Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 16: You just want to catch me and go to jail

"Sir, please don't hinder us from performing official duties."

Said the dark temple.

"What? You were eating, drinking, and having fun when we were beaten. When we were defending, you came to perform official duties?!" Mo Xiao shouted, "Everyone, come and take a look, how horrible this city guard is. Reasonable!"

"Hulala" In the dusty area, they were surrounded by people eating melons.

Although there is a law in the Slian State, how can people in this era understand the law? It is good for ordinary people to write their own names. If they are literate, they can also get a good job.

Where does this group of people know the Fa? They know the truth at best.

"Eh, old man, what happened here?" a young guy squeezed in, curiously asked.

"Huh! Take a look at you and see what this looks like! These city guards are almost becoming the running dogs of the nobles! I will never let my kid be a soldier in the future."

"Huh?" The young man was dumbfounded, "So uncle, what is going on here?"

The old man with a hunchback in front of him suddenly turned around and stared at the young man angrily: "You can't see by yourself with long eyes!"

"Look at that beautiful female doll." A famous aunt next to her took the words.

The young man did what he said, and when the girl with short silver hair came into view, the young man couldn't help swallowing.

"Isn't it pretty? You fell in love with someone else's girl?"

The young man blushed and was embarrassed to talk.

"Look at that girl's surplus, her **** is so good that she will be able to give birth to a few big fat boys after marrying home."

The young man couldn't keep up with the aunt's train of thought.

"Fart!" The uncle in front of him began to furious again, "Do you dare to let your son marry a girl like this? I'm afraid it's not because the noble children run to your house every day and call your son brothers and sisters!"

"I'm pooh! What do you say, such an old man?"

"I'm only telling the truth!"

The young man was completely confused, so what happened?

And the uncle standing in front of the pretty girl, is it her father?

"Ahem." A middle-aged man onlookers glanced at the young man and said, "The girl doll was taken by the nobleman and came forward to molest her. The uncle next to the girl doll called for the city guards, but the city guards helped the noble children. I want to catch the female doll."

The young man widened his eyes and gritted his teeth and said: "In this broad daylight, this kind of thing has been done! Has the interior of the religious country decayed into this appearance?"

"Shhhhhhhhhhh. Then the man couldn't stand it, and beat the city guard and the nobleman."

"All beaten?!" The young man was surprised, looking at the man in the field who was swearing at the city guard, his eyes full of worship.

"Okay! Really a man!"

Then, the middle-aged man's tone became weird, "The noble boy called his brother, his brother called his father, and his father called his father. His father didn't know what the relationship was, so what kind of team he was doing? Come here."

"So shamelessly? They look like adventurers, don't they collect money to do things?"

The middle-aged man shook his head: "I don't know about that. Now the group of people want to take away both of them on charges of beating."

"Never go with them! Once you leave the downtown area, God knows how they will treat that girl!"

"Yeah, the little girl I led the house was molested by a noble child in the street two years ago. After calling the city guard, she was instead charged with an unreasonable charge and tied directly to the noble child's house!"

"Is there any Wang Fa?!" The young man said in indignation, curiously: "What happened later?"

"Later? Later that girl was pregnant with a noble child and said that her life had improved. After that, I didn't know anymore. Anyway, there was nothing to end."

The crowd eating melons around you, you and me, impose all derogatory words on the few people in [The Dark Sacred Code].

The sacred lady at the fourth seat even covered her face with the two small wings in her ears, too embarrassed.

"I just won't go with you! With you, where can we go to reason?"

The man with the gun is about to be unable to hold the spear in his hand, try to keep himself smiling, "Just investigate, and you will be out soon."

"I'll be out soon?!" Mo Xiao's voice gradually rose: "That means he will still be in jail!"

"Not in jail."

"What's the difference between that and going to jail?"

"Really not in jail."

"When I go to jail, you will definitely embarrass Xia Yinchan and act on her. Maybe you will let that noble child humiliate Xia Yin!"

The chaotic voices around the pitch-black sacred scripture hurts his brain. Where has he experienced this kind of battle? When the ruined uncle wandering swordsman asked, he replied smoothly: "We will never embarrass the young lady, let alone let the nobleman humiliate the young lady."

The wandering swordsman on the opposite side seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, but then his complexion became ruddy again, "Then you mean, I still go to jail?!"

The pitch black scripture just wanted to explain, recalled the previous conversation in his mind, and then his body froze.

"You, you, you!" Mo Xiao pointed at the gunman, "Heart is like a snake! Avoid the heavy and light! In the end, I still want to put me in jail!"

The voice of the people eating melons around is louder, comparable to a large vegetable market, and more and more onlookers want to see how the city guards will deal with this incident.

According to the ordinary city guards, they detained people long before the incident happened, and did not give the civilians a chance to gather to watch the excitement at all. If you scare a few more words, who dares to speak?

But the "Black Sacred Code" who has been performing tasks outside all the year round doesn't understand the routines in this area at all, let alone the other party has ample reasons, they want to convince people with reason.

On the premise of persuading people with reason, it was naturally the well-behaved girl standing behind the wandering swordsman.

Since they came, the girl hasn't said a word, and has more eyes on the wandering swordsman than in other places.

And... the sight is full of admiration.

This caused countless grass and mud horses to rush past in the dark sacred scriptures.

A girl who puts all of them under a lot of pressure, she will actually like a wandering swordsman who can only curse the street and turn right and wrong.

The swordsman is very strong, but in their eyes, the swordsman is nothing but the five scumbags.

"Sir, if you continue to do this, we may take some violent actions next." The gunman walked into Mo Xiao and whispered.

"Violence?!" Mo Xiao didn't think it was too serious, and continued to shout, "You not only want to arrest me and go to jail, but you also want to beat me!"

"No, we will never beat you." The Dark Sacred Code patiently explained, before he could say the next sentence, he was interrupted by the wandering swordsman.

"You want to arrest me and go to jail again!"

"Not in jail."

"Then what do you do with that nobleman? Are we going to jail together?"


.. m.

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