Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 25: Gods and demons walk everywhere (Happy Lantern Festival!)

The boring Kuangsan soaked in the National Library of the Ecclesiastical State, flipping through various books.

Today there are a lot of young people who come to the library to read books, but they are almost concentrated in one place. From the reading area by the window on the second floor, you can see the girl standing under the bookshelf.

The girl has a more elven appearance, and her charming temperament is mixed with a trace of weakness, frowning from time to time, which makes the young guys even more drunk.

If it weren't for the two knights armed to the teeth guarding the girl, the library would be overwhelmed by the terror who came to strike up a conversation.

"Here, and all the books in that area are borrowed."

Kuangsan stretched out his small hand and pointed at the area she indicated. The active eyes in the reading area all swept over the books pointed to by the girl.

"General History of Mainland China?"

"The love and hatred of the kingdom and the empire?"

"Biography of the Six Great Gods?"

"How to cook low-level monsters?"

"Why are such messy books put on a shelf?"

"Hurry up and take notes. I will borrow a few books later and study the taste of the goddess."

"You remember the left, I remember the right!"


After the knight registered the borrowed books, he walked to the courtyard of the Supreme Council of the Slian State. The small house there has become the private room of Kuangsan.

After the maid finished sorting the books, she walked out of the house respectfully.

Kuang San didn't open the book for the first time, lying on the bed, his originally agile eyes didn't have a trace of charm, as if he had been hollowed out by hundreds of monsters.

After Xiaohong took over the subsystem, he commanded the mother tree of life to create the forest elves, released various tasks, controlled the elves country, and played a different world sandbox survival and construction game. At the same time, establishing an industrial area in the elves, it seems that she really wants to launch satellites into the sky.

Kuangsan raised his head. There was an extra silver bracelet on his originally snow-white wrist. There were twelve purple crystals around the bracelet, which looked very beautiful.

Log in to the WorldTree account to check the effect of the bracelet immediately.

Name: God's Redemption (Maternal Body)

Effect: When the child sends out a distress signal, a space-time channel is generated around the mother, and it traverses to the child at the fastest speed.

Wearing level: 100

Kuangsan rolled his eyes, and then thought of World Tree's plan to be killed by Xiao Hong after sacrificing the sky.

The reason why Sekaiju shut down the server so quickly was that she had been using her GM account to make trouble, and the ghost after Xiaohong also planned to help.

Some weird props were all made by Empress Xiaohong.

Something like this "salvation of the gods" was later used by World Tree players as teleportation items.

The guild gathers, does something, or divides the members into the nine worlds. It only takes a few people to frequently use "God's Redemption" to attract guild members at an extremely fast speed.

Very tasteless stuff.

There are a total of twelve children, the shape of the ring, corresponding to the twelve purple crystals on the bracelet.

This was originally Xia Yin's thing, as to why it appeared in the hands of Kuangsan.

Kuang San sighed, pressed his legs, kicked off the little leather boots, curled up on his own, and rolled up on the bed like a black kitten.

Mo Xiao had no conscience and felt that the Church didn't need them, so he pulled Xia Yin and ran away in the name of looking for a traverser!

Said to be looking for a traverser, in fact... it is almost the same after traveling the world.

They first wandered around the church country, then they were going to the kingdom, and then to the empire...

Xia Yin also "sent" some of the bound equipment to Kuangsan, including "God's Redemption."

Kuang San had a vague premonition in his heart. According to the villain's law, the purple crystal on her bracelet would definitely light up at an untimely time.

Crazy three are extremely sure.


Khan Village, Frontier, Kingdom of Riyestije.

The soldiers of the religious state who remained in the village of Kahn were slaughtered, and there were also many corpses of soldiers from the kingdom mixed with them.

The villagers did not dare to go out, but the village chief had no choice but to bite the bullet and talk with the warrior chief Gu Geoff and others.

Fortunately, Warrior Captain Gurdjieff is an approachable person. Perhaps this is related to his status as a civilian, so that people can quickly put down their guard.

The village chief only knew that the warrior chief Gu Geoff had a few conversations with the strange-looking magic chanter, and he rushed into the enemy's trap without hesitation.

Gurdjieff knew that the other party's target was him.

But... who really is in the teaching country, who wants to heal him and die?

Gu Geoff didn't think much about it, but he greeted him with martial arts.


The monsters summoned by the magic chants in Slian's kingdom are amazingly powerful! He couldn't even beat one!

And those kingdom soldiers who wanted to break out were even more cleaned up by those high-level monsters like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves!

On the earth under the setting sun, there are stumps and arms everywhere, but the strange thing is that there is no trace of blood in the battlefield where the corpses are everywhere.

Those corpses were evaporated by the high temperature, dried up into a ball, and the blood evaporated.

Even the magic chants of the Sunshine Scriptures like Negan were dumbfounded.

What's the situation?

They thought that after changing their equipment, they would get the same new items as before, but the situation before them... completely exceeded the expectations of the members of the Sunshine Canon!

The flame archangels summoned by the props, each one has the ability to kill the kingdom warrior chief Ge Gefu alone!

And Gegefu..... The warrior captain of the kingdom, according to the information of the Shuiming Sacred Code, is about to step into the heroic domain!

However, these members of the Sunshine Scripture can summon the flame archangel with props. As long as the magic power is enough, they can summon unlimited...

With the performance of the flame archangel, they are at least above the hero domain!

Negan even wondered if something unexpected happened to the flame archangel?

At the moment, he sent another archangel, another sword!

The chief warrior of the kingdom was blown off again, and the blood was not sprayed into the air before being evaporated by the high temperature generated by the flame archangel.

When Gurdjieff had more air intake and less air, and when he was about to play GG in joy, the weirdly dressed magic chanter appeared.

And with lightning speed, sweeping away all the flame archangels summoned on the field!

And healed Ge Gefu, the chief warrior of the kingdom.

Negan was confused again.

Their newly summoned flame archangel is actually very strong, okay! Even the original flame archangel cannot be erased by the magic chanter.

Today...what the **** is going on?

Isn't it... he has been living in a world of lies?

In the distance, in the heart of the flying squirrel with a mask of jealousy wrapped tightly all over, there was still some panic in the heart.

Opposite it is obviously the miscellaneous soldiers sent by the Slien State, which can be regarded as regional elites at best. Those elites actually have the props in the world tree, and the flame archangels that are summoned at will, each of them is above LV.60.

Could it be possible that it came to a world similar to the late stage of the world tree, where the full level is not as good as a dog, and gods and demons walk everywhere?

Until flying squirrel saw the other party holding the ring high, ready to summon the monster again.

Flying squirrel is calm on the surface, but in fact it is panicked inside.


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