorway from time to time, absent-minded.

Just listen to Lu Kuo saying: "Ting Lan, have you found your senior year internship?"

"I haven't thought about it yet."

"My uncle's company heard that Whale Finance is recruiting interns. I told the company's legal affairs. You can go directly to the intern. Their legal affairs are okay. You can learn a lot by going there."

Lu Kuoxin said, he really did his best, he did his best, and he ran from the capital to Senzhou all the way, because some people asked on the phone, is it time for an internship as a senior?

He doesn't understand, he really needs to care and arrange it himself.

As soon as Lu Kuo's voice fell, Lin Zhitong, who was sitting loosely opposite, suddenly sat upright, looking like a lady, pointing to the man who had just entered the cafe, and said to Lu Kuo.

: "You might have to compete. This Mr. Shi also wants Ting Lan to do an internship in his company."

"Freeze said."

Tinglan left this sentence and hurriedly went to the checkout counter to place an order for Mr. Shi, and several guests came one after another, and Tinglan never returned to this table.

When Shi Yan came in, he greeted Tinglan as usual, and then walked to his usual seat. Not surprisingly, he saw that his usual seat was occupied by Lin Zhiyu.

Opposite her sat a boy of her age, looking at him with hatred.

After all, Shi Yan was a person who came here, and he knew what it meant when he saw the battle. Probably it was the boy who thought of him as an imaginary enemy, and the little girl's love was full of whim and randomness.

How did Lin Zhiyi know that people had such a big misunderstanding of her? God knows, she only saw Lu Kuo for the first time. When she saw Shi Yan sitting directly at the table far from them, she looked at Lu Kuo on the opposite side even more unpleasant.

Whispered: "Can you stay away from me?"

Lu Kuo glanced at her and asked, "Tinglan is going to work in that man's company for an internship? What does the company do?"

While asking, he glanced at Tokihiko who was not far away, who looked like a dog. But, it's great to be old, great to have a company, dare to **** him up?

This look is a naked challenge. It just so happened that Shihhiko also looked over, smiled helplessly, and continued to work with his head down.

Lu Kuo took out his mobile phone and pretended to take a picture of the café. In fact, he took a short video. The picture was from Tinglan at the cash register to Shihhiko sitting not far away. Then he sent the video directly without saying anything. To Zhuo Yuan.

At that time, Zhuo Yu Angang, Wang Yan, and Wen Jian had an all-night preparation for the latest product launch. His Zhuoyuan technology has caused a lot of splashes in the industry. The company has also moved from the basement of Cui's home to a regular office building. He and Wang Yan and Wenjian have separate offices.

The product launch conference is tonight. After he had finished the whole night and was ready to go back to sleep, he saw a video sent by Lu Kuo inexplicably.

The beginning of the screen is Tinglan at the cash register. She lowered her head, earnestly operating something on the screen. In fact, Zhuo Yuan is very busy now and rarely thinks of her initiatively.

But occasionally thinking about it, or hearing Lu Kuo mention it occasionally, his heart still beats fiercely, sour and astringent.

After graduating from high school, he never saw her again. The only time he saw her was in Lu Kuofa's photos, so when he saw her moving in the video, there was a bit of tingling in his heart besides soreness. He was not willing to watch them all right away, but paused frame by frame. It's okay not to look at it or not, as soon as I saw her, I missed her.

I didn't miss a frame until the end, when I saw the picture turned to a strange man.

Even though Lu Kuo didn't say a word, he was as smart as him, and he knew what he meant at a glance, and his heart contracted suddenly. "You went to Senzhou?" He didn't directly ask who the man was.

Lu Kuo replied: "Do you want to come back?"

In Lu Kuo's view, that seemingly successful man is Zhuo Yuan's very strong rival. If Tinglan really went to that person’s company for an internship, wouldn’t it be near the water? At that time, Zhuo Yuan really won't have anything to do.

Zhuo Yuan didn't reply again.

That day, it was especially tormenting for him. This is the first official product launch of Zhuoyuan Technology, and many investors and industry-related celebrities have come. Last night when the three of them stayed up late to prepare, they said that this product and this press conference can be defined as a milestone leap for Zhuoyuan Technology. It is very important and he cannot be absent.

Love is important, so is career. It wasn't that he didn't want to fly back right away, but that he made a decision based on the priority of the matter after rational restraint.

A person's behavior and thinking habits will accompany many years, even life. At that time, he did not realize this, and did not expect that one day in the future, he would face the same choice between Tinglan and the company, and his choice was surprisingly consistent.

He forced himself to let go of his distracting thoughts, rested for a morning, and arrived on the scene punctually in the afternoon to prepare his speech. Of course, that conference was a success. Their products have attracted the attention and appreciation of countless peers, with full-length reports from abroad to domestic.

After the press conference, he couldn't get out immediately. There were media interviews, and a celebration banquet with investors, etc. Three days have passed since Li Lu Kuo sent him the video when all this was done.

In three days, Zhuoyuan Technology has reached a new level.

As for Ting Lan, the days went according to schedule, and there was no change. The only small change is that she went to interview for an internship in the company of Mr. Shi.

She took the initiative to contact Mr. Shi for no other reason, but was coerced and lured away by Lin Zhiyi.

On the day that he met Lu Kuo and Mr. Shi in the cafe, Lin Zhiyi went back tonight and found that he had been deleted by Mr. Shi's WeChat account.

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