Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 19: She can too

Behind the wandering swordsman.

Xia Yin, who had been staring at Mo Xiao, shook her small hand, and a "sacred blessing" was lost, and brilliance bloomed on Mo Xiao.

Kuang San again vaguely saw the words "HP+1" from the top of Mo Xiao's head.

Mo Xiao turned his head and said seriously: "This is a single challenge, don't milk me, it's unfair. Give her treatment first."

Xia Yin's face was slightly stiff, but he still obeyed Mo Xiao's words, changed hands and lost another "sacred blessing".

The flesh and blood pierced by the Xuexia wolf quickly healed, scarring and falling at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the snow-white skin was looming in the torn clothes.

Desperately stepped back a few steps, touched his chest, and it didn't hurt anymore. The artifact in the original body is still missing, she is still that "ordinary" half-elf.

Intentionally or unintentionally, he glanced at Xia Yin, and the desperate person who lost his abilities, artifacts, and magic could only rely on the ** to attack.

Even so, it is more than several times stronger than the captain of [The Dark Sacred Code].

"Papa, papa--"

The sound of the fist wind breaking through the sound barrier kept reverberating, and even the clothes that had been wiped off by Xuexia Wolf on the body of Xie Xing Fu had flames caused by the high temperature generated by the high-speed friction, which burned all the fabrics on the upper and lower wrists.

Mo Xiao kept standing there without moving, but the lawns in the surrounding suburbs were all suffering. He was extremely strong, stronger than all the creatures that Kuang San had seen in another world.

If she was given enough equipment to challenge the powerhouse with the world's upper limit of 100, it would not be impossible.

But...the desperately facing Mo Xiao, who logged in to the GM account, is the biggest hang-up in "The Game of Another World", none of them. Theoretically speaking, Mo Xiao is invincible in this world, unless Kuangsan forcefully breaks through the seal imposed on her by the Mo Hei universe, otherwise even Kuangsan will not be able to beat the wall.

If there is a "World Tree" player here, they will definitely be stunned. The tattered little wallet on the wandering swordsman has been attacked so many times and still has no damage.

If it is really in the game, the player only needs to click on the information of Mo Xiao's account to see the specific attribute panel.

HP: 99999+

With every attack of Desperate Destiny, Mo Xiao's blood can be deducted forcibly, -1-1-1 and the like, the blood red is like a fog that permeates the top of his head.

But Mo Xiao was in a static state, and the speed of automatic recovery alone was several times faster than the speed of blood deduction.

As a result, after a flare of red on the top of Mo Xiao's head, a large green light rose up, like the Hulunbuir prairie, so Xia Yin couldn't bear to look straight behind him, always wanting the battle to end soon.

Just as the eyes of Kuang San and Xia Yin were getting more and more strange, Mo Xiao also noticed the green grassland above his head, and couldn't help but stretch out his hand.


Spoiling the uncle's rough big hand, he instantly caught the desperate move in high-speed movement, and pressed it very accurately on the top of his long black and white hair.

A standard touch to kill.

He desperately wanted to punch again, but because of his height, his small fist couldn't hit Mo Xiao's tattered wallet.

The big hand on the top of the head made a strange thing, and kneaded it vigorously, so that the black and white hair color mixed together, like a bird's nest.

Desperately raising his head, the bangs pressed down in front of his forehead half covered the strange black and white eyes.

As long as you don't look at the lawn around you that is like a missile washing the ground, everything is so beautiful and full of artistic conception.

Xia Yin's is still smiling, but the smile is a little dangerous. Kuang San silently stayed away from the little angel who was sulking.

Mo Xiao lowered his head slightly, his eyes collided with desperately indifferent eyes.

The big hand rubbed it again, "good~"

The girl put down her arms and tried to lift her little head upwards.

There is no fluctuation in the tone.

"You are very strong, let me give birth to an heir."

"Yeah." Mo Xiao, who was in the stage of sublimation, continued to rub his good-feeling little head. Before he heard what the girl was saying, he nodded to himself.

"and many more!"

Mo Xiao's rough hand stroking the top of his head moved away, and Mo Xiao had an expression of seeing a ghost, "What did you just say?"

"You are very strong, please let me give birth to an heir." Suddenly, thinking that his expression was not clear enough, he added, "You and me."

Kuang San clearly saw that the expression on Xia Yinqiao's face was on the verge of collapse! He hurriedly slid to the side, for fear that the coming Shura Field would burn him.

In the field.

For the first time, the face of desperate indifference, which has remained unchanged for many years, has an expression.

The eyebrows seemed to be wrinkled, and the look in Mo Xiao's eyes remained unchanged.

"I hope you can mate with me so that I can give birth to offspring." The tone of this sentence inexplicably increased, making people feel that she is speaking seriously.

"No, no, no." Mo Xiao waved his hand. He didn't take a step back under the stormy attack, and took three or four steps back for the first time.

"You are still young, you should find someone who loves you and marry someone you love."

"I'm still young?" Desperately staring at Mo Xiao again, scanning up and down, making Mo Xiao feel uncomfortable.

"Human species, I am older than you, at least a hundred years old and up."

"Huh?" Mo Xiao scratched his head, "but you always look fourteen!"

Desperately lowered his head and glanced at himself at random, "What does this have to do? We just had a simple From the probability that I estimated, my body is of elven blood, It's quite attractive. I have heard other people say that some aristocrats like petite girls."

"No, no, I'm not that perverted. According to the criminal law of a certain country, I have to go to jail for at least three years."

"It seems that in your mind, it's a shame to spend three years in exchange for my body. I understand. This is the Slane State. You don't have to care about the laws of your country. If you want to get married, I don't object. Even if you have any special hobbies, I can still accept it."

"No, I'm just an ordinary person, where are so many inexplicable sexual addictions!" Mo Xiao was a little frustrated. When a beautiful girl talks to you about bed exercises in public, she feels like she is standing around someone who knows her. Don't mention how bad it is!

"Wait!" Mo Xiao forced himself to calm down. He had nothing to do with the Sanwu girl who was thinking abnormally.

"The purpose of your marrying me is to have a child?"

"Yes, because you are strong enough."

"But they are also strong!" Mo Xiao sold Kuang San and Xia Yin without hesitation.

Destiny glanced indifferently, "From the sensory point of view, people will choose better things, but unfortunately they are women and cannot mate with me and give birth to offspring."

Mo Xiao raised his eyebrows, smirked, and rubbed his hands wretchedly.

"Who told you that if you are a union of women, you can't have children?"


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