Today Should Be Preferred

Vol 2 Chapter 46: : Lead the snake out of the hole

"Yaoyao, let me see you." His voice was gentle, coaxing her, but also humble.

He misses her very much and wants to hug her very much.

But Lu Yaoyao insisted not to flip the camera, show him, or speak, so he was silent.

He smiled helplessly, and didn't force her, "The lawsuit is won."

He briefly mentioned it, because it doesn't matter whether the case is won or lost, and it won't make any difference to the current situation.

But Lu Yaoyao was relieved, at least it proved that he did not lie to her and grandpa.

The two held their phones and didn't speak anymore, but neither of them planned to hang up, so they were silent.

Lu Yaoyao didn't know what happened to him recently, because there was no clue from his appearance. In front of her, he always looked like the mountain that had collapsed in front of her without changing his color. The occasional vulnerability was also in the dead of night. Hold her from behind and don't show her.

Thinking of this, Lu Yaoyao silently turned the camera over to face him. She is really ugly recently. She doesn't take good care of her skin in the hospital every day, and she doesn't wear makeup. Her skin is not as supple as before, and her eyes are not as bright as before.

But where would Gu Ruandong notice this? Looking at her in the camera, she was full of love and misses.

"Yaoyao, I miss you very much." He said in a low voice, with a deep love in his eyes, wishing to fly over now.

Lu Yaoyao's heart was pounding, and she quickly hung up the video, hating her useless appearance. A simple sentence made her emotionally shattered, and she missed him so much!

Standing by the window, he was a little uneasy. After less than a minute, he sent another WeChat message, which was a photo of her and Song Jingye at the airport.

"I stopped the photo, be careful next time."

Gu Ruandong is also a typical black-bellied man. There is no emotion in this sentence, nor does he express any opinion on her relationship with Song Jingye, but he just states the facts calmly.

Lu Yaoyao's first reaction when she saw the photo was to explain it. It was a coincidence that she had nothing to do with Song Jingye and understood her thoroughly.

Lu Yaoyao had already typed a paragraph to explain, but at the moment of sending it, he suddenly stopped and deleted it all.

I didn't explain it to him. When he was confused with other women, he didn't explain it well.

So she simply replied: OK!

Gu Ruandong couldn't help but smile when he saw it. This girl is really not as simple as before, she has learned to go around in circles with him.

"Yaoyao, you are a public figure, and there are many people who secretly film you every day, so be careful. Song Jingye's identity is more sensitive and it is not appropriate to show his face."

It's very high-sounding, but in fact, I'm terrified in my heart.

In fact, he certainly believed that Yaoyao had no other thoughts about Song Jingye, but Song Jingye betrayed him with one look and one action, but he didn't do anything out of the ordinary, so he couldn't say anything.

When Lu Yaoyao saw the photo, he knew it, but he deliberately wanted to anger him: he is my brother, and it's okay to be photographed.

Ignore him after sending it.

After a long time, I received a message from him: "I will solve the matter here as soon as possible and take you home."

She was in Beijing, and he was not at ease. The old man was sick and admitted to the hospital, Lu Shaochen was grounded for examination, and Lu Shaoxing was busy dealing with Tingjing Finance, so she could not get much protection. But if she was asked to go out for a while according to his plan, she would not agree, especially since the Lu family was currently in crisis.

Gu Ruandong asked Song Jingye to meet after the lawsuit. He was very confident and arrogant. He didn't bother to talk about Yaoyao and photos in front of Song Jingye.

After the shock for a while, he knew that Song Jingye's investigation of Wang Binghai was shocking, but he just tore open a small opening. What he really wanted to check was the protective umbrella behind Wang Binghai.

And Wang Binghai is still holding on, and he has not provided his umbrella, so Song Jingye has been spent in Senzhou.

Gu Ruandong said: "It's too calm and not chaotic enough now, why don't I give you a piece of firewood to make the fire more vigorous."

Song Jingye understood what he meant. Only by disrupting the current stalemate, will all kinds of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods be exposed. There are some things that his identity is not suitable for, nor can he do, but Gu Ruandong can have no scruples.

Gu Ruandong has his own wildness in his bones, and he is best at turning the situation upside down. He sent Song Jingye a document, which contained videos of Wang Binghai's only son taking drugs, whoring, prostitutes, gathering crowds, gambling, and gambling.

Song Jingye had checked Wang Binghai's son before, and he was quite a decent person, and he had never done any of these outrageous things.

Gu Ruandong: "If you haven't done it before, it doesn't mean you won't do it."

People like Baosang and Dafang set up bureaus and shoot videos, which are all routine operations.

These small videos are just the beginning. They serve as a warning to Wang Binghai as a small gift. He thought that he was tight-lipped and that his protective umbrella could keep his family and party members safe. That was a big mistake. His protective umbrella could not even protect his son. .

Song Jingye asked, "Where is his son now?"

Gu Ruandong: "Don't worry about it."

In the sea where there is no signal, if it sounds good, it is taking him on a trip, and if it sounds bad, it is kidnapping. He didn't do anything to people. He served delicious food and drink in the sea. I'm afraid that he is now reluctant to think about Shu, but he just upset Wang Binghai's wife.

When her son disappeared, she inquired everywhere, contacted everyone she could think of, and went to the detention center to make a fuss about Wang Binghai, "Did your son take your son away? He wants to have three long and two short points, and I will not finish with you."

Wang Binghai finally loosened up and asked to see Song Jingye, "Can you ensure my son's safety?"

Song Jingye: "Of course!"

Wang Binghai: "I'll think about it." Still very cautious.

If it was his umbrella that took control of his son, it was clear that he would take his son as a hostage. If he acts rashly, he may put his son in a more dangerous situation.

Song Jingye didn't force him: "Think about it yourself, you are just a **** they can throw away at any time. The only thing you can do is trust us and cooperate with the investigation. Only then can we find your son as soon as possible."

That's it, that's enough. Whether Wang Binghai cooperates or not is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that his protective umbrella thinks that his cooperation is enough.

This trick is to lead the snake out of the hole, waiting for his protective umbrella to be unable to hold back, and take the initiative to show his feet.

The original deadlock finally had a breakthrough.

Gu Ruandong was calm and composed, and sent Song Jingye information every three to five, all of which were information about Wang Binghai's henchmen. He set up a situation in the front, Song Jingye cooperated in the back, and the two had an inexplicable tacit understanding.

Can there be no tacit agreement? Even the eyes and tastes of women are the same.

Gu Ruandong didn't want this kind of tacit understanding.

Author's Note: We don't know if Dongge is jealous or not.

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