Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 722: : Youth. Time

However, through communication with her, the personnel manager temporarily decided to give her an internship job.

"The internship in customer service is not helpful to your career. If you want, you can go to our personnel department for an internship. Start by screening your resume, making appointments for interviews, and arranging interviews."

Of course Lin Zhiyun agreed with both hands and feet.

She was not interested in customer service at first, everything came for Toshihiko. Obviously, there are more opportunities to meet him as a personnel assistant than a customer service.

Only after coming all morning, I haven't seen Shi Yan yet, and when I asked, I found out that he happened to be on a business trip today.

Lin Zhitong was a little disappointed. She wanted to surprise him and give him a little surprise or surprise. She didn't tell him that she would come to his company to apply for a customer service position.

The HR manager had a good impression of both of them. After signing the internship contract for them, he took them to the conference room.

"Today is to get acquainted with the company environment. If you don't understand, you can come to me at any time."

After speaking, hand them two employee handbooks

"This is the company's rules and regulations, please take a look"

"Okay, thank you."

As soon as the HR manager left, Tinglan looked through the employee handbook carefully. If she joined the company, improving the company's various rules and regulations would also belong to her scope of work, so she took it seriously.

Lin Zhitong was originally drunk and warm, so he just flipped through it, and suddenly saw one of the rules.

: It is forbidden to fall in love between employees!

Prohibition of office romances?

What breaks the rules?

So is she and Shiyan an office romance?

What is a head shot, that's it.

"Shu Shu, look at this one." She pushed Ting Lan next to her.

Dinglan also saw it.

"Is this regulation legal?" Lin Zhitong came to the first day and wanted to break the company's rules and regulations.

"Freedom of marriage and love is a basic right. Of course, the company does not have the right to prohibit employees from falling in love. If employees are dismissed for this reason, employees can apply for labor arbitration." Tinglan replied quietly, a bit dogmatic.

"There is no need for labor arbitration. It is his money if he wins or loses. I should take the initiative and don't embarrass him."

"You and Mr. Shi are in love?" Tinglan was not mocking her, but sincerely wondering about this question.

Lin Zhiyue was choked: "Sooner or later, so I have to plan ahead and leave the job first, and I can't make him embarrassed."

"Oh, if you are really in love, shouldn't he take the initiative to abolish this rule than you?"

A word to awaken the dreamer.

"Shu Shu, you are so smart."

Lin Zhitong took a photo of this provision in the employee handbook, and reported it to the personnel department with the employee handbook.

Ting Lan went to the Legal Department to report.

It was said that it was the legal department, but in fact she was the only one present, and the other was an external lawyer consultant who came one day a week.

She took a photo of her badge and desk, and officially sent a circle of friends for the first time: a new beginning.

Then I also sent a photo to my mother. I was in a good mood. It was indeed a brand new and good start.

My mother heard about her job hunting before, so she quickly replied: Lanlan is great, mother is happy for you.

Then I immediately posted another article: When I made time this weekend, my mother was optimistic about a house and made an appointment to sign a contract on the weekend.

Tinglan knew that buying a house was her mother's obsession, so she no longer refused, and promised to visit the house on weekends.

Because the income of her tutor is pretty good, and the child's senior year of high school this year, the parents think she teaches very well and don't want to change tutor casually, so she insists on doing it without delaying the internship.

Her life is fulfilling and busy. Everything is going in a good direction. After the house is bought, she is determined not to let her mother go out to work. She thinks that she will work hard, and the life of her and her mother will get better and better. In short, the present is full of hope for the future.

During the week of the internship, they didn't see Toshihiko himself. He had been on a business trip.

Lin Zhiyi didn't tell him that she was doing an internship at his company, but she would have nothing to talk to every night, so she took the initiative to chat with him.

Taking up a little new knowledge gained in the company these days, I asked a lot of unprofessional questions in the fearless attitude of the ignorant.

Whenever she asks, whether it is simple or complicated, Toshihiko will answer seriously and patiently.

"How long will you come back?" Lin Zhitong asked.

"There is a public welfare meeting of the Food and Drug Administration on Sunday, and I will go back after the meeting."

"Is it the public welfare meeting that regulates the standard of one medical device, one code, one identity?" This is the news that Lin Zhitong inquired from the marketing department.

As a provider of medical traceability solutions, Shiyan Network Information is also the supporter of this public welfare activity of the Food and Drug Administration. Therefore, Shi Yan himself accompanied several leaders of the Food and Drug Administration to several cities in a week and gave several lectures. Charity meeting.

Sitting in the meeting place at the moment, a local leader was passionately talking about their city's support for pharmaceutical companies and so on. He put his hand on the meeting table, and he responded to her news with one hand.

Seeing the question she asked, I was a little surprised, which shows that I was really interested.

"What time do you arrive on Sunday, okay, I will pick you up at the airport." Lin Zhitong mustered up his courage and couldn't always be confined to these unsavory chats, right?

And she found a problem. If she speaks boldly, Shi Yan will openly accept the move, just like discussing the size of his feet last time, without any ambiguity.

But if she talked to him about work in a serious manner, he would definitely answer her in a serious manner.

So Lin Zhitong knew that he was definitely interesting to her, but he was a very experienced old fox, very good at playing heart-breaking games, and very calm.

Although Lin Zhiyi has only known him for a few months, she feels that after so many rounds, her love experience or the skill of thinking about men's mentality has made a qualitative leap and reached a new level.

That’s why I dared to speak out: I’ll pick you up at the airport, OK?

Only after sending it out, the other party did not reply again.

Shi Yan was being invited to speak on stage at the moment, and his cell phone was thrown on the conference table. By the time he finished speaking, it would be half an hour before he stepped down.

Half an hour later, when Lin Zhitong was a little discouraged, his cell phone rang suddenly. The simple message was his flight number.

But the combination of these letters and numbers, like musical notes, danced on the tip of Lin Zhitong's heart. I checked the Internet and found that this flight to Senzhou was around 9 o'clock in the evening.

9 o'clock in the evening?

He acquiesced to her to pick him up at 9 o'clock in the evening, does it mean...

Her mind was filled with some messy thoughts again, and she was full of expectations.

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