Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 74: : I won't pester you again

"Then Chief Zhuo made a big effort to deal with Jiajia's troubles?"

"President Zhuo is rigorous, and there is no room for sand in his eyes. Seeing Jiajia deliberately throwing materials and touching his bottom line, right?" Shu Tinglan felt that this was more in line with Zhuo Yuan's way of doing things.

Zhou Ming didn't believe in Shu Tinglan's explanation. No matter how to discuss this matter, Zhuo Yuan didn't need to come forward in person. The only reason he came forward must be Lin Zhitong.

Men, he still knows well, and when he really loves someone, he is easy to get up.

Shu Tinglan thought, sure enough, people only want to believe what they believe.

The work in the afternoon was relatively intensive. She went to the Bureau of Industry and Commerce to check some data. After checking and getting off work, she went home directly with the computer to sort out the report.

A lot of information, she now does not need to review copies, take pictures and archives directly on her mobile phone, which is environmentally friendly and saves a lot of space without having to hold a thick stack of documents everywhere, which is the same where she works.

When I was downstairs at home, I saw Zhuo Yuan's car. When I took the elevator to the door of my house, I saw him.

What does this man want to do?

Shu Tinglan felt that he had spoken clearly before.

"Open the door." He didn't care about her attitude, and didn't mind that she changed the lock and turned him away.

Shu Tinglan stood motionless, looking at him.

"I bought some vegetables." He raised the shopping bag in his hand, the same as before, as if nothing happened between the two of them. Because of his persistence and perseverance, Shu Tinglan calmed down and had to re-examine the relationship between them.

So he opened the door and let him in.

He changed his slippers to the kitchen, washed the vegetables, sorted them, put them in the refrigerator, refrigerated, and frozen, and looked at the full refrigerator, he was very satisfied.

"Zhuo Yuan, let's have a good talk." This time Shu Tinglan took the initiative to talk.

"Okay. But I have to wait a while, I will cook the meal and talk while eating."

Shu Tinglan was stunned. He really couldn't understand Zhuo Yu'an's behavior. He just didn't care about her attitude at all, and just did what she wanted to do.

"No, let's talk about it first." She was determined.

"All right." Zhuo Yuan saw this, turned around to wash his hands and dry them, then sat in the living room and looked at her: "What do you want to talk about?"

"I thank you very much for helping me find the information last night, and thank you very much for helping me solve Jiajia's problem this morning. However, Zhuo Yuan, what I said before is very clear. It’s hard to tell. I admit that I had a good impression of you before, and I thought about going further, but I also said that if there is gentleness, there will be no me."

Zhuo Yu looked at her quietly and listened carefully to her finish. After a long silence, it seemed that he had plucked up the courage for the first time and said:

"Shu Tinglan, maybe it's my fault. I have never told you seriously. I have more than just a good impression of you."

"So, because you have more than good feelings for me, I have to compromise for you? To bear the harm of gentleness for you? Zhuo Yuan, I really beg you, don't do these things that make me painful. Yours Existence means to keep handfuls of salt on my wounds."

Because of your existence, you always remind me of my father's love for Wenjian back then; always remind me that I have never been loved by my father wholeheartedly.

What she wants is determined, wholehearted, and firm love, otherwise she would rather not.

Her dislike for him was clearly written on her face, without the slightest concealment. No, maybe not for him, but for her father and gentleness.

Zhuo Yuan looked at her, his eyebrows gradually frowned, and he asked each word.

: "In your eyes, I'm so unbearable? You always think I'm a stalker to you? Do you hate you so much?"

The self-esteem that Zhuo Yuan finally picked up was thrown on the ground again and again, letting her step on it.

Shu Tinglan didn't speak, just looked at him like that, watching his pride shattered by her words. She didn't intend to hurt him. She always knew that Zhuo Yuan was not wrong, it was her fault, and she had been unable to get out of this knot. Because of her father's affairs, she has never believed in love, never believe that someone can truly love her, not to mention that there is still a gentleman around him.

She is an ostrich and dare not fight for his love, so she can only use hurtful language to escape.

Her silence was acquiescence in Zhuo Yu's eyes.

He nodded: "I know, I won't pester you again. Shu Tinglan, anyway, I hope you are happy."

He has a calm tone, but if you look closely, you can see the faint red blood in his eye sockets. After speaking, he got up and walked away.

Shu Tinglan's heart was shaken by the clacking sound of the door closing. She knew that he really would not come back this time, and would not care about her again. The sound of the door closing cut her heart in half, and it hurt.

She is not a cowardly character, especially after she went to college, and depended on her mother for life, she has always been a strong living, encountering problems, and solving problems. Even if she paid her mother's hospitalization fee and lived on instant noodles with no money, she never complained and never escaped.

But only emotionally, she is a coward. Facing the present gentleness, besides the hatred of the past, she also carries an unknown inferiority complex. She has to admit that Wenjian is too good and proud. People's educational background also has unmatched work achievements. Standing with Zhuo Yuan is a natural fit. What does she compare with Wenjian?

She has no experience of studying abroad, no decent work results, and a mentally ill mother who needs to be hospitalized all year round. What does she compare to Win Jane? But Fan Zhuo Yuan is not stupid, and would not choose her.

She only dared to hide these words in her heart, and she didn't even dare to mention them to Lin Zhitong, otherwise she would definitely be useless by her ears.

She is really useless.

Lin Zhiyi accompanied Wen Jian to Hua'an City to meet the candidates. She knew what Wen Jian would think about. Didn't she think she was Zhuo Yuan's real girlfriend, so she wanted to meet her alone?

Anyway, she is a fake gossip girlfriend. She is fearless and relaxed with Wenjian. She slept all the way on the plane. After getting off the plane and entering the hotel, she took a closer look at the candidate's resume provided by Wenjian.

I was dumbfounded. She could barely understand the full English resume, but all of the project experience in the second half of the resume, 9 out of 10 words were extremely professional terms related to intelligent computing, quantum algorithms, etc.

Every letter is known, but every word is like an ant, densely packed and completely incomprehensible.

In fact, as a headhunter, it is not a big problem that she does not understand these technical terms. As long as she understands the candidate's work experience and general project experience, let's talk about it. You can talk about it when you meet.

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