Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 1: Game (complement)

After the light flickered, there was no need for time and space pulling, and Kuang San slowly opened his eyes.

This plane is called "The King of the Undead".

It's a pity that there is no such world in Mo Xiao's true spirit fragments. Even if there is no information at all, just like "A Different World from Zero", Kuang San failed to get useful information from Mo Xiao.

"Ding ~ task reminder: game."

The voice of the Shanzhai Lord God sounded, and no other missions were released, which made Kuangsan quite speechless.

The Ten Thousand Realm Origin System has not yet prompted, but Kuang San knows that he only needs to disturb the plot line of this world as much as possible.

"The King of the Undead" has a high rating in the world. With her legendary peak strength, the Shanzhai Lord God has given a "dangerous" evaluation.

But... Kuang San looked at a group of people in the small alley behind him... Ordinary people, Tier 2, Ordinary people, Ordinary people...

This is obviously a Mengxin team. Let Mengxin team go to a world where the legendary strength is judged as "dangerous"... To be honest, they can't even count as cannon fodder.

But in this world, science and technology look very advanced. Kuangsan looks out the alleys, with tall buildings and various high-tech gadgets. Of course, there are a lot of miniature cameras in public places. If it weren't provided by the Shanzhai Lord God. Temporary protection, I am afraid that the police have taken them away now.

Because it was evaluated as "dangerous," Kuangsan didn't use soul power to explore the world, and she didn't even know if she was on the earth.

But Kuangsan is not worried. Since it is the world of science and technology, she has the help of Empress Xiaohong, and can still lie down. Even if there is a fantasy battle, her soul power that can squeeze the epic gods can still do whatever she wants here.

Even if there are various set-up bonuses, she also has the upgraded Xuexia Wolf to deal with it, and Xuexia Wolf can erase the existence of the "setting" in the last black universe.

The subordinate world of the black universe is not worth mentioning.

In the alley, under the light curtain.

It was the Tier 2 professional who woke up first. He was in a trance for a while, and then he was shocked when he saw the third queen!

Tier 2 professionals have generally experienced at least one cycle of reincarnation, barely transitioning from a cute new to a senior cute new.

This kind of person has passed the stage of "I cannot help but my fate", knowing the cruelty in the main **** space, and knowing that only by holding tightly the thighs of the team can they survive.

Although the girl in the black dress in front of him was amazed by him, this senior and adorable new knows that the one who can get up before him must be a real senior! He needs to hold his thighs!

The last time he performed the mission, his team directly played GG. If it were not for his weak strength and had not become the main target of destruction of the enemy BOSS, it is estimated that he would not stand here.

This ordinary-looking young man immediately put on a flattering smile, and his waist bowed slightly to make himself look more humble.


Kuangsan glanced at him casually, "Pay attention to the main god's prompt, and others will give it to you."

"Understand, understand! Senior please rest assured!" The young man kept nodding.

Although he hadn't figured out the attitude and character of this predecessor of Samsara in just one or two sentences, it was clear that this predecessor did not abandon their freshness.

As for the other people, they were nothing but beasts in his eyes.

The young man turned around, and his flattering smile disappeared immediately. He already regarded himself as the number two person here.

"Where is this place?"

"Mommy mommy!"

"My family has a lot of money!"

"You kidnapped in broad daylight, aren't you afraid of accepting legal sanctions?"

"I'm telling you, my dad is..."


The young man licked his ear, and the huge force almost tucked the man's neck.

"Your grandpa is not very useful here!"

Facts have proved that in the absence of legal and moral constraints, force is the best way to solve the problem.

It is also a series of old-fashioned educational methods. It is estimated that the young people were also taught this way during the last reincarnation.

The screaming Mengxin were all tapped by his big ears once, and Kuangsan watched quietly without stopping.

"Senior." The young man turned around, the sullen face was closed, and the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted. Even a comedian actor's facial expression was difficult to achieve, but he easily achieved it.

"Look at this..."

The humble and flattering smile of the youth made those cute new people awake. It turned out that... the girl who was so beautiful that she was so beautiful was the leader of this place.

"Has the Lord God solved the identity problem for you?"

The youth's face was stiff, "This...this is not."

"After Xiaohong, enter their identities into the system."

"Understood, Master!"

"Thank you, senior!" The young man bowed again to Kuangsan.

Kuangsan raised his eyes, "What level is the Lord God's assessment of your world risk?"

The young man did not speak, and directly visualized his screen, letting Kuangsan take a closer look.


Seeing Kuangsan frowned, the young man was panicked and continued to smile, "Senior... your risk assessment is definitely very low. After all, your strength, senior, can absolutely cross this world."

"Hehe~ you are quite interesting."

"Thank you senior for the compliment!"

Suddenly, a light blue projection panel appeared in front of the young man. The young man took a peek at Kuangsan, and after receiving a signal, he looked up at the panel.


The young people's exclamation made the new probes in the back, and they also had a curiosity.

"World Assessment...Dangerous?!"

The young man raised his head Senior, Lord... Lord God, the old man can't make a mistake, right? "

Kuangsan shook his head, turned and left, "I hope you don't die."

When the black dress girl stepped on the front of the light curtain, the temporary protection given by the main **** disappeared completely, and everyone was instantly exposed to this technologically advanced city.

It was just Kuang San's simple evil taste just now. Since the Lord God didn't ask for anything, she didn't want to bring a few oil bottles around.

The Empress Xiaohong is already collecting information, and it won't be long before she will get some useful information.


Unsurprisingly, this is the earth and Yingzhou.

The technology is relatively advanced, at least much more advanced than the earth in the days of Caiyue Subaru and Mo Xiao, but this kind of social development... makes Kuang San a little confused.

Government institutions exist in name only, and Yingzhou is controlled by eight major compound companies, which keep workers working overtime, every year the government cuts down on compulsory education expenditures, and collectively raise prices in conjunction with public and private schools across the country.

The working class can only send their children to technical training schools controlled by the eight major compound companies.

Learn specialized techniques and carry out ideological reforms. To put it ugly, all people in the bottom society are "beasts" raised in captivity by the top.

Use time, education, entertainment, etc. to thoroughly control the bottom personnel.

People at the bottom generally go to work at four, leave work at twenty-two, eat liquid food, and have no other spending power except games and entertainment.


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