Today Should Be Preferred

Vol 2 Chapter 31: : bells and whistles

At any time, she has a kind of innocent and romantic worry-free, and can shine on the people around her. Even Gu Ruandong thinks that she is so good, no matter what kind of blood and blood he faces outside, but when he comes to her, he can Calm and calm, let him feel at home.

She concealed it very well, so no one could see her anxiety, she didn't see her sleepless night last night, listening to the wind and grass outside the villa, waiting for him to come back.

She is not an ignorant fool, she just wants to play her role well and make him feel as at ease as possible.

Gu Ruandong specially rushed home to see her. After eating breakfast with her, he was going to go out again. Lu Yaoyao took him all the way to stand by his car. He hugged her and kissed her, then opened the door and got into the car. Standing still, he rolled down the car window, raised his head slightly and asked her with a smile, "What's wrong?"

Lu Yaoyao shook his head and said it was all right, then took two steps back, indicating that the driver can drive.

"Come back early in the evening."


She watched his car leave, and he passed by her eyes like an old image in the car window.

She walked back into the room and just separated, she already missed him.

Cuiping was packing up the clothes he just changed, and muttered, "Is Young Master Gu ill? Why does the clothes smell like a hospital?"

Lu Yaoyao took it over and smelled it. It did smell like hospital disinfectant. She frowned and was about to hand it to Cuiping when she found hard lumps on the cuff of his clothes, but his clothes were black and he couldn't see what it was. So she took it and rinsed it in the water, and the white sink was stained with a layer of light red, which was blood.

Her heart sank and her hands trembled. Seeing Cuiping sticking out her head to ask what was wrong, she hurriedly increased the amount of water, washed away all the blood, and handed the clothes to Cuiping: "Take it to the laundry room."

She was confused and didn't hear who made the call last night, but only his friends dared to call him in the middle of the night.

Where did the blood on the clothes come from? Injured, or fighting?

She couldn't keep her calm or hide her worries any longer, so she called him directly and answered the phone as soon as it rang.

"Gu Ruandong, you..."

"Yaoyao, I have something to do right now, I'll get back to you later."

The voices of the two rang at the same time, and before Lu Yaoyao asked, Gu Ruandong hung up.

Lu Yaoyao looked at the display screen of the phone that had been hung up, and was stunned for a while, and then immediately called the work phone that was placed in Xiao Cai's place.

Xiao Cai also answered quickly, but after hearing what she was asking about what Master Gu was busy with, she replied:

"Young Master Gu hasn't come to work today."

Xiao Cai told the truth. Recently, Young Master Gu was often absent from the company, and he was not allowed to follow him. He did not dare to ask more questions.

"Then what has he been up to lately?"

"I'm not very clear about this." He is only responsible for the internal work of the group, and there is no need to report the whereabouts of other bosses to him. He really does not know.

Lu Yaoyao was furious: "You are his secretary, you don't know anything, what are you doing as a secretary!" After that, he hung up the phone.

She now regrets the group of friends who didn't get to know him well before. At that time, she felt that he didn't need to be hard to integrate into his former circle. Until now, like a headless fly with no clue, she suddenly understood that they were husband and wife and married him. , is to marry him everything, they are one.

Thinking like this, she asked the driver to take her to the Baoli Club, which was the only place she could find him besides the company.

During the day, the clubhouse was very quiet and no one was there, only scattered guests in the tea-drinking area were chatting while drinking tea.

The waiters in the Baoli Club knew her. Seeing that she was looking bad and walked to Gu Ruandong's exclusive private room, they hurried over and said, "Mrs. Gu, Young Master Gu didn't come today."

When Mrs. Gu succeeded in stopping her, her mind suddenly became clear, what was she doing? It was just a little blood on the cuffs of his clothes, but he said that he would call her back when he was busy, and she was in a mess.

"I'm not looking for him, I'll have tea." She pointed to the tea room not far away.

When she was walking to the tea room, the phone rang, and when she saw the words "brother" on the screen, her nose suddenly became sore. She felt both grievance and peace of mind. She found that if something really happened, she wanted He is nowhere to be found, her world and his world have no intersection.

She answered the phone, and for the first time was silent without speaking.

"Yaoyao?" Gu Ruandong's voice came. At first he heard nothing strange, gentle and affectionate, but Lu Yaoyao could hear a trace of impatience that was not hidden in his final voice.

The sourness that I held back just now came out again, so I chose to continue not to speak.

"Yaoyao, I'm sorry, I was busy just now, are you looking for me?" As he spoke, he could still hear a lighter in his hand, clicking and clicking.

Lu Yaoyao can almost imagine what he looks like now, holding a mobile phone in one hand and a lighter in the other. If there is a wall behind him, he must be leaning against the wall.

"What are you doing?" She finally asked. She cared about him, not to quarrel with him, so she swallowed all her grievances.

There was silence on the phone for a while before a voice came: "Dajin is injured and was in surgery just now."

The operation went well at first, but just now there was internal bleeding and blood pressure dropped. When she called, it was when the doctor asked him to sign the critical illness notice, so she hung up the phone directly, and then received news from Xiao Cai that she Looking for him, and the person in charge of the club said that she came to the club to find him, so when he returned the call, he did have a bad tone, but he tried his best to hide it.

Of course, his impatience wasn't directed at her, it was just that things were rushing together, and he was impatient.

Lu Yaoyao's intelligence has always been hidden. He is reluctant to pay attention to people who don't care, but he is more sensitive to those who care about him than anyone else. He was hurt by the impatience he inadvertently revealed. speak to her in a tone of voice.

"Which hospital are you in, I'll go."

"Don't come here." He stopped immediately, with a stern tone. This time, the sternness was only aimed at her, because he didn't want to involve her.

Xu Shi's tone was too severe, and Lu Yaoyao couldn't help crying from the grievance just now: "Gu Ruandong, I found that as long as you don't want to, I have nowhere to find you."

Her world is simple and safe, like living in a sun room full of flowers, where she lives very safely, but today she found out that it was wrong, because she couldn't get out at the same time as she was safe.

Only he can go in and out at will. He looks one way when he enters this sun room, and another way when he leaves this sun room, and she doesn't even see a trace.

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