Today Should Be Preferred

Vol 2 Chapter 43: : Lujia

She has a great temper. As soon as Gu Ruandong left, she packed her luggage and went back to Beijing. Since she wanted to send her out, she would not bother him. Returning to Beijing was her real refuge.

She once said that he could accompany him to face the wind and rain together. He didn't want it, and she didn't force it, and the most concerned thing at the moment was the Lu family's affairs.

When the plane landed, there were not many people at the airport in the early morning. She was dressed plainly, wearing a mask and hat, and hurried out. She felt that someone was following her. No matter how fast or slow she walked, the other party's footsteps could follow her steadily.

Being a star, I was used to being photographed, but this time back to Beijing was a private itinerary that needed to be kept secret, so she stopped to interrupt the other person's follow-up, turned around and raised her eyes, and saw a familiar face, it was Song Jingye , Although wearing casual clothes, it is difficult to hide a righteousness.

He naturally took the suitcase in her hand and explained, "I'm in the economy class and I just saw you."

It was indeed a coincidence that when I returned to Beijing on a temporary basis, I was able to have the same flight late at night.

When Lu Yaoyao saw him, it was similar to seeing Lu Kuo, so he was relieved and didn't think much about it at all. She ran back to Beijing on her own, so there was no one to pick her up at the airport.

It happened that someone from Song Jingye sent a car to pick him up, "Send you back."

"Okay, trouble."

It was a rough-looking off-road vehicle. She didn't pay attention to the car anymore, and knew that it was in the army. She had seen a lot in the yard of her grandfather's unit since she was a child. The car is stable and the vision is good, but the chassis is too high to get on the car. She is not short, but she has to be big enough to get on, making her look like a short leg.

Song Jingye asked behind her, "Want to help you?" There was a slight smile in his voice.

"No, I'll get in by myself." It's a bit like climbing up the back seat, and the image is ruined.

Song Jingye came in at the back, very relaxed, and got into the car with his long legs.

The streets in the middle of the night were unobstructed, and soon after arriving at Lu's house, Song Jingye got out of the car and took down her luggage: "Go in."


The Lu family courtyard was surprisingly quiet. Even the night lights in the courtyard were not turned on.

She didn't think much about it. After all, it was hard to disturb others late at night, so she went straight back to her room. Until she woke up the next morning, the house was still quiet, which was a bit abnormal. Also getting busy.

She got up and looked around before she saw the cleaning aunt in the backyard nanny room.

"Yaoyao, when did you come back?" Auntie was startled.

"Where's my grandpa? What about the rest of the family?"

The aunt hesitated for a while before saying truthfully: "Grandpa is sick and hospitalized."

Yaoyao's heart was hanging in her throat, she hurriedly called Lu Kuo, this time someone finally answered.

Lu Kuo didn't plan to tell her grandpa's hospitalization. She wanted to be vague, but Lu Yaoyao cried: "Which hospital is grandpa in?"

Seeing that Lu Kuo couldn't hide it, he had to say, "I'll send a car to pick you up."

The old man will soon be 80 years old. No matter how tough his body is, there will always be some minor disasters and illnesses, which is normal. This is what Lu Kuo comforted her on the phone.

Lu Yaoyao didn't believe a word, and was so panicked that she cried all the way to the hospital, but she saw Song Jingye also standing outside the ward with Lu Kuo.

Seeing her, Lu Kuo was a little disgusted as always, "Wipe away your tears before going in."

Lu Yaoyao's brain was a little blank, and he just wanted to see his grandfather right away, so he obediently did it, smeared his face with his sleeve, and looked at Lu Kuo like a child, "Is it alright?"

Her eyes and nose were all red, and Song Jingye silently handed her a tissue next to her, motioning her to wipe it again.

Only then did Lu Kuo bring her into the ward.

The old man had a cerebral hemorrhage. Fortunately, the amount of bleeding was not large and the treatment was timely. There was no major problem, but Lu Yaoyao saw his usual tough and dignified grandfather lying weakly on the hospital bed. Holding his grandfather's hand by the hospital bed, weeping.

It was the feeling that the most stable tree in my heart collapsed.

The old man has been hospitalized for several days, and there is no danger anymore, but he can't speak very well, and his movements are not easy. That's why they kept her from hiding and banned her from returning to Beijing. The old man was hospitalized with a cerebral hemorrhage, which was kept secret and did not disclose it. Song Jingye was called because of an order.

After Lu Yaoyao repeatedly confirmed that his grandfather was okay, he finally let go of his heart and sat outside the ward side by side with Lu Kuo.

Both brothers and sisters felt a little lonely and helpless at this time. They used to live as they wished and were carefree because they knew that there was a grandfather behind them and the Lu family to support them. Now these are all collapsed and they need to face it themselves.

From the Lu family to their generation, one generation is not as good as one generation.

Lu Yaoyao realized later: "Where's my uncle?"

Lu Kuo: "I'm busy at work."

Said to be busy in the unit, in fact, is controlled by the unit, temporarily unable to move freely.

What really happened to the Lu family this time was his father, Lu Shaochen. His father worked in a certain economic department. Zhuo Hong had to investigate the reported and Tingjing Financial project problems, but due to Lu Shaochen's identity and influence, he only controlled the situation. Investigation in the unit, did not take away, so as not to cause unnecessary suspicion.

This time, the old man helped Gu Ruandong, but his reputation was damaged, and nothing could be found. However, the involvement of Lu Shaochen and Tingjing Finance was the biggest crisis for the Lu family.

When the city of Senzhou was vigorously developed, many plans and constructions were approved by Lu Shaochen, while Tingjing Finance was developed in Senzhou at the same time, because it could get first-hand information and invest more. A project can make a steady profit without losing money, and there are some special approved investments in the heavy metal industry, so there are too many things to check.

Lu Shaochen is the most low-key and prudent person in the Lu family. His freedom was restricted, and the old man was in a hurry to attack the heart and brain hemorrhage.

Lu Kuo took care of all these changes at home, and even Zhuo Yuan didn't tell him, let alone Lu Yaoyao, as if he really matured overnight.

Lu Yaoyao is not stupid. She stayed with her grandfather for a day in the hospital. Her father Lu Shaoxing didn't show up, and even her uncle Lu Shaochen didn't show up for a day. truth.

He comforted him: "It's not a big deal. My dad is a conservative and timid man. He can't make a big mistake. He will be released after a few days of investigation."

Seeing Lu Yaoyao's ashamed expression next to him, he continued: "Don't blame Gu Ruandong. Originally, our Lu family was a big crowd, so we have to come here sooner or later."

In the past, the old man was too unselfish and offended many people. Now that he is old and retired, his power has declined, and it will be a matter of time before he wants to clean up their family, but this time, Gu Ruandong's matter just gave these people a ladder.

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