Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 751: : love in time

Lin Zhijie added fuel to the fire: "Dad, let me buy you a red scarf."

Dad sighed, and the family status was evident.

There were still three hours before their scheduled New Year's Eve dinner. Lin Zhijie hurriedly turned on the TV at home, tuned to the one with Teacher Qin's program, and invited his parents to watch it together.

"Don't you usually like watching these health programs? I recommend this teacher to you. Her views can be completely believed."

"It's your grandparents who like to watch it." Mom and Dad corrected, they are young, what kind of health programs are they watching.

"It doesn't matter who you like to watch! But this teacher Qin's show, you must watch it. Call your grandparents and grandparents and ask them to watch it later, just watch Teacher Qin's."

"You know?" Mom asked in confusion.

"I just hope that you will listen to the opinions of real experts, and don't listen to other rumors that have no scientific basis." Lin Zhijie did not answer directly.

At the same time, Mr. Qin's program has already started broadcasting. Her content in this episode is very suitable, and she talks about how to cook New Year's Eve dinner to be rich, nutritious and healthy.

As soon as she saw Teacher Qin's picture, her mother curled her lips: "This Teacher Qin? I know, your grandparents are her loyal fans. They said that they have learned from her recipes for the past two years, and now their blood lipids and blood sugar are well controlled. good."

"Really? Grandpa and grandma like her?" Lin Zhiyi and Yourongyan were very happy.

She immediately edited a message and secretly sent it to Teacher Shi. It turns out that they still have such a fate.

Mom continued next to it: "Health is health, but I read the recipe. It's very troublesome. In order to balance nutrition, I have to prepare so many ingredients for a meal. It's too tiring. And it's not delicious because of less oil and water."

"Who says it's not delicious, Teacher Qin's cooking is delicious."

Both parents looked at her suspiciously: "Have you eaten?"

Lin Zhijie felt guilty and answered the question: "I am also her loyal fan."

Her parents were forced by her to watch a whole episode of the show and fell asleep again and again. When it was time for the New Year's Eve dinner, I drove her to my grandparents' house to pick them up and rush to the hotel together.

Although Lin Zhixuan was about to graduate from college, the elders in the family still regarded her as a child from top to bottom. Not only her father called her a baby, but her grandparents also called her baby.

During the New Year's Eve dinner, grandpa and grandma each took out a big red envelope

"Come on, this is the New Year's money for my precious granddaughter. I wish you a happy and successful year."

Lin Zhixuan happily accepted the red envelopes from his grandparents, and said happily, "Thank you, grandparents, and wishing grandparents good health and a long life."

"Fake, this is your last year to ask for a red envelope from your grandparents. When you graduate from college and start working, you should give your grandparents a red envelope every year from now on."

When it comes to work after graduation, my mother suddenly said: "You go back to work directly after graduation. Your father has already arranged a good relationship for you."

Lin Zhijie was stunned: "I plan to develop in Senzhou."

"What do girls do when they run so far. You have to go to a school that is so far away from your university. If you want to meet the world, your parents will fully support you. You can listen to other things, but you must come back to work and be by your parents' side. Parents are at ease."

My mother's words were approved by my grandparents: "Xiaoyao, your mother is right. We girls are family members, don't run so far, stay by your parents' side, have a stable job, and find a stable family to marry in the future. happiest."

Lin Zhijie silently refused in his heart, but the New Year's Eve didn't want to make the atmosphere stiff, so he lowered his head and didn't speak, and quietly kicked the father next to him.

Only then did my father speak: "Our precious daughter still has more than half a year to graduate, so don't worry."

"I just blame you. When I agreed to let her go to school that far, the child's heart was wild."

"Yes, blame me, blame me."

Dad has a good temper and has a better attitude of admitting mistakes, and the tense atmosphere immediately dissipated.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, grandparents went to their house to celebrate the New Year, aunts and cousins ​​were videotaping with them, and her mother and grandparents' relatives were also videotaping, and the family was extraordinarily lively.

Lin Zhixuan locked herself in the room and made a video with Teacher Shi. She didn't take her mother's words to heart. She knew and was firm about how she would go after graduation, so she would not be influenced by her parents.

Shi Yan had just finished the New Year's Eve dinner, and their relatives didn't communicate much, so the family was deserted and there was no festive atmosphere.

Shi Yan was making a video with her, and Teacher Qin was sitting on the other side of the sofa wearing glasses and replying to the New Year messages sent to her by the students.

After replying to the message, take the initiative to join the video to say hello

: "Fuji, hello."

"Hello, Teacher Qin."

Lin Zhixuan was lying on the bed, and immediately sat up.

Coincidentally, there was a knock on the door, and it was grandma who came in to give her fruit to eat. Grandma saw her in the video and moved to the screen of her mobile phone.

: "Who is my good granddaughter videoing with?"

When Lin Zhixuan saw her grandmother like this, she knew that it was sent by her mother. She was sending WeChat from time to time today, and her mother looked at her several times a night, and sent her grandma to inquire about the situation.

"My good granddaughter is talking about a boyfriend?"

"Grandma, this is Teacher Qin. You like to watch her show the most, Teacher Qin." Lin Zhixuan directly handed the phone to Grandma.

"Mr. Qin, it's really Mr. Qin, where are you? Ouch, hello, hello."

Grandma's excited voice came, and she took her mobile phone and went directly to the living room, a large-scale star chasing scene.

"Old man, come quickly, it's really Teacher Qin."

The family is very lively and cheerful.

Grandpa and grandma took Lin Zhixuan's mobile phone and chatted with Teacher Qin for a while. They didn't lie. They were really loyal fans.

"Mr. Qin, we've always wanted to ask you. You always say that you eat 100 grams of staple food. Is it 100 grams of raw rice or 100 grams of cooked rice?"

"And you said to eat low-GI foods, we always forget what we have."

Grandpa and grandma asked here, and Teacher Qin answered carefully and patiently over there.

Lin Zhixuan regretted giving his cell phone to his grandparents, so he hurried over and snatched it away: "Mr. Qin is going to rest, I'll answer your questions another day."

He took back his phone and ran to the room, apologizing all the time.

Teacher Qin: "it's okay, as long as grandparents are happy. You can talk to Yanyan."

Teacher Qin handed the phone to Shi Yan.

Shi Yan smiled over there: "Lin's style, very good."

Well, Lin Zhiyi sighed: "I'll go out in a while, I'm going to be questioned by the whole family."

"Want my help?"

"No, I can do it myself."

Sure enough, her parents, grandparents, and grandparents were already sitting on the sofa watching her.

For this kind of thing, I still send my grandma to take the lead: "Darling, is the WeChat teacher Shi when grandma saw the video of you just now?"

"He is Teacher Qin's son."

"what relationship?"

"Boyfriend!" She didn't shy away.

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