Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 768: : If you don't like it, don't watch it

That night, they talked all night. It was the first time that Fu Shenyi talked so much, and it was the first time that he was so revealing and dissecting himself to her. In the second half of the night, Lin Zhixuan became dizzy and forgot to say anything. One night, more than a year.

I just remember that he proposed a divorce, and she agreed, and she didn't keep it any longer. As always, she was very free and easy. As they said when they got married, they could withdraw from this relationship at any time.

Of course, after the divorce, Lin Zhiyi didn't go to Shiyan either. If he missed it before, he missed it. They each have different life experiences, so it's good not to disturb each other.

Lin Zhijie is still looking for the possibilities of her own life, and she is still looking for love, but this time, she has no template in her heart.

The happiest thing about her divorce was her parents, who were about to cut ties with her, and they took the initiative to come to Senzhou to see her.

She always said, "You guys are too much. You are so bad to Fu Shenyi."

She and Fu Shenyi have been together for several years. Even if there is no love, they have other feelings. Therefore, when it comes to her parents, she feels guilty for Fu Shenyi, and she has not been recognized for so many years.

Mom is wary: "Do you still want to be with him?"

Lin Zhixuan: "No."

Even though Fu Shenyi said that he would consider the relationship between the two after he regained his freedom, Lin Zhijie would never think about looking back since he signed the divorce agreement.

Mom: "That's good. My parents don't really hate Fu Shenyi, they just think his way of dealing with the problem is inappropriate. Although you are also at fault, you are our child and we will always protect you."

Her parents accompanied her for a few days to prepare to go home. Before leaving, Lin Zhixuan took them to the mall to buy clothes, and by the way, bought a newborn gift for her cousin.

The mother couldn't help feeling: "You said that your cousin is about to give birth, and you are still floating."

Dad protects the shortcoming: "Can my cousin compare with us? The blessings we deserve are still to come."

Lin Zhixuan: "I don't need to be behind, I'm quite happy now."

Happiness or not is self-sufficiency and should not be defined by marriage.

The three were in a gold shop, planning to buy a bracelet for their cousin's child.

Looking at a few styles with the lady at the counter, Lin Zhijie raised her head, so coincidentally, she saw Tang Su who was pushing a stroller across the counter. She was dressed in casual clothes, and while looking at the necklaces on the counter, she lowered her head and teased the stroller. children.

Lin Zhixuan's eyes were attracted by the child, and he couldn't see his facial features clearly, but his white and tender hands and feet lifted and swayed from time to time.

Tang Su didn't see her. After looking at the necklace for a while, he suddenly called out to the door, "Husband, come over and see if this one looks good?"

Hearing her calling her husband, Lin Zhiyi almost subconsciously hid behind his parents, afraid that what he saw was Shi Yan, and his heart ached for no reason.

The man called her husband walked in, took the stroller in Tang Su's hand, and glanced at the necklace side by side with her.

: Not bad, just this one.

It's a strange man's voice!

When Lin Zhizhuo looked up, Tang Su just looked up, and was stunned when his eyes met.

But all the things in the past have passed by, so they didn't say hello, and they looked away in tacit understanding, as if they were strangers.

In the afternoon, she took her parents to the airport and watched them enter the security checkpoint. She suddenly felt empty in her heart at the huge airport, like a wandering soul, not knowing where to go.

At this time, the phone rang, it was a text message, she thought it was a spam text message, and was about to delete it, but when she saw the content, she froze and couldn't move.

Text message: 10 meters to your right, there is a cafe with a white sign. It tastes good.

Suddenly, tears fell like rain.

With a stiff neck, she turned around and looked around, seeing the cafe on the right, and Tokihiko pulling the suitcase behind her and smiling at her.

Just like many years ago, the night she went to the airport to pick up the plane, he waved to her from the glass window.

It's still the airport hall where people come and go, but Lin Zhijie is no longer the little girl she used to be, she can't jump into his arms like she used to.

She has changed a lot, but Shiyan has hardly changed, giving her the illusion that time is intertwined. Her time has been moving forward, and she has gone through the changes of the world.

And his time is still, and he has not moved in place.

Shi Yan stepped forward and asked with a smile, "This lady, can I buy you a cup of coffee?"

Deliberately calling her a lady, deliberately being a stranger's encounter, seems to inject the meaning of a new beginning into this encounter.

"Of course." Lin Zhijie wiped away his tears and replied with a smile.

When she arrived at the coffee shop, Shi Yanzhen's taste remained the same for many years. She asked for a cup of iced coffee, and when she was about to ask her what she wanted to drink, she first reported to the waiter, "Just like him."

Tokihiko raised his eyebrows, somewhat surprised.

Lin Zhijie continued to hold the menu, ordered another Swiss roll, and then took the initiative to pay for it.

They didn't say a word of greeting, and they didn't inquire about each other's current situation. It was like the first encounter between two strangers, a little ambiguous, a little calm, a game between mature men and women.

After coming out of the cafe, Lin Zhiyi was going to drive in the underground garage, while Shi Yan was going to the temporary parking area to wait for the car. The two politely said goodbye to each other.

Lin Zhijie took a few steps, and suddenly Shi Yan's voice came from behind him.

: "Fuck!"

When he called her that, Lin Zhiyi felt his back go numb and looked back at him.

He raised his phone: "How much is the coffee just now, I'll transfer it to you."

Lin Zhixuan's first reaction: "No, I'll invite you."

Tokihiko: "Then AA."

AA? It was the first time I heard this word from his mouth, and then Lin Zhijie realized that he wanted to add back the WeChat that had been deleted.

She smiled and opened WeChat on her mobile phone and handed it to him: "Okay, AA, the total is 298 yuan, you give me 149."


Shi Yan swiped and smiled. What she handed over was not a WeChat ID, but a payment code.

Lin Zhijie had already turned and walked towards the basement.

Shi Yan was waiting outside for the bus. After a while, a friend application flashed through WeChat to verify the information: Okay, Mr. Shi, I lost.

He has her mobile phone number, and adding WeChat is easy, but he doesn't. He has to wait for her to give the WeChat account. She just didn't give it, but when he got in the car, he regretted it immediately.

"wait for me."

Shi Yan strode back from the temporary waiting area to the underground garage.

I found her very soon, because she was standing beside the car, and when she saw Tokihiko running over out of breath, she leaned against the door and asked.

: "Teacher Shi, are you still single?"

Tokihiko: Yes.

Lin Zhiyi: Coincidentally, so am I.

As soon as the words fell, Shi Yan was already dragged into his arms and kissed overwhelmingly.

He has always been calm, always calm and restrained, only this moment is crazy and desperate.

Lin Zhijie didn't know why, but his heart was very painful, he couldn't hold back his tears, and while responding to his kiss, he said, "Mr. Shi, I'm sorry." Still wasting him for so many years.

Shi Yan kissed away her tears: "It doesn't matter. I haven't waited for you on purpose in the past few years, but I haven't met a better girl, and I just don't want to let it go."

He'll never tell her it's okay.

He likes his girl's certainty and peace of mind now, so all the waste is worth it.

Author's Note: These three chapters are for those of you who like the times!

Tomorrow, the long-lost East Brother Yaomei. (As a rule, it is better to persuade everyone not to see it, because I may not be able to control it and I will spill dog blood)

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