Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 724: : Youth. Lesson One

In order to prove that it was not his own illusion, Wang Yan specially emphasized

: "This coding company is going to China next month to hold an exhibition, and it happens to be Shiyan Network Technology to receive it."

Zhuo Yuan looked up at Wang Yan thoughtfully.

Wang Yan added: "Next Christmas, the company will be on holiday, and there will be no other important activities."

The expression is obvious enough that he has enough time to return to China to participate in the company's exhibition, and he can meet Mr. Shi.

"I got it." Zhuo Yuan did have an idea, and could return home again.

Is this fate? Or is it the rule of six? After leaving the school days, there are still such inextricable connections.

For those who were still thinking about forgetting the last moment, this moment has already begun to make arrangements for the next month's itinerary.


Lin Zhiquan drove a car from the neighborhood of Tinglan's home and urged the driver to drive faster. Seeing that it was almost 9 o'clock, he was very anxious.

Arrived at the airport, 9 o'clock on time.

She called Shiyan, because she trot all the way, she was a little out of breath.

The call was quickly connected, and a gentle, calm voice came

: "Be careful, don't run. I just got off the plane, now I am waiting for my luggage."

His voice was magical, and Lin Zhitong's anxious mood just now calmed down and slowed down.

"There is a cafe at the left exit of the lobby on the first floor. You can go there and wait for me first, and I will go over after picking up my luggage." He commanded over the phone.

"Okay." Lin Zhitong stopped, looked around, and saw that there was a cafe on the left of the exit, so he walked over there.

"Are you there?" he asked on the phone.


"Okay, find a place to sit down. This store has a matcha swiss roll, you can try it." He seems to be walking to the place where his luggage is picked up, but his voice is always calm and steady. She was also arranged properly.

Thoughtful and thoughtful.

Lin Zhiyi ordered the matcha Swiss roll he was talking about. It melted in your mouth and it was really delicious. Then he ordered him a glass of ice American in advance and waited for him to come.

She was quite full at night, so no matter how delicious this Swiss roll, she only ate half of it, and she was not in the mood to eat it. My heart is sweet and chaotic, for my own boldness, for what might happen next.

As he was thinking about it, he saw Shiyan pushing his suitcase and striding over by the glass floor-to-ceiling windows. The airport lobby at this point is still a bustling crowd, but he is in the crowd, Lin Zhiyi can see him at a glance, he has advantages in height and temperament.

When Lin Zhiyi looked at him, he also raised his head slightly and looked from the glass window from a distance, with a slight smile at the corner of his lips. This person, at any time, in any environment, seems to be such a calm and gentleman.

Lin Zhiyun couldn't move his eyes when he saw him, and kept looking at him through the glass window. He walked a few steps to the cafe, but didn't come in, but waved to her to get out.

Lin Zhiyu hurriedly brought the ice American style he had ordered to go out, and his heart began to throb again. The closer he got, the more he jumped, especially when he was still smiling and looking at her intently. It has made her legs soft.

When she came to him, she handed him the coffee.

"Thank you." He took the coffee, naturally took a sip, and then said to her: Let's go.

There was no greeting, as if she came to pick up the airport at night, which was normal for them, not to mention that they hadn't seen each other for a while except for chatting on WeChat every day.

The two walked side by side to the airport garage, and his car had been parked at the airport. Lin Zhitong usually thinks about more carefully, but he looks like a blank paper in front of Shiyan, and is so nervous that he is about to walk on the same hand.

Especially when he suddenly stopped, she secretly swallowed while looking at her.

Shiyan handed her the cup of coffee in his hand.

She hurriedly waved: "I don't drink, it's too bitter."

Shi Yan smiled and pointed at the car next to him with his coffee finger: "Help me take it, I want to put my luggage."

It turned out to be where he parked.

Lin Zhiyi...The ears are all red, so hopeless, how can I be so stupid.

This is not her, not her!

She helped him hold the coffee and despised herself inwardly.

Shi Yan put away the luggage, then opened the door of the co-pilot and let her get in the car.

Lin Zhiyi had been in the clouds and mist since seeing him at the airport, stupid, unable to think normally. Until now, sitting in the passenger seat and wearing a seat belt, my mood calmed down a bit.

Sitting at such a close distance, affected by his aura, and a little dry mouth, he unconsciously lowered his head and took a sip of the coffee in his hand.

Forgot it was his, took a sip, frowning from suffering.

Shiyan smiled and took the coffee in her hand and put it on the cup holder in the middle, and asked


"Bitter!" Lin Zhitong nodded heavily.

"Do you want to relieve your suffering?" He asked, his voice very mellow, his eyes smiled, and there was a bit of obvious ambiguity.

Lin Zhiyun stared at him and was stunned.

He stretched out his right hand to embrace her head, rubbing his slender fingers under her hair, and Lin Zhitong's entire scalp numb in an instant.

He put her in his direction with a little force, covered her with his other hand, held her face, and kissed her down.

This is what he said, help her relieve her suffering.

There was a bitterness of coffee in his lips, and the sweetness of matcha swiss rolls in her lips. The two flavors intertwined, and the lingering between the lips and teeth, Lin Zhitong's entire brain would explode, and he instantly entered a world of bliss.

He was really good at it, unlike all her previous experiences. The boyfriends of the same age who used to date were almost always an instinctive, unstructured kiss that would not take into account her feelings.

But Shiyan is not. He will pay attention to her feelings and lead her to explore the most comfortable contact, from breathing, from movement, from temperature, every point is so just right.

Lin Zhitong prefers to call this kiss her first kiss.

After a long time, he released her, but his hands still didn't leave her head, and the hot breath was still entangled with each other.

She opened her eyes in confusion, her brain still buzzing.

"Is it still bitter?" His voice was hoarse and low.

"Sweet!" She could only reply instinctively.

Shi Yan smiled and rubbed the tip of her nose with the tip of her nose a little: "This is the first lesson for you. Remember how you feel at this moment. You should be cherished in this way at all times when you are interacting with boys. Be gentle, your feelings are the most important, understand?"

Lin Zhitong nodded, with hot eyes, how could there be such a gentle man?

She really wanted to kiss him again, so she asked: "Then this lesson, can I review it again?"

The author's words: It's a dog abuse!

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