Today Should Be Preferred

Vol 2 Chapter 108:

Mr. Zhang was enlightened and knew what to do. As long as someone finds someone to repeatedly broadcast the accident projects that Zhao Tingxing's company is responsible for, Director Huang has to avoid it.

Gu Ruandong temporarily left him to deal with it. Before he came forward, with his understanding of Zhao Tingxing, he would definitely not take these little tricks in his eyes.

This mining company in the southwest is the road he paved for Tingjing Finance, so he needs to be extra cautious.

It was also at this time and another. If it was placed before the Lu family's accident, whether this mining company or these high-speed construction projects, it would be a matter of one sentence, and it would be impossible for Director Huang of County A to talk to him.

But now, the Lu family has just calmed down from the cusp of the storm, and he needs to act more cautiously to avoid making people talk about it, so he has to think about it before deciding whether to use it.

Mr. Zhang really found the media and made a collection of the accident projects of Zhao Tingxing's company. It was hyped on the Internet. It can't be said that it was completely useless. Many media went to Zhao Tingxing's company to interview him.

Zhao Tingxing, who can do such a big business at a young age, must be shrewd. No matter how illegal and chaotic things are done by his company, he can't be found on his head, and his superficial skills are beautiful, so he doesn't need to be high-profile charity every year. Having said that, because it is a large local taxpayer, it has also mixed various representatives to do it, and has some say.

When the media went to the company for an interview, he had a livid face in the office, and scolded the people in the secretarial office and the public relations department so that they could not find the south, east, north, and west. If this trivial matter could not be solved, he would bother him to come forward in person. . But after scolding, as soon as the office door opened, he laughed again, and he had to arrange it in person to invite these friends from the media to dinner, and everyone to send a beautiful gift of great value.

In these years, he didn't even hit the smiling face when he reached out his hand, and there were gifts to take, so the media had a very good impression of him.

Seeing that the atmosphere was peaceful, Zhao Tingxing began to complain: "There are many companies under the Zhao Group, and I repeatedly stress that no matter which project, quality and safety must be the first priority, and the group spends high prices every year to train grass-roots employees on safety knowledge. But for such a large group company, it is inevitable to encounter a situation where a mouse feces ruins a pot of porridge. Even so, we will not tolerate it. You can check it out. We have disbanded the subsidiary company in the first time and assumed the responsibility. responsibility for all subsequent repairs.”

"It is obvious to all that the bridge across the river is now a local benchmark building and a city card."

Baosang, who was sitting below, thought ironically, Zhao Tingxing's brainwashing ability was first-rate, and through his impassioned speeches, he turned the media's attention to the project of the bridge across the river, so that those still unfinished projects automatically weakened in the mind.

The wicked are instantly transformed into good people with a sense of social responsibility.

Leaving the media's attention, Zhao Tingxing changed his face faster than anyone else. His expression was cold and terrifying. He squeezed Baosang's chin, almost crushing her chin, but he had a ghostly smile in his eyes. Meaning: "Go, go to Senzhou, you will meet your old lover."

In the past two years, Gu Ruandong changed his ways and did not fight with him. No opponent suddenly felt boring, and there was a feeling of being in a high place. This time, although only one soldier, Xiaofu, was sent to deal with him, his aggressive gene and bloodthirsty impulse to defeat a strong enemy made him full of fighting spirit and happiness.

When Baosang heard the words "old lover", she thought it was quite interesting. She wondered how Zhao Tingxing had such a misunderstanding, thinking that she had had a relationship with Gu Ruandong. She didn't seem to feel the severe pain in her chin, and said coolly: "go."

I look forward to seeing that Gu Ruandong, who is now addicted to Wenrou Township, still has an unprecedented wolf nature.


Lu Yaoyao has been quite busy recently. She happened to be invited to participate in a fashion show held by a well-known magazine. She went there happily, but she didn't expect to meet Bao Sang, whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

She didn't have a deep impression of Baosang, she only remembered that she was a bit of a heroic girl. Looking at it now, the heroic spirit between her brows is still there, but it is more sharp. Next to her sat a man in a suit and leather shoes, with a strong aura, even if he just looked at the profile, there was a look of rebelliousness and coldness, which matched her somewhat.

Lu Yaoyao was about to turn his head, but the man suddenly turned his head slightly, looking at her, when he saw her with a gloomy expression just now, he suddenly raised a smile, his eyes fixed on her, but his lips touched her. In Baosang's ear, for some unknown reason, Baosang turned to look at her.

Across the crowd, the lights of the fashion show glowed dimly. The man looked at her up and down without any scruples, which made Lu Yaoyao feel disgusted. She didn't want to pay attention and turned her head. Unable to bear it, he raised a **** at him and provoked him back.

She doesn't usually do such vulgar actions, but probably this man is only worthy of this action, so she did it naturally.

Lu Yaoyao saw that the man paused for a while, and the temples on his temples were probably shaking twice because of the movement of clenching his teeth, so he was probably out of anger.

Lu Yaoyao is not the character to cause trouble, he just accepts it when he sees it, and silently hides from Xu Zhao's side, isolating Baosang and the man's eyes.

This little episode was forgotten by her as the catwalk activities got better and better. After the event, she and Xu Zhao, accompanied by their respective assistants, walked to the parking lot together.

She sighed with emotion: "I should take Gu Ruandong to be influenced by fashion together, and don't wear all black every day."

Xu Zhao: "Gu Ruandong has an extraordinary taste. Although he is all black, he is specially customized, and his taste is hidden in the details."

Lu Yaoyao: "You observe very carefully."

Xu Zhao deliberately angered her: "I introduced him to his former fashion designer."

Lu Yaoyao is yin and yang strange: "Oh, no wonder it's so ugly."

As soon as the two met, they couldn't avoid bickering. Shanshan and Xu Zhao's assistants listened silently, waiting for them to get into the car.

At this time, a black car slowly passed by them, and the window on their side was rolled down. Lu Yaoyao saw the man in the show just now. He was closer than before, and he could see it more clearly. The man suddenly Looking up at her, this look made her back go cold.

She hurriedly said goodbye to Xu Zhao, and went back to her nanny car with Shanshan.

Originally, Gu Ruandong was going to pick her up, but she saw that he was very busy every day, not only himself, but also Lu Kuo, who was terribly busy every day, she couldn't bear to toss him to pick her up, anyway, the driver and Shanshan were there.

She is very forgetful, and the discomfort just now disappeared as soon as she got home. Gu Ruandong and her came home from front to back. The two of them are now pure roommates, the kind who can chat with a quilt.

When he was about to go to bed, Gu Ruandong said, "Go to bed earlier, Lu Kuo booked the flight at 8 o'clock."

Lu Yaoyao didn't know why.

Gu Ruandong knocked on her forehead: "His children's hundred days banquet, grandpa is not convenient to come, go back to Beijing to do it."

Lu Yaoyao looked stunned: "It's been three months?"

A chapter

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