Ruan Ruan’s pregnancy reaction is serious, especially every morning, she has to hold the toilet for a long time and vomit for a long time. It is a little better until her mouth is full of jaundice. She feels dizzy every day. God, but her personality is too embarrassing to bother other teachers to help her in class, so she thought she'd hold on for a few more weeks. Anyway, she was alone at home.

I just walked out of the school gate after class today. I didn't see the driver. I was about to make a phone call when I suddenly saw Lu Kuo getting out of the car and striding towards her. It was still like that. As soon as he appeared, the surrounding area would automatically stain a little. Sunshine, no matter how gloomy the heart will be dispelled.

Ruan Ruan looked at him, her eyes turned red, but there was a smile on her face: "Why are you back?"

"Come back and see you."

Lu Kuo hugged her, looked up and down again, frowning: "Why did you lose so much weight?"

I couldn't see it in the video before, and even my face was pale, and it didn't look like a pregnant woman at all.

"The reaction during pregnancy is normal, nothing." Ruan Ruan said that she felt a little nauseous, but it was not strong, so she held back.

Lu Kuo took her shoulders: "Go home."

He came directly from the airport. Seeing her like this, he was even more worried, "Why do you still feel a little yellow and skinny? Go back and change to an aunt and a nutritionist."

"You are too nervous, this is normal, and the doctor has said that it will be fine at this stage."

Lu Kuocai didn't believe what she said, she always reported good news instead of bad news, and now she can't wait to take her to the hospital for another check.

"If you don't believe me, ask Tinglan. She accompanied me to the last obstetric check-up."

Tinglan would come over to chat with her every night after get off work, or accompany her to go home after dinner. Living in the same community can take care of each other, which is why Lu Kuo doesn't let her live in school.

Knowing that he was back, Zhuo Yu'an and his wife came to see him at night. Tinglan and Ruan Ruan were chatting while Zhuo Yuan and Lu Kuo were drinking at the bar.

Needless to say, Zhuo Yu'an understands the situation of the Lu family. Lu Kuo's father, Lu Shaochen, took advantage of his position to give Tingjing Finance the green light to invest in several major projects. The first pot of gold and foundation. But Lu Shaochen is low-key and cautious. After so many years, the only "stain" is Tingjing Finance.

The reason he was held on this time was because he was in the midst of a change of office, and he was a strong contender for the highest position in the ministry, so it was not so much a personal issue as it was a matter of two factions fighting each other.

Zhuo Hong places more importance on his career than anyone else. He is willing to help Lu Shaochen. After all, the Lu family and the Zhuo family are allies. If the Lu family goes down, the Zhuo family will naturally be affected.

So this time on Lu Shaochen's issue, it was public and private. He worked very hard to run around in all directions. In the end, he could only keep Lu Shaochen from entering, but his position could not be preserved.

Like Zhuo Yu'an, Lu Kuo was born free from childhood and was not interested in careers.

"Just when the old man retire early, sooner or later, someone will take the tea to cool the day."

He said lightly, but he actually knew in his heart that his father was not in the court, and Tingjing Finance was also hit hard. The old man was 80 years old and fell ill again. The Lu family really fell. He used to have a good life It's really gone.

When clinking glasses with Zhuo Yu'an, he suddenly said shamelessly, "I really have to rely on you to support me in the future."

Just a sigh of relief, a joke.

In the end, I didn't expect that this time, Zhuo Yuan's disgust on his face turned into disgust, but he answered seriously, "Yes."

Lu Kuo was instantly moved and wanted to cry. In the past, he would have let Zhuo Yuan take care of him, but now that he has a wife and children, it's like asking Zhuo Yuan to take care of his wife and children for him, so he still has to improve himself, where did he fall? It got up from nowhere, and there is always a way to listen to Whale Financial's sway.

Zhuo Yu'an was afraid of his sensationalism, so after drinking the glass of wine in his hand, he stood up and called to the living room, "Tinglan, go home."

While calling her, he has helped her get her coat and bag, as always thoughtful and considerate.

In the matter of pregnancy, Tinglan had come here, so she asked Ruan Ruan a few words before taking Zhuo Yuan's arm and leaving.

Zhuo Yuan drank a little bit of wine, and then looked at Tinglan's gentle expression when talking to Ruan Ruan, she was a little over the top and couldn't help kissing her in the elevator.

I don't know if it was because of drinking, or if he really thought about this issue, he suddenly said something in her ear: "Tinglan, let's have another child."

Some envied Lu Kuo, who could participate in the whole pregnancy and look forward to the arrival of a life together.

"Don't." Tinglan refused without thinking. Don't be too greedy, it's good to have a little regret in life.

After they left, Ruan Ruan was also a little tired. She went to bed after taking a shower. It was very strange. She vomited every day before, but when Lu Kuo came back, she suddenly didn't want to vomit.

Lu Kuo was complacent: "Because I'm your medicine."

Nguyen Nguyen....

"You come back, is Yaoyao traveling in Beijing alone?"

"It's fine for a few days, there are aunts and nurses at home." Lu Kuo gently stroked her belly, just like before, it was soft and flat, it was amazing, is there really a life inside?

Ruan Ruan leaned in his arms and felt at ease: "You don't have to come back to accompany me on purpose, you are busy with yours, and I will take care of myself."

I know that he is giggling and seems to be fearless on the surface, but he is also a human being. When such a big event occurs in his family, he will panic and feel helpless, but he is just used to covering up his negative emotions.

They are husband and wife, she can't help him in career, but she hopes to give him a safe and dockable harbor psychologically.

When Lu Kuo returned to Senzhou this time, the first and foremost thing was of course to see her and accompany her. The second is to go back to the company and see what the current situation is. In the past, he joked that he just wanted to be a rich second-generation who was eating and waiting to die. That was because the older generation supported him in front of him. Now no one can support him, and he can only rely on himself.

Lu Yaoyao was alone in Beijing. He was so tired that he was a little flustered. Uncle is also at home, but because his career has been hit hard, he has nothing to do again, and he is very depressed. He does not show up in his house most of the time. The nanny can't call him, so she has to call. In this family, she is not particularly close to her uncle, so it's a little embarrassing to see him with a straight face every day.

Grandpa is doing rehabilitation training, but no matter how hard she trains, it is impossible to restore her strength to her previous strength. Every time she sees his hands and feet crooked, she has to hide and cry for a while, feeling sad and distressed, especially powerless.

After crying and wiping away her tears, she still greets everyone with a smile.

The old man can walk a few steps without being supported, and she applauds from the side: Grandpa is great.

The old man's limbs were a little more coordinated than usual, and she cheered from the side: How did grandpa improve so fast.

A chapter

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