Today Should Be Preferred

: Chinese New Year Extra: Desk Couple

Zhuo Yu'an and Tinglan had a fake divorce, only Lu Kuo knew that Lu Kuo's mood every day now had a feeling of getting worse and he was fed up with Zhuo Yu'an's pervertedness.

"You don't have to show me your B-ultrasound sheet. It's just an embryo, I'm not interested!"

Zhuo Yuan emphasized: "It's two!"

"Okay, I know you're amazing, and you'll hit two in one fell swoop."

A few weeks later, Lu Kuo received another B-ultrasound order from Zhuo Yuan

: Have you seen my two babies this time?

Lu Kuo: Please, just two soy beans!

After Lu Kuo replied to Zhuo Yuan, he immediately sent a message to Tinglan: Please stop your crazy man. And I have blocked him, you can contact me if you have anything.

Tinglan: You understand him, he can only share his joy with you.

Lu Kuo:  …!

In fact, Tinglan was so annoying to Zhuo Yuan.

Ever since he found out she was pregnant, he has not gone to work, and has been dangling in front of her all day long. As long as he is out of his sight, he will look for her, which makes Tinglan completely unwilling to read and study, and his plans are completely disrupted by him.

"Can you go back to work in Senzhou?" she asked for the countless times.

"What do you think? I'm back, who will take care of you." Zhuo Yu'an seemed to hear some fantasy.

"There are already three aunties at home." Tinglan said.

Their house here is a single-family villa. When Tinglan moved in, Zhuo Yuan asked her aunt to take care of her daily life. Tinglan got along well with them, so life was not a problem at all.

"How can Auntie compare with her husband! Who will pour water for you at night when you are thirsty? Who will cover you when it is cold?"

Tinglan couldn't hold back: "I'm just pregnant, not disabled! Should you go see a psychiatrist to ease your mood, because you're really nervous, and you're just pregnant now."

Zhuo Yu'an: "It is just the pregnancy that needs special attention. The doctor said that the first three months are the most dangerous."

"After three months, will you be able to return to Senzhou?"

"talk later."

Of course, after three months, Zhuo Yuan was even more reluctant to return to Senzhou, not only to take care of her, but to endure it for three months, and finally be able to do certain things.

Listen to Lan...!

Under his influence, Tinglan found himself degenerate and became very dependent on him.

In addition to taking a walk in the yard in the morning and evening, she is either lying on the chair in the living room or lying on the bed, and she may call her husband a hundred times a day.

Husband, pour me a glass of water!

Husband, help me get some fruit!

Husband, where is my blanket?

Husband, where is my book?

Sometimes she didn't need to speak, with just one look, Zhuo Yuan knew what she wanted to do, acted immediately, and never tired of it.

In fact, he doesn't really wait all day. He works most of the time during the day. He just keeps an eye on her movements while working.

I don't know if it was because of her pregnancy with twins, or because she was completely dependent on Zhuo Yu'an and felt relaxed. She was particularly lethargic. She slept for a long time during the day and slept well at night.

It is obvious that the belly is gradually bulging, but beautiful people have a unique advantage. Except for the change in the belly, there is no change in other places.

Zhuo Yu'an was very worried: "How can I not get fat?"

He had consulted a nutrition expert and made three meals for her personally.

"It means that the babies absorb it well." Ting Lan Hui.

"That won't work. Babies can't just take care of themselves and don't leave some nutrition for their mother." He said, touching her belly, as if warning: "You have to be nice to your mother."

The wife always comes first.

In the latter stages of pregnancy, Tinglan's belly was getting bigger and bigger, and Zhuo Yuan was even a soldier, wishing to walk with her at all times. The twins' late pregnancy was really hard. Tinglan went from being drowsy to being unable to sleep at all in the later period. She often felt chest tightness and couldn't breathe when she lay down.

She went to sit on the sofa in the middle of the night, and Zhuo Yu'an also got up and sat on the sofa with her, hugging her and comforting her, feeling extremely distressed.

Tinglan could sleep better by leaning on his arms, so he kept his posture and let her sleep against her.

Sometimes he couldn't fall asleep even leaning on it, he would chat with her softly to soothe her anxiety, talk about the past, talk about the future, and talk about everything

"Tinglan, do you know when my first kiss was?"

Ting Lan shook her head.

"I kissed you secretly at KTV that night when I graduated from high school."

"Did you really kiss me? I thought it was a dream!"

Zhuo Yuan was helpless, lowered his head and kissed her again: "Fortunately, none of us got lost."

In the late pregnancy, Zhuo Yu'an could only kiss lightly every time, and he was a little emotional tonight, so he couldn't help deepening the kiss.

"Husband..." Tinglan pushed him away.


"I think I'm about to give birth..."

A sentence was like a thunderbolt, and Zhuo Yu stood up in a hurry, rehearsing the situation in his mind hundreds of times, but when he faced it in reality, his mind was only blank.

Still listen to Lan calmly

: "Relax, it seems that the amniotic fluid has broken. I'll call an ambulance now, you should contact the doctor, and tell my aunt to take the delivery kit and go to the hospital together."

Zhuo Yu'an's mind was dumb. He did what Tinglan said. He didn't recover until the hospital, when Tinglan was pushed into the operating room, he wanted to follow him in, and was stopped by the doctor.

Because they were twins and the fetal position was not correct, Tinglan had a caesarean section. She insisted that Zhuo Yuan would not be allowed to accompany the delivery in the delivery room, for fear that he would be too nervous and affect the doctor.

So he is now sitting outside the operating room waiting, staring at the door of the operating room of the delivery room, shaking uncontrollably. The three aunts in the family were always afraid of him, but now they are even more afraid of him, and they dare not comfort them sitting side by side.

It wasn't until there were a few clear and loud baby cries in the operating room that he stood up abruptly and approached the operating room, hoping to be closer to her, regretting not going in to accompany her at her suggestion.

In fact, the doctor came out and told him that it was a twin, but he didn't pay attention to the babies at that time, and only asked: "Is mom okay?"

"Very good, I will return to the ward after two hours of observation."

His heart, which seemed to be tugged fiercely, slowly fell back.

Seeing Tinglan and the babies coming out of the delivery room, he didn't bother to take a look at the babies first. The first thing he did was walk to Tinglan, look at her, and kiss her.

Tinglan didn't want to cry at all, but when she saw his red eyes, her tears kept streaming down, her mouth was dry, and she reluctantly said, "I'm fine."

After settling well with Tinglan, Zhuo Yuan was in the mood to see the two babies.

It's very strange, just after birth, the skin is pink and tender, and there is no wrinkle of a newborn at all, and looking at him with open eyes, his heart melted.

The nurse next to her boasted: "The babies are so beautiful, they look like their father and their mother."

"Have you decided the names of the babies?"

"The big names Zhuo Shunian and Zhuo Shuhe."

Year after year, we will be with each other, and we will love each other day and night!

Author's words: The names of the children come from the one with the most likes on Weibo, thank you!

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